Title: Classification of Energy Products
1 1st meeting of the Oslo Group on Energy
Statistics 6 8 February 2006, Oslo
Summary of a survey on country practices of
compiling energy balances
Károly Kovács, Chief, Energy Statistics Section,
United Nations Statistics Division
2Small survey
- UN Statistics Division short questionnaire was
sent to 10 countries representing all continents
- 8 countries sent the questionnaire back
completed 3 developed and 5 developing countries
3Compilation and publication of energy balances
in countries
- Energy balances are compiled in all countries
- Energy balances are published either in printed
format or in electronic format or both however
not all countries publish the compiled balances
4Data sources of energy balances in countries
- Statistical office data collection
- Ministrys data collection
- Other governmental agencies
- Private companies
- Research institutes
5Usage of international guidance in compiling
energy balances in countries
- All countries follow international guidelines,
but it depends on the country which guideline
they use - European countries follow the IEA and EUROSTAT
guidelines but they consult to the United Nations
manuals as well regularly or occasionally - Countries are quite familiar with the United
Nations manuals
6Usage of international guidance in compiling
energy balances in countries 2
- Some countries diverge from the international
recommendations - Some countries follow international guidelines
for compiling the balances however their basic
data has to be converted it to the format
requested by regional or international
7Recommendations from countries
- Overview energy balance compilation practices in
countries/regions - Overview energy balance compilation practices of
the international organizations - Revision, standardization and update/development
of the UN manuals - Harmonization of energy questionnaires between
the international organizations - Unified compilation methods, concepts used and
standard reporting format
8Recommendations from countries 2
- Clarification and revision of some definitions
- Training to be provided for compilation and
manuals for countries/regions - Energy price manual focusing on recommendations
for data collection on prices and taxes