Title: RSA Town Hall Meeting
1RSA Town Hall Meeting
- Wednesday, December 9, 2009
- 930-1130 am
- N-225(Parnassus) w/ live broadcast to Rock Hall
102 (Mission Bay) and Fresno Campus
Controllers Office
2Office of Sponsored Research Industry
ContractsDivisionMaterial Transfer
AgreementIntake Process
Mora Mattingly, Industry Contracts Officer,
Office of Sponsored Research
December 9, 2009
- Who We Are
- Who Does Which MTAs
- Our Work-Flow
4Who We Are
- Interim Director
- Jim Kiriakis
- Managers
- Irene Shin, J.D.
- Contracts Officers
- Kent Iwamiya
- Mora Mattingly
- Associate Contracts Officers
- Thierry Musy-Verdel, J.D.
- Theresa OBrien, Ph.D.
- Susan Shih, Ph.D.
- (Sophia Chang, J.D.)
Administrative support Tiffany Dao Jill
Lezama Evelyne Anderson
5Who Does Which MTAs
- Negotiate and Execute
- Material Transfer Agreements (MTA)
- All incoming MTAs
- Outgoing
- Human specimens Industry Contracts Division
- Non-human Office of Technology Management
6Why Do An MTA?
- Protects both parties
- Outlines expectations
- Legally binding
7Material Transfer Agreements (MTA)
- A contract between a provider and a recipient for
the provision of tangible research materials
and/or information - Chemicals,
- Proteins,
- DNA/plasmids,
- Biological samples,
- Organisms,
- Data,
- Human specimen and/or data
8ICD Work-Flow
- Collaborative Process
- Department Responsibilities
- ICD Responsibilities
9Industry Contracts Division Work-Flow
- Collaborative Process
- Department Responsibilities
- Completed MTA Request Form (sent by PI or
Designee) - Principal Investigators Statement of Economic
Interest - Form 700-U Need original ink
signature ? submit to Box 1016 - CHR (IRB)/CAR (IACUC) Approval Letter - If
Required - COIAC Policy 11 Compliance Form if CHR approval
is required - Scope of Work.
ICD is a PAPERLESS office!! Submit paperwork
to MTA_at_ucsf.edu
10Industry Contracts Division Work-Flow
- Collaborative Process
- ICD Responsibilities
- Negotiate the MTA contract
- Ensure that UCSF policies are contained in the
agreement - Make sure that all compliance approvals are in
place (IRB/IACUC) - Award the executed contract in the RAS system
(needed for reporting to UCOP)
11Issues in MTAs
- Publication
- UCSF always requires the right to publish its
results - Data ownership use
- UCSF always retains ownership of the data it
generates - Intellectual property
- UCSF always retains ownership of the inventions
it makes - Parties to the agreement
- Always The Regents of the U.C. and the Sponsor
- Signatory authority - authority to bind the
entire UC to any contractual terms
12Contact Us
Mora Mattingly Tiffany Dao Mora.Mattingly_at_ucsf.e
du MTA_at_ucsf.edu (415) 353-4695 (415)
353-4891 http//industry.ucsf.edu
- Bring ICD on early in the process
- Leverage our skills
- Help you structure the relationship
- Help you align the expectations of both parties
- Building relationships