Title: Hugo Sinzheimer Institute Universiteit van Amsterdam
1Hugo Sinzheimer InstituteUniversiteit van
- Decentralising welfare to work
- the Dutch example
- Els Sol
- c.c.a.m.sol_at_uva.nl
- W-T-W Convention
- Birmingham 20 21 june 2007
2Some Key Figures of the Dutch Labour Market
- 16 mln inhabitants of which 7,5 mln labour force
- Sickness rate 4 (2005 5)
- Unemployment rate 4.7 (2005 6,1) (2001
3,3) - Not participating or partly participating
- 850.000 disabled benefits (2005 900.000)
- 250.000 short term unemployed (2005 300.000)
- 300.000 social assistance (2005 330.000)
- -gt More people participating due to economic
growth - and change in legislation
3Dutch service delivery structureby type of
welfare benefit under 2002 SUWI act (Structure
Implementation Work and Income)
4Factors driving introduction of private market
for public employment services (2002 SUWI Act)
- Effectiveness increased focus on outcomes
- Efficiency competition between providers
- Client oriented service choice for users
5Role of private non-profit and for profit
- Expenditure of reintegration budget in
percentage of non -profit and for profit
reintegration companies, Amsterdam, 1996-2003
6Municipal tenders
- 2003 first tenders
- Duration period free (1 2 years)
- Transparancy
- Directory Providers http//keuzegids.blikopwerk.n
l/reintegratiemonitor/rwi/intro.asp - Information on Municipal Tenders
ment1 - Certificated Providers
- http//www.boreakeurmerk.nl/
- http//www.boakeurmerk.nl
7Outflow after two years by recipients social
assistance, 2003Source CBS, 2005, Uitstroom
naar werk.
8Outflow after two years by recipients of
unemployment benefits 2003Source CBS, 2005,
Uitstroom naar werk.
9Net effect of W-t-W example of Rotterdam
- SAW/TNO (2006) Gross and net results by type of
instrument in Rotterdam - __________________________________________________
______________ - instrument placement (p) shortens
duration -
(gross effect) placement in months - __________________________________________________
______________ - Basic reintegration 12-37 16 4
- Reintegration plus 13-28 24 10
- Social activation 8-19 16 4
- Work experience 40-43 52 3
- No instrument -
10 -- - __________________________________________________
______________ - Source Hekelaar, Zwinkels, Braat,
2006, De juiste klant op het juiste
traject.Rotterdam SWA/TNO.
10Social Assistance Probability of getting a job,
with and without employment services (source SEO
11WW Probability of getting a job, with and
without employment services (source SEO 2006)
12Characteristics of NPM Dutch municipalities
- Funding AME and DEL division model
- Law Policy bylaws (bonus/malus, sanctions)
municipal autonomy in policy design and control - Policy Implementation make or buy
13Dutch service delivery structureby type of
welfare benefit under 2002 SUWI act (Structure
Implementation Work and Income)
14NPM Management Mechanisms
- Benchmarking
- Steering by output
- Tendering
- Vouchers (IRO, PRB)
15Creating a WF Benchmark(source Sol a.o. Work
First works. Towards evidence based work first
approach 2007)
- 2004 Act on Worc and Income
- autonomy in policy design, financial
responsibility -gt outcome orientation - from suitable labour -gt generally accepted labour
- Work First examples from the United States, UK
and Denmark - In no time Work First became a major trend
amongst municipalities (more than 80 in 2006) - Laboratorium of Work First approaches -gt what
works best? -gt comparing approaches by benchmark
16Definition Work First
- A policy strategy
- directed at prevention, enforcement, diagnoses by
using work arrangements (do mechanism) - purpose is return to the labour market asap
- using two types of instruments employment
services and sanctions (sweet and sour)
17Work First Concept (Un)Willingness to Work
18Work-First strategy
t1 ? t2
19Reintegration model Work First
20Results WF Benchmark 2006 outflow by target group
21Resultaten WF Benchmark 2006 Type sanctie naar
22Results WF Benchmark 2007 by type of working
place (simulated or real)
23Results WF Benchmark 2007 Outflow by type of
24Make or buy Prime contractor Work First projects
25Result WFbenchmark 2007 by type of prime
26Downside Work First
- The focus on work, regardless of pay and
sustainability can create working poor, who
earn too little and become dependent on social
assistance again and again (revolving door)
- Laboratorium of new approaches
- NPM reform delivers short term results
- Steering instruments more knowledge
- Mimicking windowdressing
- Work First Plus incentives?
- Lack of political steering national and local
depolitizication -gt democratic deficiency