Title: Elisabeth Schroedter, MEP
1Civil Society Forum 3 Way Catalyst for Checking
Delivery How the new Programmes are
implemented Panel Partnerships Their Role in
Framing Strategies
Elisabeth Schroedter, MEP
Partnership in Regional Development
2Elisabeth Schroedter Partnership in Regional
The principle of partnership in the Structural
Partnership means that the responsible
administration for the programming process is
obliged to consult the local and regional
authorities, social and economic partners and
bodies representing civil society, environmental
partners, non-governmental organisations and
bodies responsible for promoting equality between
men and women on all stages in the process of
drafting the operational programme, its
implementation and evaluation. The principle is
a cornerstone of the Cohesion Policy.
3Elisabeth Schroedter Partnership in Regional
Goal of the principle of partnership in the
Structural Funds
- Visibility of EU politics on the local level
- Control mechanism to ensure quality and good
delivery - Share management and responsibility
- Guarantee sustainability of the intervention
- Strengthen democratic structures
- Strengthen civil society
4Actors within the principle of partnership
- Structural Funds Regulation 1999 - 2006
- REGULATION (EC) No 1260/1999
- Article 8
- Complementarity and partnership
- Community actions (...) shall be drawn up in
close - consultation, hereinafter referred to as the
- 'partnership', between the Commission and the
- Member State, together with the authorities and
- bodies designated by the Member State within the
- framework of its national rules and current
- practices, namely
- the regional and local authorities and other
competent public authorities, - b) the economic and social partners,
- c) any other relevant competent bodies within
this framework.
- Structural Funds Regulation 2007 - 2013
- REGULATION (EC) No 1083/2006
- Article 11
- Partnership
- The objectives of the Funds shall be pursued in
the - framework of close cooperation, (hereinafter
referred - to as partnership), between the Commission and
- each Member State. Each Member State shall
- organise, where appropriate and in accordance
with - current national rules and practices, a
partnership - with authorities and bodies such as
- the competent regional, local, urban and other
public authorities - (b) the economic and social partners
- (c) any other appropriate body representing
civil society, environmental partners,
non-governmental organisations, and bodies
responsible for promoting equality between men
and women.
5Elisabeth Schroedter Partnership in Regional
Involvement of the partners
Structural Funds Regulation 2007 -
2013REGULATION (EC) No 1083/2006 Article 11
(2) ( ...) The partnership shall cover the
preparation, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of operational programmes. Member
States shall involve, where appropriate, each of
the relevant partners, and particularly the
regions, in the different stages of programming
within the time limit set for each stage.
6Elisabeth Schroedter Partnership in Regional
The principle of partnership in practice
- Lack of information (delays, rush, unfair
process) - Disregard for contributions
- Lack of involvement in the planning process
- Lack of training and capacity building
- Lack of professional structure and financial
resources - No refund of direct costs within the process
7Elisabeth Schroedter Partnership in Regional
Consequences of the current gap between words and
- Partners can not act on equal level
- No real partnership
- No shared management
the original goal of controlling quality and good
delivery is not met
8Elisabeth Schroedter Partnership in Regional
Strengthening the principle of partnership -
Instruments of the Commission -
- Demand a full involvement of the partners from
the member states - Guidance on good partnership
- Opinions of partners have to be added to the
proposed operational programmes - Approving operational programmes on grounds of
the committed fulfilment of the principle of
partnership - Sanctions if necessary
9Elisabeth Schroedter Partnership in Regional
Strengthening the principle of partnership -
Commitments in a possible guidance I -
- Active involvement of partners in all steps of
the process (preparation, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation) - Transparency of all minutes and decision
procedures - Providing partners with all information in a
reasonable time and manner - Access to all supporting documents
- Improving the weight of the partners' opinions
- Highlighting the components of the partners in
the final text - Declaring which parts of the opinions by the
partners were rejected for which reason
10Elisabeth Schroedter Partnership in Regional
Strengthening the principle of partnership -
Commitments in a possible guidance II -
- Voting right for the partners in the
monitoring committee - Coverage of direct costs (travel costs,
copies, etc) - Training and capacity building
11Elisabeth Schroedter Partnership in Regional
Long-term effects of an active principle of
- Improvement of democratic capacity in a
- region
- Partnership structure is a central element for
an independent regional policy
12Elisabeth Schroedter Partnership in Regional
Demands of the European Parliament
- Guidance for monitoring committees
- Report by the COM to the EP on the principle of
partnership within the member states - Evaluation of the principle between partners
and COM - Meetings of the commissioner with the partners
during her official visits in the regions - Obligatory report by the member states to the
COM on the implementation of the principle - Initiative for training and capacity building