Title: Nano Technology Professional training project
1Nano Technology Professional training project
1. Introduction of KoNTRS
- Purpose of Establishment
- History and Mission Statement
- Organizational Chart and System
2. Introduction of the Nano Technology
Professional Training Project
- To develop the curriculum textbooks of Nano
technology - To provide lecture series focused on Nano
technology researchers - e-NanoSchool system construction and on-line
lecture service - Nano measurement and analysis professional
training - Research on Nano technology professionals
training methods - Nano technology education program for public and
31. Introduction of KoNTRS
4I. Purpose of Establishment
- Promote joint projects, networking, and
information exchanges between - corporations and scholarly researchers in
Nanotechnology. - Improve mutual collaboration among members and
contribute Nanotechnology - policy, research, scholarly activities, and
early industrialization.
Establishing advanced educational system and
networking platform for Nanotechnology research.
5II. History , Purpose and Activity
Korea Nano Technology Research Society(KoNTRS) is
an organization of nanotechnology researchers
from industry, academia, and government that was
established in 2004 according to the Law for
Korea National Nanotechnology Initiative.
Purpose and Activity
- Purpose
- - To function as a network to exchange
information - - To promote collaborative research and
interchange of researchers - - To make friendship among NT researchers
- - To implement the role of think tank for
NT-related problems - Activity
- - Participating as an organizer for
Nano-Korea organizing a symposium for NT-related
subjects - - Promoting foreign cooperation as a focal
point - - Educating NT novices to extend NT research
6Nanotech. Activities by KoNTRS
- Nanotech. Standardization Develop. Roadmap
(Oct., 2007) - Nanoelectronics Winter School Korea-Taiwan-US
(Jan., 2008) - Dr. Hak-Min Kim Taking Office as President of
KoNTRS for 3 years (Feb., 2008) - National Nanotechnology Roadmap (March, 2008)
- The 5th Korea-US NanoForum (March, 2008)
Nano-Bio - Nano Korea Symposium and Exhibition (August,
2008) - Writing 5 Text Book, E-learning (On-line
Lecture), Intensive Tutorials and NanoForum by
KoNTRS - Survey on Worlds NT Strategic Plan and Industry
Demand for Future Man Power in NT Area - Foundation of National NT-related Department
Council of 11 Universities (February, 2008) - The 6th Korea-US NanoForum (April, 2009)
Nanoelectronics - The 7th Nano Korea Symposium (August, 2009)
- The 1st Korea-Japan Nano Forum (August, 2009)
- Assessment of 2nd Korea Nanotechnology
Initiative (under way) - Writing 3 textbooks including nanoenergy is now
under way
7III. Organizational Chart and System
- Special committee
- for NT education
- Nanotechnology
- Prf. Society
Secretary of standardization
- SPM Study Group
- Social Impact
- Assessment Committee
- Members more than 1,000 up to now
- - Composed of nanotech. researcher from
academic,national labs and industries
8Member Status of KoNTRS
(Unit No. of People)
9Nano Korea2009 Symposium
Nano Korea 2009 Symposium
Keynote Speaker
Zhores Alferov (The Nobel Prize for
NANO KOREA 2009 26-28 Aug 2009 ILSAN(KINTEX)
- Largest Symposium Exhibition of Nanotech
in Korea - Nano Korea started from Aug. 2003 -
Organizers KoNTRS, NTRA, KISTI
- Vice president of the Russian Academy of
Science. - Topic Semiconductor
Nanoheterostructures Physics
and Technology
10Call for Papers for IEEE-NTC 2010
112. Introduction of the Nano Tech.
Professional Training Project
12Goal of the Project
To develop the urriculum textbooks of Nano
To provide lecture series focused on Nano
technology researchers
Construction of Nano Technology Professional
Training System
e-NanoSchool system construction and on-line
lecture service
Nano measurement and analysis professional
Research on Nano technology professionals
training methods
Nano technology education program for public and
13Status of Korean Nano Tech. Professionals
- There are 59 Nano technology departments in
domestic universities as of 2008, - and the number is increasing.
- ? Changes in number of Nano technology
departments 3 (2001) ? 43(2006) ? 59(2008) - ? Total number of students 7,015 (under
graduate 5,802, master 884, doctorate 329) - Promotion of professional training through
various projects such as BK(Brain Korea)21 - project and Nest Generation Profession
Training project
Total NO. of students 7,015
NO. of students in Nanotech. departments
No. of Nanotech. department
14KoNTRS-Professionals Training Project (1)
Develop the standard curriculum and textbook of
Nano Technology and use them as a core subject
text books of Nano technology cooperation course
15KoNTRS- Professionals Training Project (2)
Hosting of a short term training sessions
towards new researchers academics, institutes and
industry to train the Nano technology
professionals Execution of systematic education
in each sub Nano technology that features multi
school systems and convergent technology
The 7th session (Feb. 2009)
16KoNTRS-Professionasl Training Project (3)
- Construction of e-learning system environment
that enables real time on-line lecture - E-class service linked with Nano department
classes in domestic universities - Hosting of on-line seminar that presents the
paper(scientist) of the month or latest research
outcomes - Intense on-line lecture regarding major Nano
related issues by the Nano technology specialists
e-learning system construction
17KoNTRS-Professionals Training Project (4)
By training Nano measurement and analysis
professionals and making Nano technology
development processes efficient, capability of
Nano technology research can be enhanced
Training professionals specialized in major Nano
measurement and analysis equipments
Development of Nano measurement and analysis text
books (both theory and practice manual)
Construction of regional Nano technology infra
education networks
AFM (Atomic force microscope )
TEM (Transmission electron microscopy)
18KoNTRS-Professionals Training Project (5)
Research on efficient infra operation methods
for the professionals training Supply/demand
survey of the Nano production technology manpower
- Research on efficient infra operation methods
for the professionals training - Analysis of professionals status and Nano
technology environment - Survey of supply and demand forecast of Nano
technology professionals / Nano technology
professionals training plan - Supply/demand survey of Nano production
technology manpower - Survey and analysis of the domestic enterprises
that need Nano technology and manpower demand
status . Based on that, systematic analysis of
the demand forecast of future Nano technology
manpower per detailed segment.
19KoNTRS- Professionals Training Project (6)
- Development of Nano education programs for
elementary, middle and high school teachers - Visiting lectures in middle and high schools (by
Nano specialists) - Development of Nano education text books in
different levels / production of video - Promotion in various media (e-news, brochures in
English, etc)
Nano tech. education and popularization
20Thank you.