Title: Professional Development Guide for Periodic Assessments
1 Professional Development Guide for Periodic
- A Tool for Analyzing Periodic Assessment Data and
Using Results to Inform Instruction in
Collaborative Conversations
July 2007
2Module 1
The primary purpose of assessment should be to
assist both educators and policy makers to
improve instruction and advance student
learning. National Forum on Assessment
3Professional Development Feedback Form Useful
as a rubric to clarify expectations of
4Collaborative Professional Development Model
Coordinated by Central Staff and Local District
5Why periodic assessments?
- Guide and focus professional development and
instruction during any instructional unit - Identify areas for re-teaching and/ or
intervention during subsequent instructional
units - Provide ongoing opportunities for students to
become familiar with - the academic content specified by the States
Frameworks. - the format of the CST and CAHSEE.
6California Education Code 60602 (a)(1)
- The Legislature recognizes that in addition to
statewide assessments school districts will
conduct additional ongoing pupil diagnostic
assessment and provide information regarding
pupil performance based on those assessments on a
regular basis to parents or guardians and
schools. - The Legislature further recognizes that local
diagnostic assessment is a primary mechanism
through which academic strengths and weaknesses
are identified.
7Two Types of Measurement Data to Benefit Learning
- Formative Assessment FOR learning serves to
promote greater learning by collecting data on an
ongoing basis that reflects student progress to
help inform future instruction (Periodic
Assessments) - Summative Assessment OF learning serves to
audit progress by making final judgments on data
for public reporting and/or program evaluation
(CSTs, CAHSEE, etc.)
8Participation in the Periodic Assessments
- Students with disabilities who are on District
Core Curriculum or District Core Curriculum with
Accommodations must take grade-level Periodic
Assessments - Students with disabilities participating in
District Alternate Curriculum do not take the
Periodic Assessments
9Variations, Accommodations, or Modifications for
Diverse Learners
- Use of variations, accommodations, or
modifications on the Periodic Assessments will
mirror the State guidelines. Students taking the
California Alternate Performance Assessment
(CAPA) will not take the Districts Periodic
Assessments. - Matrix of Test Variations, Accommodations, and
Modifications for Administration of California
Statewide Assessments - Revised 1/07
- Must be regularly used in classroom instruction
- Variations, accommodations, modifications
- Must be identified on the Individualized
Education Program (IEP) - Accommodations, modifications
- A change in the manner in which a test is
presented or administered, or in how a test taker
is allowed to respond. - Test directions provided in primary language
- Additional breaks
- Small group
- Visual magnifying
- A variation in the testing environment or
process that does not fundamentally alter what
the exam measures - Braille transcription
- Reading or presenting on CD the mathematics
assessment - Dictating the essay response orally or manually
to a scribe, audio recorder, or speech-to-text
- A variation in the testing environment or
process that fundamentally alters what the exam
measures - Use of a calculator on the Math section
- Reading the English/Language Arts section
- Word processing software with spell and grammar
14Module 2
- Framework for Implementing Periodic Assessments
Instructional Guides are used to prepare teachers
for scope and sequence of standards prior to
each of the Periodic Assessments Map the content
(concepts/skills) being assessed Present the
content to students implementing effective
instructional strategies Record students
understanding using the Periodic
Assessments Observe students strengths and needs
using the Item Response Reports View the Answer
Choice Rationales to identify specific
misconceptions highlighted by the Item Response
Reports Engage other teachers in collaborative
conversations around students areas of need
16What work needs to be done before each Periodic
Assessment administration?
Instructional Guides are used to prepare teachers
for scope and sequence of standards prior to
each of the Periodic Assessments Map the
concepts/skills being assessed by the Periodic
Assessments Present the content to students
using effective instructional strategies
17IMPROVE Instructional Protocol for Teacher
Planning after Review of Periodic Assessments
- Record students strengths and needs using the
Periodic Assessments to capture data - Observe students strengths and needs using the
Item Response Reports - View the Answer Choice Rationales to identify
specific misconceptions highlighted by the Item
Response Reports - Engage other teachers in collaborative
conversations around students areas of need
19Administration of the Periodic Assessment
Refer to the Districts Periodic Assessment
Calendars for the appropriate assessment windows
20Centralized Scanning
- School mail is used to submit class packs of
answer sheets for scanning.
21Engage teachers in collaborative conversations to
plan professional development by using student
data from each Periodic Assessment
The Item Response Report, designed by District
teachers, is the first report available to
teachers. Any additional reports will be reviewed
by District teachers before posting on the
reporting website.
22Login Screen athttps//lausd.princetonreview.com
Use your LAUSD email login and password
23Request for Periodic Assessment School/ Local
District Access
Available from your Local District Office, the
Periodic Assessment Unit and downloadable from
the Periodic Assessment page on Inside LAUSD
24Class Selection Page
Select your class/ grade
25Assessment Selection Page
Select the Periodic Assessment results you would
like to view (A1, A2, Q1, Q2, etc.)
26Item Response Report
27Item Response Report (Hide Names)
28Module 3
29Data Analysis Protocol Worksheet
30Sample Data Analysis Protocol Worksheet
31Module 4
32Research Supporting Periodic Assessment as a Tool
to Increase Student Learning
- Chappuis, S., Stiggins, R., (2002), Classroom
Assessment for Learning, Educational Leadership
(September), pp. 40-43 - Marzano, R., (2003), What Works in Schools
Translating Research Into Action, ASCD - Symonds, K., (2003), After the Test How Schools
Are Using Data to Close the Achievement Gap, Bay
Area School Reform Collaborative, San Francisco,
CA - Stiggins, R., (2002), Assessment For Learning A
Vision for the Future, Education Week (March
13), pp. 30 and 32
33Periodic Assessments are the anchor to effective
Instructional Units and focused Professional
- Resources and Assistance
- For username and password information call LAUSD
Help Desk at (213) 241-5200. - For assessment materials call the Princeton
Review help desk at (888) 745-7737 or send an
e-mail to helpme_at_review.com - For data reports, log in to the Periodic
Assessment website at https//lausd.princetonrevi
ew.com - For questions regarding the Periodic Assessment
Program call the Periodic Assessment Unit at
(213) 241-6873. - For information on assessment administration,
scoring and reporting refer to LAUSD Reference
Guides REF-3731.0, REF-3733.1, REF-3734.0,
REF-3735.0, REF-3736.0, REF-3737.0 - For general information, contact your Local
34Module 5
- Professional Development Evaluation and Feedback
35Professional Development Feedback Form
Individual feedback will be used to make
refinements and improvements to future
professional development
36Collaborative Professional Development
Plus () / Delta (?) Feedback