Title: TroopMaster Millennium
1(No Transcript)
2TroopMaster Millennium
- is licensed software developed by
- and is compatible with BSAs
- ScoutNET 2000 PAS
- for electronic submission of
- Troop Recharter and Advancement Reports
(TroopMaster is not an official product of BSA)
3- Designed specifically for Boy Scout troops
- Primary focus is on advancement
- Understands the rules for rank advancement
- Helps prevent errors
- Reports help you monitor and increase advancement
- But theres MUCH more!
4- Scout/adult personal data
- Rank advancement
- Merit badges special awards
- Scout/adult training leadership
- Camps, hikes, service projects
- Meetings, outings, other activities
- Fundraiser sales and receipts
- Order of the Arrow
- Merit badge counselors
- Points of contact
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7Main Menu
8File Menu
9Send Email Dialog
Just select the recipients
Enter your subject and text
The message will be placed in your email systems
Outbox so that you can refine or expand it, if
desired, before transmitting.
As you will see later, you can also easily attach
10You can import data from any of Troopmaster
Softwares other products as well as from ASCII
delimited files.
11File Menu
Database Management option lets you divide
responsibility for data updates among two or more
12Eight different functional areas
Different leaders can be assigned responsibility
for different functional areas. Each leader can
view all of the areas but can only update data in
their assigned area(s).
13File Menu
This option lets you customize the program to
your personal preferences.
14User Preferences
15Unit Menu
16Unit General Information
17Patrol Assignment Dialog
18Scouts Menu
19Scout Management
20Scout Personal Data Dialog
21Scout Personal Data Tab 2
22For ScoutNET, nearly all parents are also
Scout Personal Data Parental Data
23Use this tab for divorced or separated parent
Scout Personal Data Alternate Relative
24User-defined data fields
25Adults Menu
Adult Leaders Merit Badge Counselors Points of
26Adult Members Menu
27Adult Management
28Adult Personal Data Dialog
29Adult Personal Data Tab 2
30Used to compute service stars
Adult Personal Data Prior service
31Adult Personal Data User defined
32Adult Leadership Dialog
Similar dialog available for your scouts
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34Merit Badge Counselor Dialog
35Points of Contact
36Use for district leaders, business references,
parent resources, etc.
Points of Contact Dialog
37Activities Menu
The activities area lets you create a schedule of
events and then record attendance of scouts and
adults at camps, hikes, meetings, etc.
38Activity Management dialog displays a list of all
past and future activities. Any of these can be
displayed individually.
39This dialog lets you review and edit a single
40Advancement Menu
41Individual Advancement
42Life Rank Dialog
Participation, Posn of Responsibility, and
Service Project reqts are automatically
monitored and credited when complete
43Badges are automatically placed under correct
ranks based on BSA rules
Completed Merit Badges
44Partial Merit Badges
45Advancement Menu
46Advancement Group Credit
You can credit a whole group of scouts with merit
badges, special awards, training, and early rank
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48Fundraisers Menu
49Create Fundraiser
50Fundraiser Sales/Payments
51Order of the Arrow Menu
52O/A Membership Dialog
53Reports Menu
54Activity Reports
55Unit summary
You can also request attendance percentages
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57Adult Leader Reports
58Advancement Reports
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62Target 1st Class
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64Court of Honor/4403
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66Awards Summary
This is what youll need to support the Court of
67Unit Advancement Report (4403)
68Creates Diskette File for ScoutNET
69Fundraiser Reports
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72Scout/Unit General Reports
Includes rosters, phone lists, vehicles report,
photo directory, etc.
73Scout Leadership Roster
74Physical Exam Status
75Council Recharter for ScoutNET
76Recharter Selection Dialog
77Recharter Selection Dialog
78Cover Sheet Summary
79ScoutNET (Paper) Report
80Creates Diskette File for ScoutNET
81Venturing Awards Reports
82Other Reports and Forms
83Flags Menu
Flags feature for reports on selected groups
of scouts and adults
84Help Menu
86- This concludes this training presentation
- We hope that this program overview has given you
a better understanding of the many features
available, especially the ScoutNET report option - Thank you for attending!