Title: Health promotion is:
1Health promotion isthe process of enabling
people to increase control over, and to improve
their healthOttawa Charter for Health
Promotion (1986)
2Potential Health Promoting Role?
- Health Promotion role of the Acute Sector
- Staff health
- Patient health
- Visitor health
3HEAT Targets
4Work in progress
- Healthy Living Award
- Healthpoint
- Financial Inclusion Cash in your pocket
- Out Patient Department letter footers
- SAS referral flow chart
- Patient Information pathway (Cardiology) (Stroke)
- Walk to Health guided health walks
- National Paediatric Oral Health Best Practice
Statement - National Paediatric Nutrition Conference
5Current Activity
- Link workers/ newsletters
- Smoking Advice Service acute service
- Healthpoints Health Information Resources
Department - Family Information Centre
- Cardiac Rehab
- Samaritans direct line AE
- Annual mole watch (Dermatology)
- Patient Information Group
- Public Awareness local promotion of National
Campaigns - Workshops
- Training
- Mental Health First Aid
- Opportunistic/ Brief Intervention (Tobacco)
- Health promoting health service
- NHSG Tobacco Policy Tobacco Info Officer
- Adherence to Smoke Free legislation
- Grampian wide
- Pharmacy SAS
- Integrated prescribing
- In hospital 2wte in ARI .5wte Dr Grays
- Referral flow chart in development
- Smoking in Pregnancy Pilot - AMH
- Appropriate supporting literature
- Out Patient Department Letters
- Staff Training
- Public Awareness
- Pregnancy, youth retailers campaigns
- No Smoking Day Briefing Sheet/ Posters
- SHAW Noticeboards / patient noticeboards
- No Smoking Day manned stand ARI concourse
7Patient Pathway for Homelesspatient AE, ARI
- Multi agency group
- Flow chart - clear, systematic, standard
- Support Intervention offered early
- Opportunity to involve support worker
continuity - Domestic Abuse cases identified early and
appropriate management initiated - Different organisations contact details clearly
available - Appropriate use of Hospital Social Worker
- OOHS Contact details
- Monetary fund for transportation costs available
(AE) - Appropriate clinical follow up
- In-house Training on Homeless and Domestic Abuse
flow charts to be undertaken - Evaluate effectiveness of homeless flow chart in
6 months - Monitor number of cases
- Appropriate literature available in AE
- 2 x domestic abuse liaison officers, safe house
8(i) Noticeboards Hosting relevant health issues
(ii) Activities 2005 Health Fairs Suicide
Awareness Talk Weightwise_at_work
(iv) Tobacco Policy Smoking Cessation Support
(ii) Activities 2006 Body Benefit Bonanza Sport
Relief Mile 10,000 steps in the woods
(v) Health Safety
Physical Activity Sports Calendar of Events Take
the Stairs Campaign 10,000 steps in the
woods Corporate gym discounts Walk to Health
(iii) Health Promotion Working Group
9SHAW Activities for 2007
- No Smoking Day 14.03.07 (Lead - Smoking Cessation
Team Acute/ local wards) - Fruity Friday 25.05.07 (? Catering Department/
local wards) - Bike Week 16-24 the June (Lead Travel Plan
co-ordinator) - October Breast Cancer (Lead Clinic A)
- Reflexology pilot, Wards 31, 32, 33 completed
January 2007. - Scottish Slimmers pilot RACH completes June 2007.
10In summary
11In summary - promoting health
- Health meaning more than the absence of disease
- Understanding the impact of lifestyles life
circumstances on incidence, co-morbidities,
adherence to treatment, recovery rates etc - Ensuring we operate as a connected health system
- Maximising opportunities to promote health
- Access to specialist support
- Access to services information
- Ensure staff have opportunities to be healthy _at_
12Connecting up quick wins?
- Supporting the professional
- Hi-Net
- Health Information Resources Services
- Training Programme
- Strategic direction Specialist support topics
setting - Recognise current activity how to access it?
- Promoting staff health
- Supporting the individual
- Smoking Advice Service (formal referral
prescribing) - healthpoints (on of site informal referral)
- Healthline
- Specific projects examples provided
13Contact us
- Dr Robert Henderson, CPHM
- Dr Linda Leighton-Beck
- linda.leighton-beck_at_ghb.grampian.scot.nhs.uk
- Marie-Louise Blair,
- Marie-Louise.Blair_at_gpct.grampian.scot.nhs.uk
- Gillian Lewis
- gillianlewis_at_nhs.net