Title: Location Awareness Extensions to XGTRBAC David W' Bettis
1Location Awareness Extensions to X-GTRBACDavid
W. Bettis
ltXCredTypeDef xctd_id"Campus_XCTD"gt
ltCredentialType cred_type_id"cS"
type_name"Student ref"StudentSchema"gt
ltAttributeListgt ltAttribute name"campus"
type"Feature" usage"mand" /gt
lt/AttributeListgt lt/CredentialTypegt
ltCredentialType cred_type_id"cSS"
type_name"StudentSchema" /gt lt/XCredTypeDefgt ltRol
e role_id"rSS" role_name"StudentSchemaRole"gt
ltCredType cred_type_id"cSS" type_name"StudentSch
ema"gt ltEnabConstraintgt ltEnabConditiongt
ltLogicalExprgt ltPredicategt
ltRetValue type"reference"gtcampuslt/RetValuegt
lt/Predicategt lt/LogicalExprgt
lt/EnabConditiongt lt/EnabConstraintgt
lt/CredTypegt lt/Rolegt ltRole role_id"rSP"
role_name"SPurdue"gt ltCredType
cred_type_id"cSS" type_name"Student"gt
ltCredExprgt ltAttribute name"campus"gt
ltFeaturegt lt!-- optional descriptive metadata
--gt ltgmlnamegtPurdue University-West
Lafayettelt/gmlnamegt ltgmldescriptiongtA
fantastic school.lt/gmldescriptiongt lt!--
This is the rectangular area defining Purdue.
--gt ltgmlextentOfgt ltgmlEnvelopegt
ltgmllowerCornergt0 0lt/gmllowerCornergt
ltgmlupperCornergt100 100lt/gmlupperCornergt
lt/gmlEnvelopegt lt/gmlextentOfgt
lt/Featuregt lt/Attributegt lt/CredExprgt
lt/CredTypegt lt/Rolegt
- GEO-RBAC RBAC with notions of location allows
spatial constraints on roles - X-GTRBAC a generalized XML formulation for
RBAC, additionally supporting temporal
constraints - Project goal Extend X-GTRBAC to describe
GEO-RBAC policies.
Spatial Structures
- Need to have a way to represent features and
geometries in XML - Use Geographic Markup Language (GML) as
attributes in credentials - GML has the concepts of
- Features, which have a set of pre-defined
attributes (name, description, boundedBy), but
are abstract, so depend on an application schema - Geometries, points, polygons, so on and so forth.
- Define an element ltFeaturegt derived from
ltgml_Featuregt which has a single required
element gmlextentOf
Spatial Constraints
- Use credentials to specify spatial constraints
- The ltFuncNamegt needs to go and fetch the users
absolute position and translate it to a feature - Augment the set of operators with contained_in,
which tests for geometric containment
Role Schemas
- This approach results in rather lengthy policy
descriptions - Would rather have ltFeaturegt not be duplicated
- So role schemas are implemented as credentials
that reference other credentials
CS 526 Information Security Fall 2005