Title: The Utah Health Information Network
1The Utah Health Information Network
South Dakota Health Information Technology
Summit August 23, 2007
Jan Root, Ph.D. Assistant Executive
Director (801) 466-7705 x202 jroot_at_uhin.com
2UHIN What is it?
A Secure Electronic Post-Office
UHIN reads the address and delivers the envelope
3UHIN a Secure Electronic Postal Service for the
Health Care Community
UHIN links many community members
UHIN community creates Data Transaction Standards
- The mission of the Utah Health Information
Network is to provide the consumer of health care
services with - reduced costs
- improved health care quality and access
- to facilitate research
5Achieve Mission By
- Network Creating and managing an electronic
value-added network to link the health care
community participants in the State of Utah for
the purpose of interchanging important financial
and clinical information - Standards Standardizing health care transactions
and health care reporting, electronic interface
development and communications services, (done
in compliance with national data standards) - Data Gathering and providing data to a statewide
data repository, (stored at UDOH, not UHIN) - Education Conducting educational programs
consistent with the purposes for which the
Corporation was organized, and - Reduce Burden Providing charitable services
which lessen the burden of government by
providing data to help state agencies fulfill
their responsibilities as legislatively mandated. - Goal increased efficiencies and reduction of
administrative costs so the entire Utah health
care community, including the consumers, may
- Non-profit
- Self-sustaining through member fees
- Handles about 50 million standard transactions
per year - HIPAA Standards
- State Standards
- UHIN Community Standards
7Successful Community Effort
- UHIN serves the entire Utah health care community
- 100 of hospitals
- 90 of physicians
- 450 payers
- 60 million transactions
- Self-sustaining for 13 years through member fees
- UHIN Board of Directors
- Represents the health care community
- Equally divided between payers and providers
- Charge Take off Corporate hat and determine what
is best for the community - Reduce costs
- Improve quality of care
- Do not compete on information exchange
- UHIN is a VAN, not a clearinghouse
- UHIN doesnt open envelope or store data
- Therefore community must use Standards
- Community created standards through consensus
process in Standards Committee - Thousands of volunteer hours from payer and
provider staff who know the details - Created a UHIN community of payers and providers
10UHIN Business Philosophy
- Bring value to the entire health care community
- Large and small entities
- Make it so anyone who wants to can exchange
health information - UHINt - Reduce administrative expenses for members
11UHIN Services
- Core Administrative exchanges
- Credentialing information exchange
- Provider accounts reconciliation tool
- Moving to new exchanges
- Provider hospital
- Claim and Prior Auth attachments
12UHIN Prices
- All prices are public Attachment A
- No sweetheart deals
- UHIN posts its prices on UHINs home page
13Attachment A - Pricing
- Them who benefits pays
- Price according to the benefit received by the
entities exchanging the information - Prices are determined by the Pricing Committee
- The Pricing Committee is composed of
representatives of the Board - Payers
- Providers
- Government
14Value ExampleAdministrative Health Data
- Efficiency of Claims Processing by 1 adjudicator
- Paper 100-150/ day
- Scanned 300/ day
- EDI 700-800/ day
- Autoprocessing 60 of claims require no
human involvement - Payer value- just for intake of claim
- Paper 6-10/ claim
- EDI lt 1/ claim
- Provider value
- Paper 4-8/claim
- EDI lt1/ claim
- Faster payments and fewer rejected claims
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
15Value UHIN Core Services
- Goal Cover Operating Expenses for Service
Equitably - Payers and Providers got together and decided
- Payers receive
- 70 of the value
- Providers receive
- 30 of the value
16ValueUHIN Core Services
- Payers decided they wanted to charge themselves a
per claim click charge - Claims 17 ea
- Remittance Advice 0.025 ea
- All other transactions are no charge
- Capped at 450,000 annually
- Providers decided they wanted to charge
themselves an annual membership fee - Scaled to size of provider
- 1 Physician 120/year
- gt100 Physicians 9,000/year
17ValueElectronic Commerce Agreement
- Created by the Community
- Everyone signs the same agreement
- Covers all the HIPAA BAA issues
- Simplifies BAA management (you only need to sign
UHINs ECA to cover all your UHIN trading
partners) - Available on UHINs web site (www.uhin.com)
- Allows all members to exchange with other members
without additional BAAs for data exchange
18ValueUHIN Standards
- UHIN handles transactions based on STANDARDS
- Community creates the Standards (not UHIN staff)
- Inclusive
- Consensus process
- Utah Insurance Commissioner adopts some Standards
as State Rule - Rule R590-164. Uniform Health Billing Rule
- Community gets to create its own rules to follow
(and modify them as needed)
19New Value Clinical Messaging
- Problem Peoples health Information is
fragmented across many health care information
silos. - Change jobs/insurance
- Change residence
- Change health status
- Difficult to know all the pertinent health
information about a person needed to provide
effective treatment - Causes decrease in quality of care and increase
in costs
20Proposed Clinical Messaging System
- Create a secure system to exchange basic health
information (with patient permission) across all
information silos using standardized messages - Enable providers to see a complete patient record
- Fulfill the mission of the Utah Health
Information Network to provide the consumer of
health care services with - reduced costs
- improved health care quality and access
- to facilitate research
21Connecting the Community