Title: You need the Ps
1You need the Ps
- BYU Lecture by Justin Bergener
2Whats a good idea?
- How closely is it related to
- Increased sales
- Reducing costs
- Solving pain
- How many people would use it?
- Can you work for free?
- Start while in school
- Innovate were you stand
- Start talking about it and adapt
- Talk to future customers push for commitments
- Become an expert and provide value
- No pain, no gain
- Market to everyone
- Branding matters
5Partner Right
- Find the Super Fans
- Pilot Customers and push for commitments
- Experience that will take it to the next level
6Push for Revenue
- Show how it increases sales, cuts cost or solves
a pain and have proof. - Measure and innovate
- Bootstrap!!! but only cry once
- Forgives many sins
Enhanced Communications for Safer Schools
8Enhanced Communication for Safer Schools
Latest Customers
Juab Jr. High
9Current Status
1st Place - Northwest Venture Championship-
17,000 cash in kind services
1st Place BYU E-Business Competition- 5,000
10Solution Market Financial Leadership
News about
SchoolTipline is the Best Practices for school
safety -Bruce Ricks, representing MYERS-STEVENS
SchoolTipline provides a layer of intervention
and prevention that helps to promote a positive
and safe learning environment for our school
community. -Taran Chun, Vice Principal, Dixon
Middle School, Provo, UT
We are happy to endorse such a great service
Sharron Thompson, Special Projects, Cleburne
School District, Cleburne, TX.
11Solution Market Financial Leadership
12Solution Market Financial Leadership
Safe Open CommunicationIncidents being reported
- Bullying
- Fighting
- Weapons
- Sexual harassment
- Cyber bullying
- Gangs
- Stress
- Threats of violence
- Cheating
- Drugs/Alcohol abuse
- Depression
- Suicide
- Pregnancy
- Physical abuse
- Vandalism
13Solution Market Financial Leadership
Prevention by SchoolTipline
Names have been changed
14Solution Market Financial Leadership
Saving Lives Money
- Great ROI from preventing bullying, sexual
harassment, abuse, and suicide. SchoolTipline
increases reporting by 950
SchoolTipline estimates Based on Survey of 439
7th 8th graders Dixon Middle School
15Solution Market Financial Leadership
16Solution Market Financial Leadership
Go to Market Strategy
School Insurance Companies Safety and Risk
Advisors Safety ed. programs (D.A.R.E, McGruff
State Dept. of Ed Districts
At Risk Schools Media/Public
Relations Referrals
17Solution Market Financial Leadership
Management Team
Justin Bergener, CEO
Cole Lewis, COO
Mickey Rajbhandari, CTO
Barrett Edgington, Executive Vice President
Jacob Morris, CFO
Rob McMillian, Sales Marketing VP
18Solution Market Financial Leadership
Advisory Board
Dr. Betty Ashbaker, BYU Research and School
Safety Advisor
Brenda High, Bully Police USA PTA Legislation
Adrianna Sgarlata, Miss Virginia 2006
Dr. Jack Levin, NorthEastern University
School Safety PR Advisor
Jeremy Hanks, Doba Entrepreneur / SaaS
Mike Forsyth, Curriculum Advantage, Inc School
Sales Advisor
Schools should be places of safety and a
sanctuary of learning. When that sanctuary is
violated, the impact is felt in every American
classroom and every American community - Present
George W. Bush, 4/10/07
Enhanced Communication for Safer Schools
Phone 801.228.0231 Fax 866.431.2329
Contact_at_SchoolTipline.com www.schooltipline.com