Title: Ericsson Response and Corporate Citizenship
1Challanges to providing standardised
systems at operational level
Kent Halling, Ericsson Response
2Worldwide Presence140 Countries
3GSM WCDMA Dominant Global Standard
Source EMC
4Infrastructure Provider
5The Corporate Challenge
- commit to social values
- reduce negative impacts of business
- do well by doing good
6Ericsson Response
7Core in Ericsson Response
- Ericsson Response Volunteers
- Ericsson Response Unit
- Ericsson Technical Reference group
- Partners - Relief organizations
- Partners - Private sector
- Private sector
- Operators
- Suppliers
- ...
UN family, Inter-Governmental Organizations
9Ericsson Response Volunteers
- Commitment
- In parallel with their normal work
- Trained for emergency operations
- As individuals or in implementation teams
- National, regional or international missions
- IFRC and the UN in international operations
10Ericsson Response Units
- Together with relief organizations, define
equipment to be used in a disaster - Equipment and the installation teams
- Operation of equipment in disasters
- Test, maintain and storage of equipment
11Communication in Refugee Camp, Tanzania
12Temporary GSM network World Food Program in
Kabul, Afghanistan
13Technical Reference Group
- A wide range of technology skills
- Propose telecom solutions and assistance
- Develop disaster communication together with
Relief organizations
14WIDER - Background
- A shared communication infrastructure for
disaster and emergency response organisations - Provide the same access to tools at the disaster
site as in the head office - Currently, most organisations are installing
their own communication infrastructure in
disaster areas
- WLAN In Disaster and Emergency Response
- Vision
- create an easy to set up, reliable, secure,
highly available and flexible system for
essential communications services at a disaster
16When there is a need to communicate Ericsson is