Title: effective small group ministry
1 - effective small group ministry
- australia youth conference
- by edmund yeoh
- february 2006
2Complex simplicity
The goal of strategy is the simplicity that lies
on the far side of complexity. For the answer to
be simple, the thinking must be complex.
3Ellen Whites endorsement of small group ministry
- Members can invite friends and neighbours to
their home then ask the minister to meet with
them The interest continues to grow, and those
who embrace the truth go right to work for their
friends, inviting them to come out to hear. More
than this, they invite their neighbours and
friends to come to their house. They then secure
one of our ministers to give a bible reading.
These meetings are made very interesting. - 16MR 45
- Hold bible readings for families and their
neighbours There is need of a different kind of
labour in our churches from what they have had.
Those ministers who are inclined merely to
preach, and not to visit and put forth personal
effort, need to break up this habit by working
earnestly in families. Let families invite in
their neighbours, and then let the minister hold
bible readings with them, and become acquainted
with them. There needs to be less preaching and
more pastoral work done in our churches. Those
who have no aptitude for this kind of labour,
should educate themselves, and come more into
harmony with Christs manner of working. - HM Nov 1 1890
4Ellen Whites endorsement of organisation
- The divine purpose As our numbers increased, it
was evident that without some form of
organisation there would be great confusion, and
the work would not be carried forward
successfully. To provide for the support of the
ministry, for carrying the work in new fields,
for protecting both the churches and the ministry
from unworthy members, for holding church
property, for the publication of the truth
through the press, and for many other objects,
organisation was indispensable - Testimonies to Ministers p26
- Lords business demands order The Lord is not
pleased with the present lack of order and
accuracy among those who do business in
connection with His work. - Gospel Workers p460
5What is small group ministry?
- Characteristics
- Highly independent small bible study groups
- Characteristics
- Interdependent small bible study groups
- Cross functional ministries
- Vague objectives
- Unclear structure
- Characteristics
- Interdependent small bible study groups
- Cross functional ministries
- Clear objectives
- Clear structure
- Small group ministry is a means to an end, not
the end itself - Gateway Adventist Centre started small group
ministry in early 2000 and has evolved ever since - The purpose of this workshop is to equip you to
drive growth effectively in your church using
small group ministry
7Evolution of Small Group Ministry at Gateway
- Combined Friday night Youth service
- Introduction of breakout groups
- Transition to geographical groups
- Young Adult group launched Chinese group launched
- Gateway church plant using city based groups
- 7 groups with up to 100 people slowing growth
- Evolution to Matrix based structure with new
network groups
8Breakout exercise
- Describe the role of small group ministry at your
church today - Describe what you want to get out of this workshop
9DNA of Small Group Ministry
Workshop 1
1. Purpose
Workshop 5
Workshop 2
2. Customers
7. Strategic management
3. Products/ services
4. Structure/ dependencies
6. Operational management
Workshop 4
The panel interviewing Gateways small group
5. Staff
Workshop 3
10DNA of Small Group Ministry
1. Purpose
2. Customers
7. Strategic management
3. Products/ services
4. Structure/ dependencies
6. Operational management
5. Staff
11The growth problem Plateau effect
people in church
12The growth problem Decline effect
people in church
13Small Group Ministries have traditionally been
used to stop growth leakages by nurturing members
(1 of 2)
Example Church with growth exceeding decline
overall net increase
14Small Group Ministries have traditionally been
used to stop growth leakages by nurturing members
(2 of 2)
Example Church with growth without decline
significantly higher increase
15The Swiss Watch
1610 common issues
- Need a revival lights are on but no one home
- Blurred vision and values
- Goals and values are not well understood or wrong
- Leadership is not aligned or consistent about
- Ineffective decision making
- Decision roles unclear process overly complex
and bureaucratic
- Structure does not enable vision or right
decision making
- Not enough of the right people or people not in
the right jobs
- Measures dont drive vision
- Decisions get made but somehow dont get
- Unclear on who the customers are
17Breakout exercise
- What are relevant issues in your church that is
limiting the full potential of growth? - Is there a role for small groups in your church?
18DNA of Small Group Ministry
1. Purpose
2. Customers
7. Strategic management
3. Products/ services
4. Structure/ dependencies
6. Operational management
5. Staff
19Selectively open to who your customers are
- Jesus was selective on who He reached out to (Mat
10 1, 5, 6) - But accepted anyone who reached out to Him (Mat
15 21-28)
20Customer focus Reach people where they are
- Christ ministered to peoples needs before
inviting them to follow Him Christs method
alone will give true success in reaching the
people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who
desired their good. He showed His sympathy for
them, ministered to their needs, and won their
confidence. Then He bade them, Follow Me - MH 143
- Devise methods to reach the people where they are
Let every worker in the Masters vineyard,
study, plan, devise methods, to reach the people
where they are. We must do something out of the
common course of things. - Ev 122
21Customer segmentation 2 dimensional example (1
of 2)
Culture-based segmentation
Age-based segmentation
Young professionals
22Customer segmentation 2 dimensional example (2
of 2)
Spiritual-based segmentation
Newly baptised
Developing leader/ leader
Dormant/ inactive
Age-based segmentation
Young professionals
23Matrix based small group ministry - Example
Network groups
Local Professionals
Mainland Chinese
South East Asians
Melb Uni Students
Nth Melb
Cell groups
South Melb
South Eastern
24Breakout exercise
- Who are your customers in your church?
- For each customer segment
- What are the distinctive characteristics of your
customers? - What are the challenges in finding your
customers? - What are the challenges in winning your
customers? - What are the challenges in keeping your customers?
25DNA of Small Group Ministry
1. Purpose
2. Customers
7. Strategic management
3. Products/ services
4. Structure/ dependencies
6. Operational management
5. Staff
26Products/ services in small group ministry
Spiritual products
Non-spiritual products
Talent development
- Internal/ external customers
- Internal/ external customers
- Bible study
- Topics/ series
- Language levels
- Interactive vs presentation
- Praises in songs
- Instrumental
- Voice
- Prayer
- Retreats
- Social meals
- Sports/ games
- Health
- Cooking classes
- Community service
- Retreats
- Career
- Celebrations. Eg. Birthdays
- Student services
- Language courses
- Operational leadership make small group happen
- Spiritual leadership teaching
- Relational leadership look after members and
find new ones
27Breakout exercise
- What are the products/ services you would run to
find your customer segment - How do you win them once you have found them?
28DNA of Small Group Ministry
1. Purpose
2. Customers
7. Strategic management
3. Products/ services
4. Structure/ dependencies
6. Operational management
5. Staff
29Different types of Small Groups within a church
- Characteristics
- Highly independent small bible study groups
- Characteristics
- Interdependent small bible study groups
- Cross functional ministries
- Vague objectives
- Unclear structure
- Characteristics
- Interdependent small bible study groups
- Cross functional ministries
- Clear objectives
- Clear structure
30Small Group Ministry needs to work like a Swiss
watch at church - Example
Customer segments
External customers
Internal customers
Aussie Professionals
Newly baptised
Sabbath School
Small Group Ministry
31Most churches have ministries that need some fine
tuning - Example
Customer segments
External customers
Internal customers
Aussie Professionals
Newly baptised
Sabbath School
Small Group Ministry
Find/ win
32Breakout exercise
- How does your small group ministry fit into the
other ministries at your church?
33DNA of Small Group Ministry
1. Purpose
2. Customers
7. Strategic management
3. Products/ services
4. Structure/ dependencies
6. Operational management
5. Staff
34Leadership development roadmap
Newly baptised
Developing leader
- Bible
- Teaching
- Organisational (small group level)
- Bible
- Teaching
- Organisational (small group level)
- Accountability
- Customer
- People management
- Bible
- Teaching
- Organisational (broader group level)
- Accountability
- Customer
- People management
- Persuasion
- Strategic
- Fire fighting
35Rally the members Ignite their passion
- Present your plans to the church in such a manner
as to win members interest and cooperation
There is need of Nehemiahs in the church today,
not men who can pray and preach only, but men
whose prayers and sermons are braced with firm
and eager purpose. The course pursued by this
Hebrew patriot in the accomplishment of his plans
is one that should still be adopted by minsters
and leading men. When they have laid their plans,
they should present them to the church in such a
manner as to win their interest and cooperation.
Let the people understand the plans and share in
the work, and they will have a personal interest
in its prosperity. - 3BC 1137
36Empower your leaders, not dictate
- Individual methods of labour The leaders among
Gods people are to guard against the danger of
condemning the methods of individual workers who
are led by the Lord to do a special work that but
few are fitted to do. Let brethren in
responsibility be slow to criticise movements
that are not in perfect harmony with their
methods of labour. Let them never suppose that
every plan should reflect their own personality.
Let them not fear to trust anothers methods for
by withholding their confidence from a brother
labourer who, with humility and consecrated zeal,
is doing a special work in Gods appointed way,
they are retarding the advancement of the Lords
cause. - Testimonies Vol 9 p259
Place responsibility on others Leading men
should place responsibilities upon others, and
allow them to plan and devise and execute, so
that they may obtain an experience. Give them a
word of counsel when necessary, but do not take
away the work because you think the brethren are
making mistakes. May God pity the cause when one
mans mind and one mans plan is followed without
question. All our workers must have room to
exercise their own judgement and
discretion. Testimonies to Ministers pp302-03
37Coaching on the job
Recognise talent Those who are placed in
responsible positions should feel it their duty
to recognise talent. They should learn how to use
men, and how to advise them. If mistakes are
made, they should not withdraw themselves,
thinking it easier to do the work themselves than
to educate others. ChL p57
Helping the inexperienced To those upon whom
God has bestowed many talents, I am instructed to
say Help the inexperienced discourage them not.
Take them into your confidence give them
fatherly counsel, teaching them as you would
teach students in a school. Watch not for their
mistakes, but recognise their undeveloped
talents, and train them to make a right use of
these powers. Instruct them with all patience,
encouraging them to go forward and to do an
important work. Instead of keeping them engaged
in doing things of minor importance, give them an
opportunity to obtain an experience by which they
may develop into trustworthy workers. ChL p55
38Breakout exercise
- What are the resourcing challenges in your small
group ministry/ church? - How do you address the resourcing challenges?
39DNA of Small Group Ministry
1. Purpose
2. Customers
7. Strategic management
3. Products/ services
4. Structure/ dependencies
6. Operational management
5. Staff
40Operational management
Key skills
Key principles
- Planning
- Execution
- People management
- Discernment/ decision making
- Reporting/ upward communication
- Communication
- Bible based
- Christ dependent
- Accountability
- Flexibility
- Creativity/ innovation
- Quick
- Autonomy is a function of experience
41DNA of Small Group Ministry
1. Purpose
2. Customers
7. Strategic management
3. Products/ services
4. Structure/ dependencies
6. Operational management
5. Staff
423D customer growth
Do it again and again
- Design purpose for new group/ ministry/ cross
functional support - Design new customer groups to find
- Design new products and services
- Design implications on dependences and broader
structure - Identify leaders with a passion to deliver
- Deliver through good operational management
- Christ dependent
- Bible based
- Accountability
- Communication
- Do it again and again with continuous strategic
433D customer growth
1. Purpose
Do it again and again
2. Customers
7. Strategic management
3. Products/ services
4. Structure/ dependencies
6. Operational management
5. Staff
44DNA of Small Group Ministry
1. Purpose
2. Customers
7. Strategic management
3. Products/ services
4. Structure/ dependencies
6. Operational management
5. Staff