Title: Industrial Internship educational goals
1Industrial Internshipeducational goals
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
- Jetse Reijenga Esther Vinken
- Proceedings 20th ICCE
- LOST overleg 12 november 2009
2Industrial Internship
- Compulsory for Masters degree
- 3-6 months (fulltime, 20-30 ects)
- Industrial RD or Production
- In the Netherlands or abroad (40/60)
- Before or after graduation (now 10/90)
- Technical Report
- Company Grading Form
- Final Presentation at TU/e
- Self- Reflection Report
3Educational Goals
- Orientation on the chemical engineering
profession labor market and acquiring a
position - Gain experience in working as a chemical engineer
in industrial working environment - Solve problems on a chemical engineering level,
and thus integrating and expanding knowledge,
technical insight, skills and critical
inventiveness - Practice communication in a professional working
4Phasing of Internship
- Orientation register, intake internview, CV,
motivation letter, previous projects, current
offers, company contacts, internship programs - Preparation permission for subject, time frame,
contract, supervision, reporting,
confidentiality, work permit, scholarships,
travel, insurance, briefing before departure - During Internship contact details, subject
update, visit or conference call, interim
grading, reporting - Afterwards debriefing, company grading form,
report, reflection report, trial presentation,
presentation, evaluation, final grade
5Company Grading Form, version 1
6Self-Reflection Report group 1
- Guideline make a 500-word self-reflection
report in view of general educational goals of
the internship. Report treated confidential. - Resulting reports were insufficient more about
the company profile and the assignment than about
7Self-Reflection Report group 2
- Guidelines write a 500 word self-reflection
report taking into account the following points - What did you learn about yourself?
- Did you discover unsuspected talents?
- Did you meet unexpected challenges?
- How did you deal with them
- Which personal improvement points remain?
- How did internship broaden your view on career
opportunities? - Self reflection should not be about the company,
but about you.
8Self-Reflection Report group 3
- Guidelines (in addition to those of group 2)
- Student fills in company grading form for
himself, before the internship - Again halfway through the internship
- Again at the end of the internship
- Compare 3 self-grade forms with company grading
form as an additional aid in self-reflection
9Comparison of groups
- Quality of Self-reflection reports
- Group size 19, 44 and 36 respectively
10Results of group 3 in detail
- Extended guidelines improve self-reflection
reports - Additional self-grading further improves reports
- Even in group 3, only 50 of students make
acceptable self-reflections, so - Further improvement still needed.
J.C. Reijenga, E. Vinken, in Chemistry Education
in the ICT Age Springer Education, Book
Chapter ISBN 978-1-4020-9731-7 (2009)
12Recommendations (2008 -gt 2010)
- Further emphasize self-grading
- Personal goals as SMART objectives??
- New grading form
13my bottom line
self-reflection as starting basis for a bright
career perspective
14Industrial Internship, where?
35 NL companies with 1 student each
15Industrial Internship, where then?
16Industrial Internship, where now?
17My other challenges..
- Assessing exemptions for Internship
- Explaining self-reflection and pear review for
different cultures - CV advice from fun-CVs to nerd-CVs
- Motivation letter from touristic side activities
to hard-core science technology - Help translate what I dont want into what can
I do or what I want - Facilitate conversion of students into
professional employees - Estimate how much help students need
18Industrial Internship, a dialogue
19(No Transcript)