Title: Protocoles cryptographiques II
1Protocoles cryptographiques (II)
- Cédric FournetMicrosoft Research
2This lecture
- An overview of the applied pi calculus
- Motivation, syntax, semantics,
- Some cryptographic primitives and protocols
- Observational equivalences
- A simple Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol
- A real-world protocol Just Fast Keying
- Session establishment in IPSEC
- An overview of JFK its design goals
- Modelling JFK in applied pi calculus
- Main security properties
3The applied pi calculus
- Based on joint work with Martin AbadiMobile
Values, New Names, and Secure Communications -
4A case for impurity
- In foundational calculi (pi, lambda), purity
often comes before convenience faithfulness. - In applications, ad hoc extensions are often
required integers, strings, , I/O, ,
cryptography, - Extensions can sometimes be encoded, at some cost
(complicated reasoning, ugly properties). - Many results are first stated and proved in a
pure setting, then proved again and again for
5Security in the pi calculus ?
- Domain security protocols,with interactions
between cryptographic computations, controlled
usage of secrets, and communications. - Process calculi are useful for such protocols,
e.g., - Pi calculus, to reason on high-level security
properties. - Spi calculus AbadiGordon, to tackle some
cryptography. - Still, there is a gap between typical security
specifications(e.g. RFCs) and what can be
represented in those calculi.
6The applied pi calculus
- Parameterise the pi calculus with computations on
values. - Keep communications and scopes!
- Uniformly develop equivalences and proof
7Syntax for processes
- Processes are those of the plain pi calculus.
- Communicated values are terms, rather than names.
- The calculus is parameterized by an equational
theory for terms.
8Syntax for terms
- We assume given
- a signature a set of function symbols with an
arity - a sort system
- an equational theory
- an equivalence relation () on terms
- closed by substitutions of terms for variables
- closed by one-to-one substitutions on names.
- We distinguish three similar notions constants,
names, variables.
9Example pairs
- A constructor function cons, written (M,N)
- Two selector functions, written fst(M) and snd(M)
- The equations
- all equations obtained by reflexivity,
symmetry, transitivity, and substitutions. - Similarly, we can model tuples, arrays, lists,
10Shared-key cryptography
- To model shared-key cryptography, we can use two
binary functions related with - We can use restricted names as keys (or not)
- This is much as the spi calculus.
- For each variant of the spi calculus, one can
select an equational theory that yields an
applied pi calculus with the same reductions.
11Operational semantics
- We use a standard chemical-style semantics
- reduction step (!) contains the rules
- closed by structural equivalence application
of evaluation contexts. - structural equivalence () is defined as usual,
and also closed by equality on terms.
12Token-based authentication
- The name s in the pair acts as a capability for
the forwarding. - Expected behaviour
- using the equations
13Token-based authentication ?
- The name s in the pair acts as a capability for
the forwarding. - Expected behaviour
- The token is not protected we can representan
(obvious) interception attack as the context I
14Cryptographic hash
- A one-way, collision-free hash functionis
modelled as a constructor h with no equation. - Example message authentication code (MAC)
- A sends a hash code that depends on the
secret.(The secret is not communicated.) - B checks the authenticity of the received
messageby recomputing its hash code. - Attackers cannot produce another valid hash code.
15Scope restriction for terms
- In the plain pi calculus,
- new restricted names can be created
- scope restrictions nicely disappear when those
names are passed to the environment (scope
16Scope restriction for terms
- In the plain pi calculus,
- With terms instead of names, scope restriction
gets more interesting - How to represent the result of sending an opaque
term? - The environment can accumulate partial knowledge
on restricted names, and use it later. - The problem already occurs in the spi
calculus,when sending messages encrypted with a
restricted key.Abadi Gordon, Boreale deNicola
17Scope restriction for terms
- In the plain pi calculus,
- With terms instead of names, scope restriction
gets more interesting - How to represent the result of sending an opaque
term? - We extend processes with active substitutions
that keep track of the values passed to the
environment. -
18Substitutions as processes
- Active substitutions map distinct variables to
terms - They may appear under restrictions (not under
guards) - They operate on the environment.
- They represent terms passed to the
environmentby reference, much as a floating
let x M in - (There are well-formed conditions for extended
19Operational semantics
- Structural equivalence is extended with rules
for active substitutions (reduction is defined
as before).
20Substitutions as processes (2)
- Every closed extended process can be put in a
normal form that separates its static and dynamic
parts - The static part operates only on the environment
- The dynamic part P is an ordinary processthat
describes communications - These two parts can share some restricted names
- (However, flattening processes is not
necessarily a good idea.)
21Cryptographic hash, again
- Using active substitutions, we can represent a
processthat has MACed several messages using the
secret s - What an attacker can effectively do with x and y
depends on the equational theory being
22More encryption primitives
- To model shared-key cryptography, we used two
binary functions related with - There are many variants of encryption
primitives,with diverse properties - Symmetric or not?
- Detection of decryption errors?
- Which-key concealing?
- We can select equations accordingly
23Asymmetric encryption
- To model public-key cryptography, we generate
public- and private-keys from a seed - Using active substitutions, we can write a
process that exports the public key and keeps the
private key secret - We can add troublesome equations for security
protocols,for instance reflecting a typical
weakness of RSA encryption
24Non-deterministic encryption
- To model probabilistic cryptography,we may add a
third argument to the encryption function - With this variant, consider the protocol
- Without access to the decryption key, an
attacker cannotdetect whether the underlying
plaintexts are identical
25Observational Equivalence
- How to compare applied pi processes?
26Observational equivalence
- Our basic observation predicate, written Aa ,
tests whetherthe process A can send a message on
the free channel a. - Barbed Congruence (¼) is the largest symmetric
relation between closed extended processes
defining the same variables such that A ¼ B
implies - if Aa , then Ba
- if A ! A then B ! B and A ¼ B
- for all evaluation contexts C_, we have CA ¼
CB - Many security properties can be expressed
usingobservational equivalences (attackers
evaluation contexts). - How to prove such properties?
27Secrecy by equivalence
- With symmetric encryption,consider the
simplistic protocol -
- The attacker observes a fresh, opaque
message,apparently unrelated to the term M - The process on the right is simpler more
abstract -
28Secrecy by equivalence (2)
- With asymmetric encryption, this doesnt work!
- The attacker can guess the term M, then verify
it - If M is a weak secret, such as a
password,then this reflects a dictionary attack -
29Secrecy by equivalence (3)
- With non-deterministic encryption,we do have
strong secrecy properties, e.g. -
- The attacker observes two unrelated fresh values
- The attacker learns nothing on M ,and
cannot detect that x is an encryption
30Equivalence for frames ?
- Frames are extended processes that only consist
ofactive substitutions and restrictions.What is
equivalence for frames? - Consider two functions f and g, no equations, and
frames - ?0 and ?1 have the same observable behaviour
they provide two fresh, apparently independent
values - ?2 is visibly different y f(x) with ?2 only.
31Static equivalence (definition)
- We write when the terms and
areequal in the theory after
alpha-conversion and substitution. - Two frames are statically equivalentwhen they
agree for all term comparisons - Two extended processes are statically
equivalentwhen their frames are equivalent. -
32Static equivalence (properties)
- Static equivalence is closed by , !, C_.
- For extended processes,observational equivalence
is finer than static equivalence. - For frames, static equivalence and observational
equivalence coincide. - Hence, we can uniformly lift equational
propertiesfrom (restricted) terms to (extended)
processes. - We use special evaluation contexts instead of
frame comparisons -
33Labelled semantics
- Can we characterize observational semanticsusing
labelled transitions? - A good technical test for the calculus
- Standard, effective proof techniques
- No quantification over all contexts.
- Proofs up to active substitutions
- We have two such labelled semanticsthat refine
static equivalence. - Theorem for any equational theory,the labelled
and observational semantics coincide. - However, the generalization of the pi calculus
LTS with scope extrusion (exporting terms instead
of names) yields a labelled semantics that sees
through all term constructors and discriminates
too much.
34A labelled semantics
- In addition to ! and , we adopt the following
35Example transitions
- Labelled transitions systematically pass values
by aliasing them to fresh variables. - The environment can use these values
indirectly,by forming terms that contain these
36Diffie-Hellman key exchange
- a classic protocol example
- A cryptographic protocol for creating a shared
secret between two parties, e.g. establishing a
session key. - The two parties communicate over a public
network,in the presence of a passive attacker - The protocol relies on large exponentials,with
the associative equation -
38Diffie-Hellman exchange
- We get perfect forward secrecythe values
are unrelated
39Diffie-Hellman in applied pi
40Diffie-Hellman in applied pi
- Processes Ai, Ar represent the initial state.
- Processes Pi, Pr represent the final statewith
free variable for the shared key. - Auxiliary substitutions account for the
messagesbeing exchanged and the shared key .
41Diffie-Hellman in applied pi
- A normal run consists of two reduction steps
- A passive attacker intercepts both messages and
forwards those messages unchanged, leading to the
final state - We use an auxiliary frame that records messages
and computations
42A correctness property
- Specification
- 1. The final processes share a pure secret a
fresh name - 2. Intercepted messages are pure noise fresh
names - Theorem
43Perfect forward secrecy
- We can forget about the key establishment
protocolthe key freshness secrecy do not
depend on its use - Examples
- Send a first message
- Reveal the keyto the environment
44Summary (on applied pi)
- We develop a pi calculus parameterised by an
equational theory for values. - We obtain an expressive and flexible framework
for reasoning on security protocols, which
typically mix - creations of fresh values new scope
extrusions - various cryptographic operations various
equational theories - communications pi calculus
- We uniformly build tools to state and prove their
properties (inspired by concurrency theory).
45Many related works
- Complexity-theoretical analyses,focusing on the
cryptographic operations. - Higher-level presentations with black box
cryptography, focusing on their usage in
protocols. - Trace models
- Process calculi
- the spi calculus Abadi Gordon
- Labelled bisimilarity for cryptographic protocols
Boreale De Nicola - Specific type systems for security
- Information control flow Honda
- Syntactic containment Abadi, Blanchet
- Correspondence assertions Gordon, Jeffrey
46Just Fast Keying ?
- Application to a real-world protocol
47Session establishment
- Two parties want to open a secure session
- Telnet (SSH)
- Web connection (SSL, TLS)
- IP tunnel (VPN)
- Wireless network
- They need to
- Generate a shared secret (the session key)
- Agree on many parameters
- Verify each others identity
- Attackers might eavesdrop, delete, and insert
messages, may impersonate principals, in order
to - gain information
- confuse or hinder the participants
- This is a classical setting for cryptographic
48Building blocks (review)
- Shared-key encryption
- Cryptographic hash (HMAC)
- Tokens (or cookies)
- Diffie-Hellman computation
- Public-key signature
49Two-round Diffie-Hellman
- Against active attackers,first create a shared
key, then authenticate
50Some authentication
- The private key is a long-term secret used for
signing - The public key can be used by anyone to verify a
- Configuration
- Different security needs according to the
application - Many cryptographic algorithms to choose from
- Many flavours of authentication (PKIs)
- Different modes
- Concurrency
- Parallel sessions
- Various principals using several shared proxies
- Efficiency concerns
- Round-trips are expensive
- Cryptography can be expensive
- Session management
- Key derivation
- Rekeying
- Dead peer detection
52IKE and its successors
- IKE (Internet Key Exchange)
- Session management for IPSEC
- Quite secure
- Some concerns
- Too complicated
- Inefficient (too many messages expensive
operations) - Poor resistance against denial of service
- The IETF is considering a successor for IKE,(now
merging the different proposals into IKEv2) - JFK (Just Fast Keying) is a simple proposal that
incorporates several new mechanisms.http//www.ie
53Design goals for JFK
- Security
- The key should be cryptographically secure,
according to standard measures of cryptographic
security for key exchange - Simplicity
- Resistance to Memory DoS
- Resistance to CPU DoS
- Privacy
- Identity protection for some parties,against
some classes of attacks - Efficiency
- Non-negotiated
- Flexible perfect forward secrecy
- With reuse of exponentials
- Plausible deniability
- These goals are (sometimes) contradictory.
54Using JFK
55The JFK protocol
56The JFK protocol
The pair of nonces is unique to this session
Many keys can be derivedfrom the same
exponentialsfor different usages
57The JFK protocol
The responder uses an authenticator against DoS
The responder can check thatthe contents of msg
3 matches the contents of msg 1 2
58The JFK protocol
Identities are always encrypted
Identities are never signed
59Some minor problems
60Identity protection?
- Two flavours
- JFKi protects id_i against active attacks
- JFKr protects id_r against active attacksand
protects id_i against passive attacks - What is guaranteed? Does it make sense for the
responder?This depends on relations between
principals and roles - Various leaks
- An active attacker can get the initiators hint
- A passive attacker can perform traffic analysis
- A passive attacker can observe shared
exponentials - if exponentials are re-used by a single
principal,all these sessions involve the same
principal - an active attacker (or an insider) may obtainthe
identity for one of these sessions - An active attacker can test the equality
ofresponder authenticator keys - arguably a passive attack
- fix MAC the initiator exponential too
- Usually, the cryptographic algorithms are
negotiatedhash, encryption, certificates,
compression, Some algorithms are weak (legacy,
legal), or even nil. - The protocol must (at least) authenticate the
negotiation, and also relies on these operations
for authentication! Cf. SSL - JFK is non-negotiated the responder demands
specific algorithms, the initiator takes it or
leaves it. Still - If the responder demands weak algorithms, no
guarantees at all. - What if the attacker modifies the responders
demands? - The session will fail, either immediately (the
initiator rejects the demand) or after message 3
(the server detects the mismatch). Bad denial of
service. - If the initiator accepts a bad demand, her
message 3 is not protected, and may reveal her
identity.Bad identity protection (in JFKi) - Fix in JFKi sign the algorithm demand Keromytis
62Caching message 3?
- The responder caches answers to identical message
3s - More precisely, the responder should answer just
oncefor every valid token received in a message
3. - Otherwise, several attacks appear
- There is a blind DOS attack that defeats the
purpose of the authentication - There is a (small) security failurethe same key
may be used in many established sessions
63A model of JFK in applied pi
64Public key signature
- To model public-key signature, we construct the
public verification key form the private signing
key - Using active substitutions, we can write a
process that exports the public key, and keeps
the signing key secret. - We can also add equations for the attacker,
rather than the protocol, e.g. key- and
65Control actions
- We distinguish between
- principals (signers)
- JFK roles initiator, responder (exponentials)
- We provide an API for using JFK
66Providing more context
- We distinguish between
- principals (signers)
- JFK roles initiator, responder (exponentials)
- We provide an API for using JFK
67Providing more context (2)
- We distinguish between
- principals (signers)
- JFK roles initiator, responder (exponentials)
- We provide an API for using JFK
68Grammar for terms
69Equations on terms
70JFK configuration initiator responder
71JFK configuration initiator responder
72JFK configuration initiator responder
73Security properties ?
- Main results
- In any state, the protocol can establish a secure
session between compliant principals - There are causality relations between control
actions(aka authentication) - When both protocols are compliant, the key is
secure - Stated independently of low-level messages
- Compliant principals are also part of the
attacker - Additional results
- Some identity protection
- Some DOS properties
- Some plausible deniability
74Operational correctness
- The protocol uses internal steps
- low-level communications
- tests after receiving messages
At the end of the protocol,we can use an
observational equivalence to simplify the
established keys.
We start from any reachable configuration of the
protocol (past running sessions)
Each party gets the others identity
parameters, plus a shared key.
We end up exactly in the original configuration
!In particular, kv is a perfect key.
75Operational correctness
- We have a similar, more precise result for an
attackerthat is temporarily passive on the
network - We model a passive attacker as an environment
that gets messages and immediately put them back
76Operational correctness with eavesdropping
In addition, the environment can observe
mostly-opaque messages, still unrelated to the
session key.
77Correspondence properties
78Denial of service
- We characterize round-trip communication as a
trace property - and show an injective correspondence property
from expensive responder steps to round-trips. - The use of a token is a refinement, modelled as
an equivalence - The basic model uses local responder state after
message 1 2 - The refined model uses the token instead
- This is much like the parallel law for CCS
79Plausible deniability
- What gets signed ?
- Authentication for an active party
- Deniability from some (data) evidence
- Example
- a opens a session with e (which may not comply
with JFK) - Later, e tries to prove that a opened the
session,from collected data. - To refute es evidence, a must exhibit a trace
where - a never tries to open a session with e
- a complies with JFK
- e can still produce the same evidence
- Some plausible trace
- a opens a session with a compliant b ? e
- e is an active attacker that impersonates b
- as session fails, because e cannot produce bs
signature - e can use the intercepted messages to build the
same messages 1 and 3, so it can produce the same
evidence too.
80Plausible deniability
- Can be expressed as the existence of another
tracewith the same outcome, up to static
- is a rather nice protocol (well-written)
- is message-centric
- is often imprecise
- We had to interpret the specand supplement it
with a service API - We found several minor issues
- Writing down a precise definition for the
intendedproperties of the protocol is difficult - The applied pi calculus
- is a rather nice process calculus for network
protocols - represents powerful attackers as contexts
- Parallel session
- Both low-level and high-level (aka insider
attacks) - can be used to express a variety of security
properties - and to prove them compositionally
See also http//research.microsoft.com/fournet/
- Mobile Values, New Names, and Secure
Communication (.ps) (.pdf), with MartÃn Abadi.
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'01),
pages 104-115. January 2001. - Authentication Primitives and their Compilation
(.ps) (.pdf), with MartÃn Abadi and Georges
Gonthier. Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium
on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'00),
pages 302-315. January 2000. - Secure Implementation of Channel Abstractions,
with MartÃn Abadi and Georges Gonthier. To appear
in Information and Computation. May 1999. - See also http//research.microsoft.com/fournet/
84Diffie-Hellman in the pi calculus
- A normal run consists of two reduction steps
85Substitutions as processes (2)
- Locally, active substitutions and ordinary
substitutionson processes are related by
structural equivalence
86Labelled bisimilarity
- Labelled bisimilarity (¼l) is defined almost as
usual the largest symmetric relation such that
A ¼ l B implies - A ¼ s B
- if A ??? A , then B ??? B and A ¼ l B for
some B - if A ?a?? A and a has free variables in
dom(A), and a has no bound names that
are free in B, - then B ????a?? ??? B and A ¼ l B for some
B. - Labelled bisimilarity is observational
equivalence ¼l ¼ - Labelled bisimilarity has nice technical
properties(e.g. proofs up to frame
87Symbolic bisimulations (1/2)
- Message Output active substitutions rely on
partial extrusion, to deal with opaque terms. - Message Input the environment can supply
arbitrary terms - Infinite-branching transition systems
- Unbounded nesting of functions
- Infinite number of names
- Many different terms are uniformly handled by the
protocol - Symbolic inputs (and symbolic bisimulations) use
insteadabstract environment variables for
input terms Huimin Hennessy Boreale.
88Symbolic bisimulations (2/2)
- Symbolic inputs (and symbolic bisimulations) use
instead abstract environment variables for
input terms. - Symbolic reductions introduce constraints on
those variables. - Equality between open terms
- Occur-checks on output variables (no causality
loop) - Constraints must be solvable to obtain concrete
89A correctness property (3/3)
- Sketch of the proof
- Static equivalence (not so easy for all M and
N) - Hence the process equivalence
- Apply an evaluation context structural