Title: Turbiscan for petroleum applications
1Turbiscan for petroleum applications
- Oil stability
- Crude oil emulsion
- Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)
- The Turbiscan technology
- Crude oil demulsification
- ASTM D7061 for HFO stability
3Crude oil emulsion
- Water crude emulsion
- Advantages
- Easier to extract
- Easier to transport
- Drawbacks
- Problems in refinery
4Crude oil emulsion
- Problem separate water from the crude oil
- Solution use demulsifier molecules (polymeric
surfactant) - Constraints use of chemical (type
concentration) - Environmental reasons
- Need test the efficiency of the additives
5Heavy Fuel stability
Crude oil and refining
6Heavy Fuel stability
Why stability is getting worse ?
- Crude oil quality
- Worst quality
- Large variation in composition
- Blending from various origins
- Refinery processes
- Higher demand on light products (gasoline,
diesel) - More efficient (hydrocraking, visbreaking)
- HFO composition more critical
7Heavy Fuel stability
Stability issues
- Asphaltenes precipitation
- Change in fuel composition (solubility issues
during blending) - Asphaltenes not dispersed anymore in fuel
because of aging - Practical issues
- Blockage of pipes, storage tank
- Fouling in refineries
- Plugging of filters and heat exchanger
- Combustion issues
8Heavy Fuel stability
What are the solutions ?
- Determine the stability of the oil
- Spot test
- Hot filtration
- P-value
- Use asphaltenes dispersant
- Find the right additive
- Optimise the amount of additive
9Heavy Fuel stability
Current tests methods
- Spot test
- Subjective
- Not accurate
- Hot filtration
- Does not actually measure stability
- P-value
- Time consuming
- Not appropriate for dispersant
10Oil stability
Need for an accurate, fast and objective
technique to measure the stability of oils
Turbiscan technology
11Turbiscan Technology
Acquisition of the - Transmitted flux
(T) and - Backscattered flux (BS)
Analysis of diluted to concentrated products
1 Acquisition every 40 µm
High vertical resolution
One scan lasts 20 seconds
Measurement of fast destabilisations
12Turbiscan Technology
Principle of measurement
Multi scans
One scan
Acquisition time of each profile
Backscattering ()
Height (mm)
Height (mm)
13Turbiscan Technology
Particle size variation
Particle migration
Coalescence or flocculation
Sedimentation or creaming
t0 min
t0 min
t15 min
t15 min
- Oil stability
- Crude oil emulsion
- Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)
- The Turbiscan technology
- Crude oil demulsification
- ASTM D7061 for HFO stability
15Crude oil demulsification
French Institute of Petroleum (IFP) study
- Methodology
- Preparation of stable emulsions
- Selection of chemical families
- Bottle Tests measurements
- Turbiscan measurements
- Selection of the most efficient chemical family
- Characterization of silicone performance
C. Dalmazzone, C. Noïk, Development of New
green Demulsifiers for Oil Production ,
16Crude oil demulsification
Bottle tests
- Qualitative study
- First evaluation of separation ability of
different surfactants - Enables a large screening to select best family
of additives - Criteria
- 80 of separated water
- Thin layer water/oil interface
- Clear separated water
- Test duration 12 hours
C. Dalmazzone, C. Noïk, Development of New
green Demulsifiers for Oil Production ,
17Crude oil demulsification
- Qualitative Quantitative study
- Selection of the best additive
- Optimization of the additive concentration
- Criteria
- width of T peak height of separated water
- height of T peak Limpidity of separated water
C. Dalmazzone, C. Noïk, Development of New
green Demulsifiers for Oil Production ,
18Crude oil demulsification
Limpidity (clarity)
C. Dalmazzone, C. Noïk, Development of New
green Demulsifiers for Oil Production ,
19Crude oil demulsification
Separation rate gt T f(time)
300 ppm is the best concentration
C. Dalmazzone, C. Noïk, Development of New
green Demulsifiers for Oil Production ,
20Crude oil demulsification
Phase separation mechanisms
- Analysis of the Backscattering profiles
- Formation of a dense packed zone
- Local variation at the bottom Sediment layer
- Decrease of the BS at the middle Coalescence
21Crude oil demulsification
- Complementary technique to bottle tests
- Objective repeatable data
- Measurement of separation rate
- Measure of the water limpidity rate
- Detection of the dense packed zone
- To determine the best surfactant at the optimal
- Oil stability
- Crude oil emulsion
- Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)
- The Turbiscan technology
- Crude oil demulsification
- ASTM D7061 for HFO stability
23ASTM D7061
Method description
HFO toluene
No calibration
Stable ? Unstable?
Dilution of oil in heptane
15 mins analysis
24ASTM D7061
Method description
- Step 1-a Dilution of HFO in toluene
- To disperse all potentially flocculated
asphaltenes -
- To achieve comparable transmission level,
dilution rate depends of HFO grade
- Contact for 1 to 3 hours to achieve reproducible
25ASTM D7061
Method description
- Step 1-b Addition of HFOtoluene with heptane to
flocculate the asphaltenes
2 mL of HFO toluene
23 mL of heptane
26ASTM D7061
Method description
- Step 2 15 minutes analysis with the Turbiscan
Heavy Fuel
27ASTM D7061
Method description
- Step 3 Automatic result calculation
0ltSlt5 High stability reserve No
flocculation 5ltSlt10 Medium stability reserve
flocculation if oil exposed to worse
conditions Sgt10 Low stability reserve Easy
28ASTM D7061
What is the separability number?
Transmission ()
Transmission ()
Height (mm)
Height (mm)
Separability number Standard Deviation
T mean value ()
Time (min)
29ASTM D7061
What is the separability number?
If HFO unstable
Flocculation and sedimentation of asphaltenes
Important variation of transmission vs time
High standard deviation
S gt 10
30ASTM D7061
Stabilisation of unstable HFO
Addition of dispersant
? Quick monitoring of dispersant efficiency and
31ASTM D7061
Simulation of Oil Storage in a tank
- HFO additives
- TC 120C
- Analysis every 24 hours
- S1 Stabilizer
- S2 Stabiliszer
- SC1 Stabilizer combustion catalyst
32ASTM D7061
Turbiscan test method is
- Objective
- Reliable
- Repeatable
- Fast
- Easy to operate
- Transportable
- The Turbiscan is
- a flexible instrument (many applications)
- Easy technique
- Quick analysis
- Quantitative and qualitative
- Other applications of Turbiscan in oil
industry - Drilling fluids
- Lubricant
- Bitumen emulsion