Title: Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division
1Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division
Welcome to the Rotary Leadership InstitutePart
II of III Parts
2Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division
Leadership Goals
3Leadership - Goals
- Do we really need goals in a Rotary Club?
- Advantages Disadvantages
- How do we go about creating goals in a Rotary
Club - Who does it?
- What is the best process?
- What is the role of the club members?
4Leadership - Goals
- What should the time period be for a goal?
- Once we have set goals, how do we achieve them?
- How do we communicate goals to the club?
- How Often?
- How can we follow up our goals?
5Leadership - Goals
- What is a Strategic Plan and how does it relate
to Goal Setting? - What are the Benefits of a Strategic Plan?
- How does Strategic Planning differ from Goal
Setting? -
6Leadership - Goals for the Rotary Club of
- Establish five goals for your club as part of
your overall strategic plan to be the most
prestigious, well known and sought after club in
shark valley! - Who What When Where Why
7Leadership - Goals
- S U M M A R Y
- Good Leaders have VISION and know where they want
to go - Goal Setting is a part of Vision, and is
necessary to provide a path for progress - Goal Setting should be a process starting with
the club members up - Goals are useless unless communicated to the
members with periodic progress reports
8Leadership Goals
- Evaluations
- 0 9 Scoring
- Comments and/or Suggestions
9Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division
ETHICS Vocational Service
10ETHICS Vocational Service
- Why is it important? Or is It?
11The Second Object of Rotary
High ethical standards in business and
professions the recognition of the worthiness
of all useful occupations and the dignifying of
each Rotarians occupation as an opportunity to
serve society.
12ETHICS Vocational Service
- Why is it important? Or is It?
- Evolution from Vocational Emphasis to Service
- Have any of the early Ethical Vocational
principals carried over to todays Rotary?
13THE FOUR-WAY TESTof things we think, say or do.
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
14ETHICS Vocational Service
15ETHICS Vocational Service
- Vocational Service is one of the major
motivations for the founding of Rotary to use
our vocational and professional skills to benefit
society - Many clubs actually do Vocational Service, but
call it something else like club, community or
international service - Clubs should make a point of utilizing the
individual skills of its members in planning and
executing its projects - Clubs and its members should be proactive in
promoting and exercising the ethical principals
of Rotary, the 4-Way Test
16Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division
Communication Skills
17Communication Skills
Communication Opportunities in Rotary What makes
a good speech? How do you prepare? Introducing
a Speaker or Dignitary
18Communication Skills
SUMMARY Opportunities or Occasions to use
Communication Skills abound in your Rotary Club
environment, whether you are the Club President
or a Member Preparation is a key element for
successful communication Knowledge of your
subject and your audience are also critical
19Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division
Rotary Foundation II - The Share Program
20The Rotary Foundation
100,000,000.00 a Year Business 501 (c) (3)
Foundation Independent of Rotary International
21Rotary Foundation II - The Share Program
- The Furtherance of World Peace and Understanding
22Rotary Foundation II - The Share Program
Why should your club and/or its members care
about The Rotary Foundations goal?
The Fourth Object of Rotary is The advancement
of international understanding, goodwill, and
peace through a world fellowship of business and
professional persons united in the ideal of
23Foundation Programs
Educational Programs Humanitarian Grants
Program PolioPlus
24Foundation Programs Educational
Ambassadorial Scholarships Group Study
Exchange Peace and Conflict Studies Rotary
Centers for International Studies Rotary Grants
for University Teachers
25Foundation Programs Humanitarian
Matching Grants District Simplified
Grants Health, Hunger, and Humanity (3H) Grants
26Foundation Programs PolioPlus
Polio Eradication Polio Plus Partners
27The Rotary Foundation
- The Money Path
- Or
- How donations flow through
- Your Rotary Foundation
28Rotary Foundation II - The Share Program
Where Donations Go
Annual Giving
Restricted Giving
Permanent Fund
29Annual Programs Fund
Rotary Foundation II - The Share Program
Every Rotarian, Every Year
25 per quarter?
In 1975, many North American Rotarians began
contributing 25 per quarter to TRF. According
to some estimates, today, thats 6.02. The
equivalent quarterly contribution today would be
30Rotary Foundation II - The Share Program
Annual Giving
Per CapitaCredit
Paul Harris Credit
Money sent to TRF-Invested for three (3) Years-
After which 100 is available for distribution.
50 is designated for District and Club Use (DDF)
50 Goes to the World Fund
Interest pays for TRF Operations!
31Rotary Foundation II - The Share Program
50 is Designated for District Use, Called DDF
or District Designated Funds
32Rotary Foundation II - The Share Program
What funds contributed to TRF are eligible for
the SHARE program? Who makes the selections on
how to use the monies?
33Rotary Foundation II - The Share Program
34Rotary Foundation II - The Share Program
Group Exercise The Annual Programs Fund
contribution for District XXXX for the relevant
year were (1) 200,000 (2) 300,000 (3)
400,000 What are the DDF Funds? Make your
selections. Discuss the reasons for you
selections and be ready to present your reasons
to the group.
35Rotary Foundation II - The Share Program
What should our priorities be in Foundation
programs? How do the CLUBS take advantage of DDF
funds? What programs are funded by the World
36Rotary Foundation II - The Share Program
The Future Vision Plan
What are the Foundations priorities for service
to others? Is SHARE an efficient way to meet
those priorities? What is the Future Vision Plan?
37Rotary Foundation II - The Share Program
- The Rotary Foundation is the resource for local
and international service. - The share program provides substantial local
control of how the contributions are used. - Now that you have a better understanding of how
TRF distributes YOUR funds, please consider
getting more involved
38Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division
Membership Development II (Recruitment)
39Membership Development II - Recruitment
- In Part 1, we discussed membership retention.
What are some of the critical items necessary to
retain members? - How does retention relate to getting new members?
- Why dont Rotarians recruit?
- Benefits of recruiting new members
40Membership Development II - Recruitment
What are the target groups open for Rotary
Membership? How do you find leaders in these
groups to join Rotary? Quality vs. Quantity
41Membership Development II - Recruitment
Why do people join a Rotary Club? Take a
critical look at your club! Is it attractive
to new members?
42Membership Development II - Recruitment
- Create a Membership Recruitment Element
- of a Membership Strategic Plan
- How to choose a recruitment campaign committee.
- How will it set goals?
- How will the campaign be promoted to potential
members? - What time frame? Short? All year?
- What methods will you use to attract potential
members? - Where will club members find prospects?
- Will advertising help?
- Will a classification survey help?
- What new risks will the committee take?
43Membership Development II - Recruitment
- Every business or organization need to expand its
customer base or membership in order to prosper
survive - Membership Development is an ALL year effort
EVERY year - It is the Responsibility of ALL Rotarians to ASK
qualified people to join - In a VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION
44Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division
Analyzing Your Rotary Club
45Analyzing Your Rotary Club
GOAL For you to analyze your Rotary Club so you
can measure how you rate yourself and your club
in various areas, and for you to think how
improvements, if you think necessary, can be made
46End of Part 2Congratulations!
- What did you get out of today?
- How are you going to usewhat you learned
today? - Could we have made the learning experience any
better for you? -
47Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division
Rotary Leadership InstitutePart II of III Parts
For Information on Part 3, go to
www.rlitraining.org/ participant information /
course schedule