Title: Wilsons Kindergarten Team
1 - Wilsons Kindergarten Team
- Corby Brooks
- Karen Carriker
- Connie Culver
- Jamie Pruitt
- Lisa Zalomski
- Catherine Sauer
- Maria Ueckert
- Gina Lopez
- Maria Sanders
- 2009-2010
2Kindergarten Daily Schedule
- 830-845 Meet Greet/Announcements/Morning
Work - 850-900 Morning Message/Interactive Writiing
MWF - Read Aloud T TH
- 900-925 Workstations/Guided Reading I
- 925-940 Modeled Writing
- 940-1015 Independent Writing/TAG
- 1015-1035 Workstations/Guided Reading II
- 1035-1045 Calendar
- 1045-1130 Math Lesson/Math Tubs
- 1130-1200 Restroom/Recess
- 1200-1230 Lunch
- 1230-1240 Word Work/Phonemic Awareness
- 1240-1250 Shared Reading/Big Books MWF
- Poetry/Manipulation of Text
T TH - 1250-100 Interactive Read Aloud with
Accountable Talk - 100-125 Workstations/Guided Reading III
- 125140 Modeled Reading/Workshop Mini Lesson
- 140150 Independent Reading/Share Time
- 150215 Seatwork/Guided Reading IV
3Report Cards
- Kindergarten report cards will be sent home
each nine weeks, with performance grades in
Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social
Studies. - On the kindergarten report card, students will
be given a check or dash in academic areas. A
check means that the student demonstrates skill
to mastery and a dash means that the student is
unable to demonstrate the skill to mastery. Work
habits and conduct will be marked using E, S, or
N (Excellent, Satisfactory, or Needs
Improvement). - At the end of the first nine weeks, the ISIP
and district math benchmark scores will be
discussed during the parent/teacher conference on
October 12th. At any time we are happy to
answer your questions or address any concerns so
please feel free to call us at 281-463-5941 or
write in your childs daily take-home folder. - Progress reports are given every 4 weeks.
- Our district has established parent-teacher
communication as an important ingredient in
school success. October 12th has been designated
as Parent-Teacher Conference Day so that
individual conferences can be scheduled with all
parents. This will be a student holiday and
child-care arrangements need to be made prior to
the conference. However, feel free to request a
conference at anytime throughout the year.
Please check your childs take-home folder on a
daily basis. We may send notes to you that need
a quick response. Take-home folders act as a
communication tool between home and school. Be
sure to review the conduct/work habits list with
your child, read any additional information
inside the folder and return it the following
day. If you have any questions, comments or
concerns about how your child is doing, please
let us know as soon as possible.
- Homework (Monday Thursday)
- Homework will begin Tuesday, Sept. 5th
- Homework will be found in the take-home folder.
- Homework will be completed in a separate folder
or notebook. - Homework is given a grade on the report card.
7 Basic Personal Needs
- Your child will feel more confident in school if
he/she can - Tie shoes (double knot)
- Use the restroom independently and wash hands
- Put on and remove outer clothing without help
- Keep track of personal property. Please put your
childs name on everything (backpacks, coats,
lunch kits). We encourage each child to bring a
bag or backpack (no rolling backpacks) to school
daily in order to conveniently carry papers home.
- Please pack a change of clothes in your childs
backpack. - Each of these tasks will boost his/her
confidence. Be sure to praise your child as new
challenges are met. - Please do not allow your children to bring
his/her toys to school.
8Medical Information
Please deliver all medications to the school
nurse. This includes cough drops, inhalers,
prescription meds. Please refer to student
handbook for clarification.
Any change in your childs departure from school,
whether permanent or temporary, requires that you
notify the school in writing. Send any changes
in transportation on a note in your childs
take-home folder. After 300, changes in mode of
transportation will not be accepted unless there
is an emergency.
If you give your child money for lunch, pictures,
special programs, or other reasons, please put it
in an envelope. On the envelope, please write
your childs name, the purpose for the money, and
send it in the students folder.
- Kindergarten students eat lunch from 1200-1230
p.m. daily. Please be sure you have made daily
arrangements for lunch. Money can be sent in
your childs folder to be deposited in his/her
account. Parents are encouraged to prepay online
or on the phone with a credit card or electronic
check. To set up a PAMS (Pre-pay for Meals)
account go to http//www.pamslunchroom.com or
call - 1-888-994-5100.
- We ask visiting parents to finish lunch by
The school library can be one source of quality
books for you and your child to enjoy.
Kindergarten students can check out one book at
this time. After the winter break, two books may
be checked out. Books may be returned to school
on any day of the week. Parents can also check
out books by setting up a separate library