Title: Tractor Safety On The Farm
1Tractor Safety On The Farm
Kelsey Ahern Wes Crawford Emily Folin Mollie
Tachenko Matt Withers
2Safe Worker
What is a safe worker?
Clean/Orderly Working Environment
Calm Positive Attitude Proper Machinery
3Personal Protective Equipment
- Head
- Bump Cap
- Eye Protection
- Industrial Quality Eye Equipment
- Ear Protection
- Lungs
- Muff or Cup
- Hands
- Feet
Progressive Safety
4Operating A Safe Tractor
- Proper fire extinguisher and water hose available
- Complete first aid kit
- Properly maintained implements
- Knowledge of tractor stability.
5Types Of Fires
Class A fires - are fires involving organic
solids like paper, wood, etc Class B fires -
are fires involving flammable Liquids. Class C
fires - are fires involving flammable Gasses
Class D fires - are fires involving Metals .
www.firesafe.org.uk/ html/exting.htm
6Fire Extinguishers
www.firesafe.org.uk/ html/exting.htm
7Implements and Tractor Stability
- Most Stable Position?
- Low Center of Gravity!!!
- How do we Improve Stability?
- Weights
- Calcium Chloride in Tires
- Tire Spacing
8Implements and Tractor Stability
- Primary Causes of Turnover
- (Implements raise center of gravity)
- Bucket or power loader too high during travel
- Short Turns
- Drawbar hitched too high-
- Raises Front leverage
- Excessive Speed
9R.O.P.S. Role Over Protection System
How does it work?
Absorb Energy
Buckles without stressing mounting points
Two-Post Four-Post
Seat Belts must be worn when there is a ROPS
10A Safe Working Environment
Be aware of natural hazards
Down Limbs/Debris Rocks/Stumps Mudslides Steep
Inclines Rivers/Creeks
11A Safe Working Environment
Watch for man-made hazards
Poorly Maintained Equipment Poor
Ventilation Overloaded Equipment Improper Tool
Use Junk Debris Incorrect Implement
Hitch-up Excessive Speed
12www.fs4jk.org/ coloringpages.html
13Safety First!!!
No matter how safe you think you are, accidents
can still happen!!!
Do you have the RIGHT attitude???
Farmers Attitude is the number one predictor or
preventative of accidents!!!!