Title: Orange Urine on Halloween
1Orange Urine on Halloween
- Eva Delgado, MD
- Morning Report
- Case Presentation
- Indications for Referral/Admission
- Work-up based on Differential
- Discussion of Pathophysiology
- Treatment and Prognosis
- Take Home Points
3Case Presentation
- 12 y/o F with OCD develops orange urine with
sediment. - PMD advises watchful waiting.
4Case Presentation
- Orange urine persists x 4 days, so mom makes
appointment with PMD. - PMD notes elevated BP, weight gain, and then
orders one key test.. - URINALYSIS hematuria, proteinuria
5A Word on Urinalysis
- UA with gt/ 5 RBC/hpf on 3 samples over several
weeks HEMATURIA - Only UA can distinguish between confounders
- Myoglobin, hemoglobin, toxins, foods/coloring
Massengill, Peds In Review, 2008
6A Word on Disposition
- Hematuria AND proteinuria
- Proteinuria may be due to notable hematuria,
BUT.. - Combination of both increases risk of renal
disease - Hypertension
- Can be a symptom of fluid overload warranting
diuresis and further observation
PMD sends patient to the ED..
Boineau and Lewy, Peds in Review, 1989. Simckes
and Spitzer, Ped in Review, 1995.
7Physical Exam in ED
- Wt 60kg (? over last 6 mos)
- VS T 36.4, P 68, BP 146/80, R 20, 100 O2
- Gen no distress
- HEENT no peri-orbital edema, MMM
- Chest CTA b/l
- CV RRR, no murmur
- Abd soft, NTND
- Ext slight erythema in skin folds, no edema
8Differential and Work-Up
- Urinalysis
- Chemistry panel
- C3, C4
- ASO /- Throat swab
- Imaging
- Do you need a biopsy?
9Thinking of Glomerulonephritis
- Clues to look for in HP
- Edema, discolored urine (in 30-50), HTN due to
?GFR and hypervolemia, oliguria - Clues to look for in UA
- hematuria, proteinuria, casts (60-85)
- RBC dysmorphology implies glomerular damage
- Sensitivity 95, specificity 90
McCory, Peds in Review, 1983. Boineau and Lewy,
Peds in Review 1989.
10Glomerulopathy vs. Glomerulonephritis
Silverstein, Laughing your way to passing the
pediatric boards, 2008.
11Laboratory Results
- UA 3 blood, 2 protein, 1 LE, 0 nitrites,
- 11-20 WBC, numerous RBC, 1-3 granular casts
- Chemistry BUN/Cr 17/0.8
- CBC Hbg 11.3, HCT 32.5, MCV 79
- C3 26 (86-184)
- C4 21.5 (20-59)
- ASO 2130 (lt400 unit/ml) and Rapid strep
12Poststreptococcal GN
- Most common type of Acute GN
- Usually occurs in 5-15 y/o
- 50 of cases are asymptomatic
- Diagnosed by evidence of Group A Strep
- ASO titers detectable 2-4 weeks s/p pharyngitis
- Anti-DNase-B titers helpful in post-pyoderma type
Simckes and Spitzer, Peds in Review 1995.
13The Role of Grp A Strep
- Nephritogenic strains of streptococci
- Wall protein M12 in pharyngitis, M49 in pyoderma
- These strains pose 15 risk of ? PSGN approx 2
weeks after initial infection - Antibiotic treatment to prevent GN?
Simckes and Spitzer, Peds in Review,
1995. Rodriguez-Iturbe and Musser, J Am Soc
Nephrology, 2008
14The Role of Grp A Strep
- Post-infectious Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric
Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infection - Syndenhams Chorea and Rheumatic Fever
- OCD/Tic disorders shown to emerge or worsen with
temporal relation to Grp A Strep infection - PANDAS patients may have higher susceptibility to
Grp A Strep infection, family h/o Rheumatic
Kurlan et al. 121 (6) 1188. (2008) Pediatrics
15Considering the DDX of PSGN
- Low C3
- 80-90 of PSGN cases have low C3 x 2 mos
- Also seen in GN due to SLE
- Consider MPGN if low C3 gt 2 mos
- MPGN can also present after infection
- MPGN may also ? low C4
- Diagnose by biopsy
McCrory, Peds In Review, 1983.
16Considering DDX of PSGN
- Normal C3
- IgA Nephropathy
- Suspect if recurrent hematuria with
URIs/Infections - Alports
- Family History
- HUS or HSP can present with gross hematuria
- Post-viral GN
Boineau and Lewy Peds in Review 1989.
17Treatment of AGN in General
- Admit if HTN, edema, or signs of renal failure
- Monitor/correct electrolyte anomalies
- Treat HTN to avoid sequelae
- Diuresis ? loop diuretics like lasix
- Fluid and salt restriction
- Anti-hypertensives like the Ca-channel blockers
Simckes and Spitzer Peds in Review, 1995.
18Treatment Specific to PSGN
- Antibiotics to target Grp A Strep
- Cultures often positive even if no symptoms,
suggesting active infection - Treatment may ? milder course of PSGN
- Epidemics of Grp A Strep may warrant ppx to
prevent PSGN, especially in underdeveloped
societies - Unclear/controversial role for impact on OCD
Rodriguez-Iturbe and Musser, J Am Soc Nephrology,
19Prognosis and Sequelae
- Good prognosis in children
- CLOSE follow-up!
- HTN resolves in 1-2 weeks
- C3 levels return to normal in 6 weeks
- Gross hematuria resolves in 6 weeks
- Microscopic hematuria resolves in 1 year
- Proteinuria resolves in 6 months
- Progression to renal dysfunction RARE
McCrory, Peds in Review 1983.
20Take Home Points
- Urinalysis is KEY test to w/u discolored urine
- UA with casts/dysmorphic RBCs GN
- HTN, edema, or renal dysfunction ? admit
- Poststrep GN most common, due to
characteristics of Strep and/or patient - Treat Strep infection and co-morbidities
- Guarantee follow-up
21Works Cited
- Boineau and Lewy, Evaluation of Hematuria in
Children and Adolescents, Pediatrics in Review,
1989. - Kurlan et al., Streptococcal Infections and
Exacerbations of Childhood Tics and OCD Symptoms
A Prospective Blinded Cohort Study, Pediatrics
2008. - Massengill, Hematuria, Pediatrics in Review,
2008. - Rodriguez-Iturbe and Musser, The Current State
of Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis, Journal
of American Society of Nephrology, 2008. - Simckes and Spitzer, Poststreptococcal Acute
Glomerulonephritis, Pediatrics in Review, 1995. - McCrory, Glomerulonephritis, Pediatrics in
Review, 1983.