Title: Summary of HLT Studies by the JetMET Physics Group
1Summary of HLT Studies by the Jet/MET Physics
- Shuichi Kunori
- U. of Maryland
- 21-July-2000
- Group Leader Sarah Eno http//home.fnal.gov/scen
2Milestone and Tasks
(shown on June 6th.)
- July00 Milestone
- Demonstrate that data coming from Level-1 trigger
can be reduced by a factor of 10 using
calorimeter information. - Tasks
- Software tools
- Verify ORCA4
- Create ntuple-files
- Understand offline performance for jet/met/tau at
10E34. - Develop algorithms for Level 2 (and implement in
3HLT algorithm
- Jets
- Improve Et resolution and Et scale
- improved jet axis with finer granularity (1x1
instead of 4x4 towers) - LSB L1(Et0.51.0GeV) -gt L2(Et0.2GeV)
- energy calibration (non-linearity, pile-up
energy) - Reduce low Et fake jets due to min-bias pile-up
- jet shape smaller window size
- Improve resolution
- energy calibration (non-linearity)
- Tau
- improve shape cuts at L2
- use tracker information for isolated charged
tracks at L3.
4Software Tools
- The software chain finally established.
- CMSIM- no known bug
- To be updated before next production.
- new eta-phi segmentation - cannot mix with 116
data. - ORCA4- big improvement
- Random mixing of min-bias events.
- full pile-up activated - very critical for Jets
MET studies. - Re-organization of Calorimeter code
- clean software - good start for future, but
required large effort to re-establish the
software chain. - Ntupel Maker - working!
- Standard ntuple files
- been shared by many members.
- For Jets/MET only
- need to establish common ntuple files for all
5Monte Carlo Samples
- Large data set.
- 100k min-bias events
- 600k QCD events (10-470GeV)
- 10 sets of signal sample
- single particle samples for verification.
- Thank for good production team and system.
- Need planning for next step
- event filter at particle level before cmsim
- an extended list of signal/background samples
- production with different parameters for special
studies, e.g. study of front end electronics. - Even larger event sample, e.g. 0.51.0E6 of
min-bias events for pile-up.
6Tau Trigger
- New L1 Tau trigger has been introduced since
Nov99. - a big improvement (29-gt64)
for the low mass Higgs (200GeV) () -
High mass Higgs may be triggered by L1 jet
() gg-gtbbA/H, A/H-gt2t-gthh-X off-line cuts
Et(t-jet)gt60GeV eta(t-jet)lt2.4, 1 prong
7Tau Trigger
L2 Tau trigger operates on the 1st L1 tau.
1) reconstruct a jet 2) calculate e.m.
isolation P(isol)
Etecal(Rlt0.4) - Etecal(Rlt0.13) 3) accept
event if P(isol) lt Pcut.
New isolation cut provides constant efficiency
over large Et region.
(efficiency for ts passed L1)
8L2 Tau Trigger
L2 reduction 10 at 65 eff. 4kHz -gt
L3 Use tracker information
9Jet Trigger
Problems to solve - large QCD jet rate -
pile-up at E34 - signal pulse spread over
multiple beam crossings. - non-linear
response of calorimeter - Et-eta
dependent - difficult to trigger low Et
jets New 12x12 sliding algorithm has been
introduced in L1 since Nov.99.
Eta-Et dependent correction Et(corr) a0 a1
Jet Energy resolution before/after correction
- Simple energy correction improves overall
resolution. - Next step - apply this to
11Low Et Jet Trigger
12x12 window vs 6x6 window
Problems to solve - large effect by
pile-up. lt17GeVgt in Rlt0.6 due to
min-bias events at E34. -gt Fake
jets - Sensitive to threshold cuts.
(0.5 GeV threshold)
Smaller cone/window pick less pile-up energy,
(I.e. less fake jets)
Rate(12x12)/Rate(6x6) 2.1 for 40GeV for pile-up
12Low Et Jets ResolutionDependence on window size
and threshold
(35GeV lt Et(genjet) lt 45 GeV)
Thres. 0.0 GeV
1.0 GeV
Better resolution - larger window - lower
Next step on -
apply smaller window low Et QCD multijet
sample - apply some shape cut qqH -
energy correction WH
13MET Trigger
L2/Offline MET
Problems to solve - Long tail due to
pile-up - sensitive to pedestal
pile-up energy subtraction - depend
on threshold - Energy scale - Sensitive to
noise - Sensitive to dead channels
5kHz at MET80 GeV
(L1 rate 810kHz)
14MET Trigger
Contribution from QCD Jets
How can we reduce and control the rates? -
optimize threshold higher threshold
less pile-up worse
resolution - energy calibration - combine
with jets/leptons 50 reduction with
jet gt 80GeV (???)
Next - Calculate L1/L2 rates - Efficiency
curves for various signal channel. -
Understand offline performance.
L2/offline MET
15Plans for July Milestone
(as of June 6th)
1) redo L1 rates - done for tau and MET 2)
construct maps for eta-Et dependent jet energy
correction for offline (L2) and L1 - done
(almost) 3) do L1/L2 jet rates with jet energy
correction 4) see effect of jet energy
correction on offline MET 5) do L2 MET rates
with jet energy correction, if 4) works. 6)
calculate L2 tau rejection rate with new L1 tau
trigger. - done 7) support ejets by the egamma
group 8) start developing a common ntuple for
jets/met/tau, electrons/gamma and muons.
16After July Milestone
(plan as of June 6th)
1) tracker information for L3 tau trigger. 2)
proper HCAL electronics simulation.
(pulse shape, time jitter etc.) 3) optimize
offline MET calculation 4) optimize handling of
low Et jets (Etlt40GeV) 5) improve jet energy
calibration and pile-up energy
subtraction 6) migrate to a common ntuple. 7)
production with new cmsim (updated geometry,
larger HF shower library, etc.)
( pixel for jets ?)
(pedestal subtraction)
- Software Tools
- cmsim - orca4 - ntuplemaker finally working!
(almost) - L2 Tau
- Isolation cut provided a factor of 10 reduction
over L1 with efficiency 65. - Next - use tracker at L3.
- Jets / MET
- Analysis of ORCA4 data just started.
- Follow the plan shown on June 6th.
- Many parameters and algorithms to test.
- Threshold, LSB, pedestalpile-up energy
subtraction, cone window sizes, energy
calibration, use of tracker/pixel etc. - Low Et Trigger and MET trigger are real challenge
at 10E34, Hope to contribute to triggers on low
mass scale physics.