Title: Search Engine Technology 2/10
1Search Engine Technology2/10
- Slides are revised version of the ones taken from
- http//panda.cs.binghamton.edu/meng/
2Search Engine Technology
- Two general paradigms for finding information on
Web - Browsing From a starting point, navigate through
hyperlinks to find desired documents. - Yahoos category hierarchy facilitates browsing.
- Searching Submit a query to a search engine to
find desired documents. - Many well-known search engines on the Web
AltaVista, Excite, HotBot, Infoseek, Lycos,
Google, Northern Light, etc.
3Browsing Versus Searching
- Category hierarchy is built mostly manually and
search engine databases can be created
automatically. - Search engines can index much more documents than
a category hierarchy. - Browsing is good for finding some desired
documents and searching is better for finding a
lot of desired documents. - Browsing is more accurate (less junk will be
encountered) than searching.
4Search Engine
- A search engine is essentially a text retrieval
system for web pages plus a Web interface. - So whats new???
5Some Characteristics of the Web
- Web pages are
- very voluminous and diversified
- widely distributed on many servers.
- extremely dynamic/volatile.
- Web pages have
- more structures (extensively tagged).
- are extensively linked.
- may often have other associated metadata
- Web users are
- ordinary folks (dolts?) without special
training - they tend to submit short queries.
- There is a very large user community.
Standard content-based IR Methods may not work
Use the links and tags and Meta-data!
Use the social structure of the web
- Discuss how to take the special characteristics
of the Web into consideration for building good
search engines. - Specific Subtopics
- The use of tag information
- The use of link information
- Robot/Crawling
- Clustering/Collaborative Filtering
7Use of Tag Information (1)
- Web pages are mostly HTML documents (for now).
- HTML tags allow the author of a web page to
- Control the display of page contents on the Web.
- Express their emphases on different parts of the
page. - HTML tags provide additional information about
the contents of a web page. - Can we make use of the tag information to improve
the effectiveness of a search engine?
8Use of Tag Information (2)
- Two main ideas of using tags
- Associate different importance to term
occurrences in different tags. - Use anchor text to index referenced documents.
Page 2 http//travelocity.com/
Page 1
. . . . . . airplane ticket and
hotel . . . . . .
9Use of Tag Information (3)
- Many search engines are using tags to improve
retrieval effectiveness. - Associating different importance to term
occurrences is used in Altavista, HotBot, Yahoo,
Lycos, LASER, SIBRIS. - WWWW and Google use terms in anchor tags to index
a referenced page. - Qn what should be the exact weights for
different kinds of terms?
10Use of Tag Information (4)
- The Webor Method (Cutler 97, Cutler 99)
- Partition HTML tags into six ordered classes
- title, header, list, strong, anchor, plain
- Extend the term frequency value of a term in a
document into a term frequency vector (TFV). - Suppose term t appears in the ith class tfi
times, i 1..6. Then TFV (tf1, tf2, tf3, tf4,
tf5, tf6). - Example If for page p, term binghamton appears
1 time in the title, 2 times in the headers and 8
times in the anchors of hyperlinks pointing to p,
then for this term in p - TFV (1, 2, 0, 0, 8, 0).
11Use of Tag Information (5)
- The Webor Method (Continued)
- Assign different importance values to term
occurrences in different classes. Let civi be the
importance value assigned to the ith class. We
have - CIV (civ1, civ2, civ3, civ4, civ5, civ6)
- Extend the tf term weighting scheme
- tfw TFV ? CIV tf1?civ1 tf6 ?civ6
- When CIV (1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1), the new tfw
becomes the tfw in traditional text retrieval.
How to find Optimal CIV?
12Use of Tag Information (6)
- The Webor Method (Continued)
- Challenge How to find the (optimal) CIV (civ1,
civ2, civ3, civ4, civ5, civ6) such that the
retrieval performance can be improved the most? - One Solution Find the optimal CIV experimentally
using a hill-climbing search in the space of CIV
Details Skipped
13Use of Tag Information (7)
- The Webor Method (Continued)
- Creating a test bed
- Web pages A snap shot of the Binghamton
University site in Dec. 1996 (about 4,600 pages
after removing duplicates, about 3,000 pages). - Queries 20 queries were created (see next page).
- For each query, (manually) identify the documents
relevant to the query.
14Use of Tag Information (8)
- The Webor Method (Continued) 20 test bed
queries - web-based retrieval concert and
music - neural network intramural
sports - master thesis in geology cognitive
science - prerequisite of algorithm campus dining
- handicap student help career
development - promotion guideline non-matriculated
admissions - grievance committee student
associations - laboratory in electrical engineering
research centers - anthropology chairman engineering
program - computer workshop papers in philosophy and
computer and cognitive system
15Use of Tag Information (9)
- The Webor Method (Continued)
- Use a Genetic Algorithm to find the optimal CIV.
- The initial population has 30 CIVs.
- 25 are randomly generated (range 1, 15)
- 5 are good CIVs from manual screening.
- Each new generation of CIVs is produced by
executing crossover, mutation, and reproduction.
16Use of Tag Information (10)
- The Genetic Algorithm (continued)
- Crossover
- done for each consecutive pair CIVs, with
probability 0.75. - a single random cut for each selected pair
- Example
- old pair
new pair - (1, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1)
(2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1) - (2, 3, 1, 2, 5, 1)
(1, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1)
17Use of Tag Information (11)
- The Genetic Algorithm (continued)
- Mutation
- performed on each CIV with probability 0.1.
- When mutation is performed, each CIV component is
either decreased or increased by one with equal
probability, subject to range conditions of each
component. - Example If a component is already 15, then it
cannot be increased.
18Use of Tag Information (12)
- The Genetic Algorithm (continued)
- The fitness function
- A CIV has an initial fitness of
- 0 when the 11-point average precision is less
than 0.22. - (11-point average precision - 0.22), otherwise.
- The final fitness is its initial fitness divided
by the sum of the initial fitnesses of all the
CIVs in the current generation. - each fitness is between 0 and 1
- the sum of all fitnesses is 1
19Use of Tag Information (13)
- The Genetic Algorithm (continued)
- Reproduction
- Wheel of fortune scheme to select the parent
population. - The scheme selects fit CIVs with high probability
and unfit CIVs with low probability. - The same CIV may be selected more than once.
- The algorithm terminates after 25 generations and
the best CIV obtained is reported as the optimal
CIV. - The 11-point average precision by the optimal CIV
is reported as the performance of the CIV.
20Use of Tag Information (14)
- The Webor Method (continued) Experimental
Results - Classes title, header, list, strong, anchor,
plain - Queries Opt. CIV Normal New
Improvement - 1st 10 281881 0.182
0.254 39.6 - 2nd 10 271881 0.172 0.255
48.3 - all 251881 0.177
0.254 43.5 - Conclusions
- anchor and strong are most important
- header is also important
- title is only slightly more important than list
and plain
21Use of Tag Information (15)
- The Webor Method (continued) Summary
- The Webor method has the potential to
substantially improve the retrieval
effectiveness. - But be cautious to draw any definitive
conclusions as the results are too preliminary.
Need to - Expand the set of queries in the test bed
- Use other Web page collections
22Use of LINK information
23Use of Link Information (1)
- Hyperlinks among web pages provide new document
retrieval opportunities. - Selected Examples
- Anchor texts can be used to index a referenced
page (e.g., Webor, WWWW, Google). - The ranking score (similarity) of a page with a
query can be spread to its neighboring pages. - Links can be used to compute the importance of
web pages based on citation analysis. - Links can be combined with a regular query to
find authoritative pages on a given topic.
24Connection to Citation Analysis
- Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the biggest
Computer Scientist of them all? - The guy who wrote the most papers
- That are considered important by most people
- By citing them in their own papers
- Science Citation Index
- Should I write survey papers or original papers?
Infometrics Bibliometrics
25What Citation Index says About Raos papers
27Desiderata for link-based ranking
- A page that is referenced by lot of important
pages (has more back links) is more important
(Authority) - A page referenced by a single important page may
be more important than that referenced by five
unimportant pages - A page that references a lot of important pages
is also important (Hub) - Importance can be propagated
- Your importance is the weighted sum of the
importance conferred on you by the pages that
refer to you - The importance you confer on a page may be
proportional to how many other pages you refer to
(cite) - (Also what you say about them when you cite them!)
Different Notions of importance
28Use of Link Information (2)
- Vector spread activation (Yuwono 97)
- The final ranking score of a page p is the sum of
its regular similarity and a portion of the
similarity of each page that points to p. - Rationale If a page is pointed to by many
relevant pages, then the page is also likely to
be relevant. - Let sim(q, di) be the regular similarity between
q and di - rs(q, di) be the ranking score of di with
respect to q - link(j, i) 1 if dj points to di, 0
otherwise. - rs(q, di) sim(q, di) ? ? link(j, i)
?sim(q, dj) - ? 0.2 is a constant parameter.
29Authority and Hub Pages (1)
- The basic idea
- A page is a good authoritative page with respect
to a given query if it is referenced (i.e.,
pointed to) by many (good hub) pages that are
related to the query. - A page is a good hub page with respect to a given
query if it points to many good authoritative
pages with respect to the query. - Good authoritative pages (authorities) and good
hub pages (hubs) reinforce each other.
30Authority and Hub Pages (2)
- Authorities and hubs related to the same query
tend to form a bipartite subgraph of the web
graph. - A web page can be a good authority and a good hub.
31Authority and Hub Pages (7)
- Operation I for each page p
- a(p) ? h(q)
- q (q, p)?E
- Operation O for each page p
- h(p) ? a(q)
- q (p, q)?E
32Authority and Hub Pages (8)
- Matrix representation of operations I and O.
- Let A be the adjacency matrix of SG entry (p, q)
is 1 if p has a link to q, else the entry is 0. - Let AT be the transpose of A.
- Let hi be vector of hub scores after i
iterations. - Let ai be the vector of authority scores after i
iterations. - Operation I ai AT hi-1
- Operation O hi A ai
33Authority and Hub Pages (11)
- Example Initialize all scores to 1.
- 1st Iteration
- I operation
- a(q1) 1, a(q2) a(q3) 0,
- a(p1) 3, a(p2) 2
- O operation h(q1) 5,
- h(q2) 3, h(q3) 5, h(p1) 1, h(p2) 0
- Normalization a(q1) 0.267, a(q2) a(q3)
0, - a(p1) 0.802, a(p2) 0.535, h(q1) 0.645,
- h(q2) 0.387, h(q3) 0.645, h(p1) 0.129,
h(p2) 0
34Authority and Hub Pages (12)
- After 2 Iterations
- a(q1) 0.061, a(q2) a(q3) 0, a(p1)
0.791, - a(p2) 0.609, h(q1) 0.656, h(q2) 0.371,
- h(q3) 0.656, h(p1) 0.029, h(p2) 0
- After 5 Iterations
- a(q1) a(q2) a(q3) 0,
- a(p1) 0.788, a(p2) 0.615
- h(q1) 0.657, h(q2) 0.369,
- h(q3) 0.657, h(p1) h(p2) 0
35(why) Does the procedure converge?
As we multiply repeatedly with M, the component
of x in the direction of principal eigen vector
gets stretched wrt to other directions.. So we
converge finally to the direction of principal
eigenvector Necessary condition x must have a
component in the direction of principal eigen
vector (c1must be non-zero)
The rate of convergence depends on the eigen gap
36Authority and Hub Pages (3)
- Main steps of the algorithm for finding good
authorities and hubs related to a query q. - Submit q to a regular similarity-based search
engine. Let S be the set of top n pages returned
by the search engine. (S is called the root set
and n is often in the low hundreds). - Expand S into a large set T (base set)
- Add pages that are pointed to by any page in S.
- Add pages that point to any page in S.
- If a page has too many parent pages, only the
first k parent pages will be used for some k.
37Authority and Hub Pages (4)
- 3. Find the subgraph SG of the web graph that
is induced by T.
38(No Transcript)
39Authority and Hub Pages (5)
- Steps 2 and 3 can be made easy by storing the
link structure of the Web in advance Link
structure table (during crawling) - --Most search engines serve this
information now. (e.g. Googles link search) - parent_url child_url
- url1 url2
- url1 url3
USER(41) aaa an adjacency matrix 2A((0 0 1)
(0 0 1) (1 0 0)) USER(42) x an initial
vector 2A((1) (2) (3)) USER(43)
(apower-iteration aaa x 2) authority
computationtwo iterations 1 USER(44)
(apower-iterate aaa x 3) after three
iterations 2A((0.041630544) (0.0)
(0.99913305)) 1 USER(45) (apower-iterate aaa x
15) after 15 iterations 2A((1.0172524e-5)
(0.0) (1.0)) 1 USER(46) (power-iterate aaa x
5) hub computation 5 iterations 2A((0.70641726
) (0.70641726) (0.04415108)) 1 USER(47)
(power-iterate aaa x 15) 15 iterations 2A((0.70
71068) (0.7071068) (4.3158376e-5)) 1 USER(48)
Y a new initial vector 2A((89) (25)
(2)) 1 USER(49) (power-iterate aaa Y 15)
Magic same answer after 15 iter 2A((0.7071068)
(0.7071068) (7.571644e-7))
41Authority and Hub Pages (6)
- Compute the authority score and hub score of each
web page in T based on the subgraph SG(V, E). - Given a page p, let
- a(p) be the authority score of p
- h(p) be the hub score of p
- (p, q) be a directed edge in E from p
to q. - Two basic operations
- Operation I Update each a(p) as the sum of all
the hub scores of web pages that point to p. - Operation O Update each h(p) as the sum of all
the authority scores of web pages pointed to by p.
42Authority and Hub Pages (9)
- After each iteration of applying Operations I
and O, normalize all authority and hub scores. - Repeat until the scores for each page
converge (the convergence is guaranteed). - 5. Sort pages in descending authority scores.
- 6. Display the top authority pages.
43Authority and Hub Pages (10)
- Algorithm (summary)
- submit q to a search engine to obtain the
root set S - expand S into the base set T
- obtain the induced subgraph SG(V, E) using T
- initialize a(p) h(p) 1 for all p in V
- for each p in V until the scores converge
- apply Operation I
- apply Operation O
- normalize a(p) and h(p)
- return pages with top authority scores
44(why) Does the procedure converge?
As we multiply repeatedly with M, the component
of x in the direction of principal eigen vector
gets stretched wrt to other directions.. So we
converge finally to the direction of principal
eigenvector Necessary condition x must have a
component in the direction of principal eigen
45Handling spam links
- Should all links be equally treated?
- Two considerations
- Some links may be more meaningful/important than
other links. - Web site creators may trick the system to make
their pages more authoritative by adding dummy
pages pointing to their cover pages (spamming).
46Handling Spam Links (contd)
- Transverse link links between pages with
different domain names. - Domain name the first level of the URL of a
page. - Intrinsic link links between pages with the same
domain name. - Transverse links are more important than
intrinsic links. - Two ways to incorporate this
- Use only transverse links and discard intrinsic
links. - Give lower weights to intrinsic links.
47Handling Spam Links (contd)
- How to give lower weights to intrinsic links?
- In adjacency matrix A, entry (p, q) should be
assigned as follows - If p has a transverse link to q, the entry is 1.
- If p has an intrinsic link to q, the entry is c,
where 0 lt c lt 1. - If p has no link to q, the entry is 0.
48Considering link context
- For a given link (p, q), let V(p, q) be the
vicinity (e.g., ? 50 characters) of the link. - If V(p, q) contains terms in the user query
(topic), then the link should be more useful for
identifying authoritative pages. - To incorporate this In adjacency matrix A, make
the weight associated with link (p, q) to be
1n(p, q), - where n(p, q) is the number of terms in V(p, q)
that appear in the query. - Alternately, consider the vector similarity
between V(p,q) and the query Q
49(No Transcript)
- Sample experiments
- Rank based on large in-degree (or backlinks)
- query game
- Rank in-degree URL
- 1 13 http//www.gotm.org
- 2 12 http//www.gamezero.c
om/team-0/ - 3 12 http//ngp.ngpc.state
.ne.us/gp.html - 4 12 http//www.ben2.ucla.
edu/permadi/ -
gamelink/gamelink.html - 5 11 http//igolfto.net/
- 6 11 http//www.eduplace.c
om/geo/indexhi.html - Only pages 1, 2 and 4 are authoritative game
- Sample experiments (continued)
- Rank based on large authority score.
- query game
- Rank Authority URL
- 1 0.613 http//www.gotm.org
- 2 0.390 http//ad/doubleclick/n
et/jump/ -
gamefan-network.com/ - 3 0.342 http//www.d2realm.com/
- 4 0.324 http//www.counter-stri
ke.net - 5 0.324 http//tech-base.com/
- 6 0.306 http//www.e3zone.com
- All pages are authoritative game pages.
52Authority and Hub Pages (19)
- Sample experiments (continued)
- Rank based on large authority score.
- query free email
- Rank Authority URL
- 1 0.525 http//mail.chek.com/
- 2 0.345 http//www.hotmail/com/
- 3 0.309 http//www.naplesnews.n
et/ - 4 0.261 http//www.11mail.com/
- 5 0.254 http//www.dwp.net/
- 6 0.246 http//www.wptamail.com
/ - All pages are authoritative free email pages.
53Cora thinks Rao is Authoritative on Planning
Citeseer has him down at 90th position ?
How come??? --Planning has two clusters
--Planning reinforcement learning
--Deterministic planning --The first is a
bigger cluster --Rao is big in the second
54Tyranny of Majority
Which do you think are Authoritative
pages? Which are good hubs? -intutively, we
would say that 4,8,5 will be authoritative
pages and 1,2,3,6,7 will be hub pages.
The authority and hub mass Will concentrate
completely Among the first component, as The
iterations increase. (See next slide)
BUT The power iteration will show that Only 4 and
5 have non-zero authorities .923 .382 And only
1, 2 and 3 have non-zero hubs .5 .7 .5
- -Tyranny of majority in A/H
- --Page Rank
56Tyranny of Majority (explained)
Suppose h0 and a0 are all initialized to 1
57Tyranny of Majority (explained)
Suppose h0 and a0 are all initialized to 1
58Impact of Bridges..
When the graph is disconnected, only 4 and 5 have
non-zero authorities .923 .382 And only 1, 2
and 3 have non-zero hubs .5 .7 .5CV
When the components are bridged by adding one
page (9) the authorities change only 4, 5 and 8
have non-zero authorities .853 .224 .47 And o1,
2, 3, 6,7 and 9 will have non-zero hubs .39 .49
.39 .21 .21 .6
Bad news from stability point of view
59Authority and Hub Pages (24)
- Multiple Communities (continued)
- How to retrieve pages from smaller communities?
- A method for finding pages in nth largest
community - Identify the next largest community using the
existing algorithm. - Destroy this community by removing links
associated with pages having large authorities. - Reset all authority and hub values back to 1 and
calculate all authority and hub values again. - Repeat the above n ? 1 times and the next largest
community will be the nth largest community.
60Multiple Clusters on House
Query House (first community)
61Authority and Hub Pages (26)
Query House (second community)
62Authority and Hub Pages (20)
- For a given query, the induced subgraph may have
multiple dense bipartite communities due to - multiple meanings of query terms
- multiple web communities related to the query
63Authority and Hub Pages (21)
- Multiple Communities (continued)
- If a page is not in a community, then it is
unlikely to have a high authority score even when
it has many backlinks. - Example Suppose initially all hub and
authority scores are 1. qs
p qs ps - G1
G2 - 1st iteration for G1 a(q) 0, a(p) 5, h(q)
5, h(p) 0 - 1st iteration for G2 a(q) 0, a(p) 3, h(q)
9, h(p) 0
64Authority and Hub Pages (22)
- Example (continued)
- 1st normalization (suppose normalization
factors H1 for hubs and A1 for authorities) - for pages in G1 a(q) 0, a(p) 5/A1, h(q)
5/H1, h(p) 0 - for pages in G2 a(q) 0, a(p) 3/A1,
h(q) 9/H1, a(p) 0 - After the nth iteration (suppose Hn and An are
the normalization factors respectively) - for pages in G1 a(p) 5n / (H1Hn-1An)
---- a - for pages in G2 a(p) 39n-1
/(H1Hn-1An) ---- b - Note that a/b approaches 0 when n is
sufficiently large, that is, a is much much
smaller than b.
65Authority and Hub Pages (23)
- Multiple Communities (continued)
- If a page is not in the largest community, then
it is unlikely to have a high authority score. - The reason is similar to that regarding pages not
in a community. - larger community smaller community
67Use of Link Information (3)
- PageRank citation ranking (Page 98).
- Web can be viewed as a huge directed graph G(V,
E), where V is the set of web pages (vertices)
and E is the set of hyperlinks (directed edges). - Each page may have a number of outgoing edges
(forward links) and a number of incoming links
(backlinks). - Each backlink of a page represents a citation to
the page. - PageRank is a measure of global web page
importance based on the backlinks of web pages.
68PageRank (Authority as Stationary Visit
Probability on a Markov Chain)
- Basic Idea
- Think of Web as a big graph. A random surfer
keeps randomly clicking on the links. - The importance of a page is the probability that
the surfer finds herself on that page - --Talk of transition matrix instead of adjacency
matrix - Transition matrix M derived from adjacency
matrix A - --If there are F(u) forward links from a
page u, - then the probability that the surfer
clicks - on any of those is 1/F(u) (Columns sum
to 1. Stochastic matrix) - M is the normalized version of At
- --But even a dumb user may once in a while do
something other than - follow URLs on the current page..
- --Idea Put a small probability that
the user goes off to a page not pointed to by the
current page.
Principal eigenvector Gives the stationary
69Computing PageRank (10)
- Example Suppose the Web graph is
- M
- 0 0 0 ½
- 0 0 0 ½
- 1 0 0
- 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0
70(No Transcript)
71Computing PageRank (1)
- PageRank is based on the following basic ideas
- If a page is linked to by many pages, then the
page is likely to be important. - If a page is linked to by important pages, then
the page is likely to be important even though
there arent too many pages linking to it. - The importance of a page is divided evenly and
propagated to the pages pointed to by it.
72Computing PageRank (2)
- PageRank Definition
- Let u be a web page,
- Fu be the set of pages u points to,
- Bu be the set of pages that point to u,
- Nu Fu be the number pages in Fu.
- The rank (importance) of a page u can be defined
by - R(u) ? ( R(v) / Nv )
- v ?Bu
73Computing PageRank (3)
- PageRank is defined recursively and can be
computed iteratively. - Initiate all page ranks to be 1/N, N is the
number of vertices in the Web graph. - In ith iteration, the rank of a page is computed
using the ranks of its parent pages in (i-1)th
iteration. Repeat until all ranks converge. - Let Ri(u) be the rank of page u in ith iteration
and R0(u) be the initial rank of u. - Ri(u) ? ( Ri-1(v) / Nv )
- v ?Bu
74Computing PageRank
- Matrix representation
- Let M be an N?N matrix and muv be the entry at
the u-th row and v-th column. - muv 1/Nv if page v has a link to page
u - muv 0 if there is no link from v to u
- Let Ri be the N?1 rank vector for I-th
iteration - and R0 be the initial rank vector.
- Then Ri M ? Ri-1
75Computing PageRank
- If the ranks converge, i.e., there is a rank
vector R such that - R M ? R,
- R is the eigenvector of matrix M with eigenvalue
being 1. - Convergence is guaranteed only if
- M is aperiodic (the Web graph is not a big
cycle). This is practically guaranteed for Web. - M is irreducible (the Web graph is strongly
connected). This is usually not true.
Principal eigen value for A stochastic matrix is 1
76Class of 9/30
-- Homework 1 due today ? -- Homework 2
assigned due 10/14 -- Project 1 Task 2 (LSI is
added) Completion dates for tasks specified
help session on Tuesday (check mail) --
Mid-term will be in Mid-october Soon
after hw 2 due-date. --Next class Google paper
discussion you are expected to read
the paper before showing up in the
class (hint class participation
77Computing PageRank (6)
- Rank sink A page or a group of pages is a rank
sink if they can receive rank propagation from
its parents but cannot propagate rank to other
pages. - Rank sink causes the loss of total ranks.
- Example
(C, D) is a rank sink
78Computing PageRank (7)
- A solution to the non-irreducibility and rank
sink problem. - Conceptually add a link from each page v to every
page (include self). - If v has no forward links originally, make all
entries in the corresponding column in M be 1/N. - If v has forward links originally, replace 1/Nv
in the corresponding column by c?1/Nv and then
add (1-c) ?1/N to all entries, 0 lt c lt 1.
Motivation comes also from random-surfer model
79Computing PageRank (8)
Z will have 1/N For sink pages And 0 otherwise
K will have 1/N For all entries
- M c (M Z) (1 c) x K
- M is irreducible.
- M is stochastic, the sum of all entries of each
column is 1 and there are no negative entries. - Therefore, if M is replaced by M as in
- Ri M ? Ri-1
- then the convergence is guaranteed and there
will be no loss of the total rank (which is 1).
80Computing PageRank (9)
- Interpretation of M based on the random walk
model. - If page v has no forward links originally, a web
surfer at v can jump to any page in the Web with
probability 1/N. - If page v has forward links originally, a surfer
at v can either follow a link to another page
with probability c ? 1/Nv, or jumps to any page
with probability (1-c) ?1/N.
81Computing PageRank (10)
- Example Suppose the Web graph is
- M
- 0 0 0 ½
- 0 0 0 ½
- 1 0 0
- 0 0 1 0
82Computing PageRank (11)
- Example (continued) Suppose c 0.8. All entries
in Z are 0 and all entries in K are ¼. - M 0.8 (MZ) 0.2 K
- Compute rank by iterating
- R MxR
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.45 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.45
0.85 0.85 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.85 0.05
MATLAB says R(A).338 R(B).338 R(C).6367 R(D).
83Comparing PR A/H on the same graph
84Combining PR Content similarity
- Incorporate the ranks of pages into the ranking
function of a search engine. - The ranking score of a web page can be a weighted
sum of its regular similarity with a query and
its importance. - ranking_score(q, d)
- w?sim(q, d) (1-w) ? R(d), if sim(q,
d) gt 0 - 0, otherwise
- where 0 lt w lt 1.
- Both sim(q, d) and R(d) need to be normalized to
between 0, 1.
Who sets w?
85Use of Link Information (13)
- PageRank defines the global importance of web
pages but the importance is domain/topic
independent. - We often need to find important/authoritative
pages which are relevant to a given query. - What are important web browser pages?
- Which pages are important game pages?
- Idea Use a notion of topic-specific page rank
- Involves using a non-uniform probability
86Topic Specific Pagerank
Haveliwala, WWW 2002
- For each page compute k different page ranks
- K number of top level hierarchies in the Open
Directory Project - When computing PageRank w.r.t. to a topic, say
that with e probability we transition to one of
the pages of the topick - When a query q is issued,
- Compute similarity between q ( its context) to
each of the topics - Take the weighted combination of the topic
specific page ranks of q, weighted by the
similarity to different topics
87Stability of Rank Calculations
(From Ng et. al. )
The left most column Shows the original
rank Calculation -the columns on the right
are result of rank calculations when 30
of pages are randomly removed
88(No Transcript)
89- Date Fri, 15 Feb 2002 125345 -0700Subject
IOC awards presidency also to GoreX-Sender
rao_at_enws209.eas.asu.edu(RNN)-- In a
surprising, but widely anticipated move, the
International Olympic Committee president just
came on TV and announced that IOC decided to
award a presidency to Albert Gore Jr. too. Gore
Jr. won the popular vote initially, but to the
surprise of TV viewers world wide, Bush was
awarded thepresidency by the electoral college
judges.Mr. Bush, who "beat" gore, still gets
to keep his presidency. "We decided to put the
two men on an equal footing and we are not going
to start doing the calculations of all the
different votes that (were) given. Besides, who
knows what those seniors in Palm Beach were
thinking?" said the IOC president. The specific
details of shared presidency are still being
worked out--but it is expected that Gore will be
the president during the day, when Mr. Bush
typically is busy in the Gym working out.In a
separate communique the IOC suspended Florida
for an indefinite period from the
union.Speaking from his home (far) outside
Nashville, a visibly elated Gore profusely
thanked Canadian people for starting this trend.
He also remarked that this will be the first
presidents' day when the sitting president can
be on both coasts simultaneously. When last
seen, he was busy using the "Gettysburg"
template in the latest MS Powerpoint to prepare
an eloquent speech for his inauguration-cum-firs
t-state-of-the-union.--RNNRelated Sites
Gettysburg Powerpoint template
90Effect of collusion on PageRank
Moral By referring to each other, a cluster of
pages can artificially boost their
rank (although the cluster has to be big enough
to make an appreciable
difference. Solution Put a threshold on the
number of intra-domain links that will
count Counter Buy two domains, and generate a
cluster among those..
91More stable because random surfer model allows
low prob edges to every place.CV
Can be made stable with subspace-based A/H values
see Ng. et al. 2001
92Novel uses of Link Analysis
- Link analysis algorithmsHITS, and Pagerankare
not limited to hyperlinks - Citeseer/Cora use them for analyzing citations
(the link is through citation) - See the irony herelink analysis ideas originated
from citation analysis, and are now being applied
for citation analysis ? - Some new work on keyword search on databases
uses foreign-key links and link analysis to
decide which of the tuples matching the keyword
query are most important (the link is through
foreign keys) - Sudarshan et. Al. ICDE 2002
- Keyword search on databases is useful to make
structured databases accessible to naïve users
who dont know structured languages (such as
93(No Transcript)
94Query complexity
- Complex queries (966 trials)
- Average words 7.03
- Average operators (") 4.34
- Typical Alta Vista queries are much simpler
Silverstein, Henzinger, Marais and Moricz - Average query words 2.35
- Average operators (") 0.41
- Forcibly adding a hub or authority node helped in
86 of the queries
95What about non-principal eigen vectors?
- Principal eigen vector gives the authorities (and
hubs) - What do the other ones do?
- They may be able to show the clustering in the
documents (see page 23 in Kleinberg paper) - The clusters are found by looking at the positive
and negative ends of the secondary eigen vectors
(ppl vector has only ve end)