Title: Staffordshire Seed Historical Fact Sheet
1Staffordshire Seed Historical Fact Sheet
- Children Lifelong Learning Directorate
- Joint Schools Property Division
2- The aim of this
- Fact Sheet is to provide you with an overview of
Staffordshire Seed 2004 2006
3Staffordshire SeedWhat is it?
is an opportunity for all Staffordshire schools
to bid for matched funding from the LEA to carry
out capital projects that address their highest
AMP priority
Contribution from schools 50 from Primary
Special Schools 67 from High Middle Schools
Staffordshire Seed Funding 50 for Primary
Special Schools 33 for High Middle Schools
4Staffordshire Seed Projects
- Historically the range of Staffordshire Seed
projects vary from new build extensions for ICT
suites, libraries and new classrooms to smaller
projects such as window replacements and toilet
refurbishments. -
- Hundreds of schools have benefited from the
Staffordshire Seed programme with 263 projects
being funded over the past three years.
5The demand for Seed funding has doubled since
6Since 2004/05 CLLD has allocated 2,000,000 to
successful projects
- 2004/05 108 96
- 2005/06 191 105
- 2006/07 180 57
This shows that the average value of each project
has increased
7In 2006/07 - 180 Applications were received
requesting 5.8 million of Staffordshire Seed
8As you can see from the chart below the
difference between funding requested and funding
available in 2006/07 has restricted support to a
significant number of bids received
9Due to an increase in the value of bids only 57
applications were successful in 2006/07
10Successful Staffordshire Seed 2004/05
Applications by District
11Successful Staffordshire Seed 2005/06
Applications by District
12Successful Staffordshire Seed 2006/07
Applications by District
13Successful Staffordshire Seed Comparison over
three years
14- CLLD is committed to maintain the Staffordshire
Seed programme - The capital contribution from SCC CLLD will
likely remain at approximately 2 million - Guidance and an Application Form for
Staffordshire Seed 2007/08 will be published in
May 2006 - Schools will be invited to bid for a share of 2
million from the Children Lifelong Learning
Capital Programme
15- To avoid abortive time, cost and effort schools
are advised - To discuss proposed bids with your District
Property Officer at an early stage of development - Read the Guidance Notes thoroughly
- Ask your DPO how does my bid compare to other
known bids across the County? - Then decide if you wish to continue with your bid
- Remember there are no guarantees
16Contacts For Staffordshire Seed Are
- Capital Programmes Officer
- Carl Hodgkinson 854049
- Project Support Officer
- Tina Nixon 277480
- or your District Property Officer
17- Thank You for visiting Staffordshire Seed
Historical Fact Sheet
Good Luck With Your Bids