Monte Carlo Simulation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Monte Carlo Simulation


B will form s-shaped curves with T that become sharper for bigger systems sizes N ... Ising model is a good test of generators! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo Simulation
  • Ken Hawick
  • 2009

Monte Carlo Methods
  • Monte Carlo Casino
  • Relates to use of Random Numbers
  • MC or sometimes MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo)
    methods used in variety of simulations

Models of Phase Transitions
  • Ising Model example model of a magnet
  • Thermal Heatbath and use of Random Noise
  • Other systems such as networks such as the
    Internet social networks small-world networks
    distorted lattices

Phase Transitions Complex Networks
  • A phase transition is a sudden or sometimes
    unexpected change in some measurable or
    observable property
  • Usually cannot be analysed with simple
  • Complex network - a graph of interacting
    components, such as agents
  • A general way to try to quantify complexity

Monte Carlo Method
  • Impose a Markov dynamics on the Ising Hamiltonian
    (energy function)
  • ie construct a path through phase space starting
    from a random point
  • Ising phase space has 2N points (too huge, so
    can only sample)
  • Transition probabilities based on Boltzman
    probability exp( -?E / kT)
  • Metropolis approach updates a single spin at a
  • Slow to converge - we say dynamical exponent z is
  • Time T-Tc z
  • But does give realistic growth or quenching

Monte Carlo Timescales
  • Time in the simulation is Markov time
  • We can (cautiously) ascribe some universal
    dynamical properties to it
  • Key idea is that length-scales and correlation
    times are important
  • L x L System is capable of supporting
    length-scales up to L if non periodic
  • If apply periodicity, only L/2 capable of being
  • This shows up as a finite size effect

Lattice Models and Graphs
  • Spin Models - the Ising Model
  • Monte-Carlo approach to dynamics
  • Wormholes and graph shortcuts
  • Small-World Graphs and properties
  • Probing the small-world regime
  • Technicalities - Fast Simulations
  • Lattice and Graph Regimes to study

The Ising Model
  • Model of magnet
  • Spins - up or down on each site of a mesh
  • Energy(Hamiltonian) relates how they are coupled
  • Like-Like or Like-Unlike etc
  • Order varies with Temperature

Programming Ising Systems
  • Array (2d or 3d) of spins (bits or bytes or
  • Need to know nearest neighbours
  • Metropolis Algorithm
  • Pick a random site (one out of the N)
  • Count many like-like nearest neighbour bonds
    would change if we flip it (change in the
    systems energy)
  • Compute exp(-?E/kT) and compare with a random
    number probability (often use ? to denote
  • If the hit is accepted do the flip
  • Repeat for all N spins

Computing the Changes
Computing Probabilities
  • Compute exp( -2 / T ) from previous slide
  • Throw a random uniform deviate dice
  • Compare the two.
  • Decreases in energy will always succeed, but
    small increases in energy can still occur
    depending upon the temperature
  • Hence idea of thermal noise or heatbath

  • Need to initialise the system of spins
  • Just make them up/down randomly with 50/50
  • This is effectively a very hot (random) system
  • Now need to equilibrate for a particular
  • Keep running the algorithm until (E or M) stops
    changing much
  • Often make the lattice periodic so all sites
    have same number of neighbours

More Programming Practicalities
  • We need a good quality and fast random number
  • As we will see later the bigger our model size
    the more acccurately we can compute its
    properties, so we need an efficient memory model
  • We need to compute expensive functions like
    exp() but we can use a look-up table

Shape Function - Scattering
  • Simulated systems can be compared with eg neutron
    scattering experiments
  • Scattering pattern is radially averaged Fourier
    Transform of simulation

What to measure?
  • Correlation length can be done using Fourier
  • Other properties such as the number of clusters
    or size of the largest cluster
  • Simple measurement is the magnetisation M
  • Just the sum of all the spins so ranges from 0
    to N if there are N spins in the system
  • Can also count total energy of the system, E,
    the total number of like-like bonds

Binder Cumulant
  • Sometimes easier to measure B the Binder
    cumulant rather than M to get a more precise fix
    on the transition
  • B is computed from M but forms S-shaped
    curves that are easier to plot
  • It turns out that B is sensitive to the system
    size, so we can run say 3 different system
    sizes and the point where the the three
    s-shaped curves intercept is where the phase
    transition is.

Binder Cumulant
  • For a system of size N
  • B 1 ( lt M4gt / 3 lt M2gt2 )
  • Where lt . gt denotes the average, and 2 etc
    means to the power of 2
  • B will form s-shaped curves with T that become
    sharper for bigger systems sizes N
  • (sometime in the literature it is called U_N)

Correlation length
  • Ising system known to behave like a critical
  • Above Tc, no longer a magnet
  • Phase transition
  • Near Tc all length scales and esp infinite length
    in infinite system are present

  • Crystal lattice in 2d (square, or hexagonal)
  • Lattice in 3d (cube or face-centred cubic or
    body centred cubic)
  • But no reason why cannot study arbitrary graph
    or network
  • Instead of simple array with 4 or 6 nearest
    neighbours, need to store as a graph structure
    with neighbour lists

What if we Mess with the geometry?
  • Known that Periodic boundary conditions are
    preferable for large systems
  • Large is better as no finite size rounding
  • Various Tc values for different dimensionalities
  • eg in 2d Tc 2.269185317 (Onsager, exact)
  • In 3d Tc 4.511536
  • (Baillie et al, Monte Carlo)

What if We Crinkle Space?
  • Place shortcuts in the graph?
  • What do these mean?
  • Wormholes?
  • Sure enough when we apply some shortcuts, the
    length scales available are shorter and we see
    rounding effects - shifts in Tc

  • Our wormholes idea was serendipitous - its
    analogous to the small-world effects seen in
    networks (graphs)
  • (Watts Strogatz)
  • Our wormhole is effectively a small world
  • We only looked at one or two - but we can
    systematically look at regimes in between random
    graph and regular meshes

Small-World Rewiring Models for 2D Lattices
Small-World Parameter p
  • Probability that given link is an arbitrary link
    rather than a normal mesh neighbour link
  • Or probability that given site connects to
    another given site
  • Can either add links (shortcuts) to a mesh
    (small-world regime)
  • Or can damage a mesh or lattice - removing links
    with probability p
  • Large p - mean field regime
  • Medium p - interesting
  • Small p - weird!

Small-World Ising Systems
  • Herrero looked at small 2d and 3d systems in
    large to medium p regime
  • Scaling controversy in small p regime - how does
    the shift in Tc scale with p?
  • Newman looked at scaling and percolation theory
    and makes some hypotheses - but it is not obvious
    which are correct
  • Hence need to probe small-p regime on large

Small-World Shift in Tc
  • Binder cumulant method is useful for computing Tc
  • It is sensitive to correlations in the data - a
    lot of data is needed
  • There are other things we can look for in the
    data so we are logging E and M and Wolff Number
  • At large p the shift is easy to estimate - its is
    very sensitive to noise at low p and hence, we
    need to fight the Monte Carlo convergence effect.

Intercepts of Binder Cumulant
Technicalities - Speed 1
  • N runs - errors for MC goes as 1/ vN
  • So best way to parallelise is job-wise scripting
  • Unix shell or python or ruby
  • Script generates scripts for the jobs, spreads
    them onto Helix queues
  • Data logs gathered up and averaged
  • Using simple statistical methods - blocks assumed
    to be independent samples

Speed 2 - Random Numbers
  • Parallel Generator harder to reliably seed - we
    use scatter approach
  • Various generator algorithms OK, but combinations
  • Ising model is a good test of generators!
  • My favourite is currently Marsaglias
    Lagged-Fibonacci generator
  • Uses lag-table to mix deviates and achieves long
  • No known problems with it

Speed Depends on T
Speed 3
  • Never trust your compiler!
  • It is worth worrying about
  • Optimisation levels -O6, -DNDEBUG (x3)
  • Inline functions (x2)
  • Pre-computed neighbours lists (x6)

Neighbour Lists 1
  • Computing neighbours involves arithmetic -
    especially if using periodic boundary conditions
  • Can speed up if pre-compute these, still faster
    despite cache effects

Neighbour Lists
  • Simple neighbour list helps speed but hard to
  • What do you call them in 4d?
  • In d-dimensions?

Graph Structure
  • Graph data structure allows arbitrary neighbour
  • Arbitrary small-world effects - not just mesh
  • Allows us to investigate many different effects
    using the same basic simulation code

However - Memory Limited
  • Neighbour Lists save speed but make storage x7 in
    3d simulation
  • Bit encoding saves space - slower since more
    calculations needed to extract a specific bit
    from a word
  • High Performance Computing is still an art!

Target Architecture?
  • Helix nodes typically 1 or 2 GByte - but less
    than this is available. Also the dual processor
    per node effect means two potential jobs are
    sharing the memory
  • Problem - eventually operating System can only
    address 232 4GB of memory
  • In practice 32 bit PCs limited to circa 3.5GB

Limitations on System Size
  • We want to explore regimes of 256x256x256 spin
  • Helix nodes capable of this just, but even if
    simulation were fast enough, 512x512x512 regime
    not accessible to us
  • Small-p regime requires large system sizes
  • So plan a new architecture - 64 bit nodes with
    16GBytes of memory each
  • Need 64-bit random number generator

Cluster Update Methods
  • Swendson and Wang invented a method of updating
    whole clusters at once
  • Clusters are constructed according to Boltzmann
    link probabilities
  • Good z but expensive to identify the clusters
  • Wolff invented a simpler one cluster method which
    has even better z and is lightly easier to
  • However, z in the different regimes is unknown,
    so we are having to experiment to tune the
  • Our data structure works with either

3D Ising System Results
Dimensional Dependence
Critical Exponent Beta
Dijkstra All-Pairs
Some Results
  • Wolff Cluster update works on small-world
  • At small-p scaling behaviour looks consistent
  • Can characterise a complex network by its
    departure behaviour properties from known
    (simple) networks
  • In 2D shift in Tc goes as p0.5
  • In 3D still a power law px
  • Looks like also in 4D, and possibly 5D (still
    working on that)
  • Beta (and nu) dependence quite subtle - challenge
    universality class ideas

  • More work in progress
  • Interesting Scaling behaviour
  • Network Models interesting aside from Ising
  • All the High Performance Computing skills are
    needed for this one
  • Contact
  • Ken Hawick, Massey University
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