Title: 11:35 Sponsoring project: STASIS Aims and Innovations
1- 1135 Sponsoring project STASIS Aims and
Innovations - STASIS Universal Semantic InteroperabilityStuart
Campbell Chief Technology Officer TIESTASIS
Project Manager
Type of instrument STREP An FP6 Call 5 STREP
(FP6-2004-IST-5) proposal for 2.5.5 Software
and Services 3 Year Project 3.8M Cost
2.7M EU Grant 13 Partners Keywords
Semantics, Software technology, eBusiness
Research, Development and Validation of an open
webservice based distributed semantic software
and services for SME eEmpowerment in the
Automotive, Furniture and Generic Sectors
Stuart CampbellTIE CTO STASIS Project
Furn- iture
STASIS is providing a generic semantic software
and service platform using service oriented
architectures to guarantee interoperability among
industries and organisations
4- The Challenge
- different ways, different schemas, different
format and with different levels of definitions - Language Difference
- Stock Inventory, Good, Manufactured or in
transit - Stock Financial bond or instrument
- Wording differences (of 123456-7x)
- Product Number
- Product Reference Number
- Article Number
- Structure Differences
- EDI ORDERS/LIN/C1001/1256ITArticle
Identifier - XML ltProductgtltReferencegtltNumbergt
- XML ltArticlegtltReferenceNumbergt
5- Industrial concerns
- How can I keep my own semantics without being
forced to use those of others? - Why do I need to invest and keep track of
standards when I have neither the time nor money? - How can I link the semantics of my messages with
that of my customers without paying huge
consultancy fees? - How can I create new data structures which are
based on real world use rather than standards
theory? - How is it possible I can trade with any party
with minimal reconfiguration no matter what their
country, language? - Can you present me something whereby I can
utilise any data structure (EDI, XML) yet the
semantic knowledge is retained? - How can i easily access and share all the
information in the network
6Practical DemoBasic PrinciplesTodays World
710 Packets of Biscuits for Delivery tomorrow
Application Hamzeh Jordanian
Application Ioannis Greek
Subtle (English) Technique 1 LOUDER
Subtle (English) Technique 2 SLOWER
8Practical DemoStandards
Standard Gash
Application Hamzeh Jordanian
Application Ioannis Greek
Unsubtle Technique 3 Read the standard Understand
it Implement it
Subtle (English) Technique 1 LOUDER
Subtle (English) Technique 2 SLOWER
10- Industrial concerns
- How can I keep my own semantics without being
forced to use those of others? - Why do I need to invest and keep track of
standards when I have neither the time nor money? - How can I link the semantics of my messages with
that of my customers without paying huge
consultancy fees? - How can I create new data structures which are
based on real world use rather than standards
theory? - How is it possible I can trade with any party
with minimal reconfiguration no matter what their
country, language? - Can you present me something whereby I can
utilise any data structure (EDI, XML) yet the
semantic knowledge is retained? - How can i easily access and share all the
information in the network
11Practical DemoFederated and Competitive
SemanticsSTASIS World
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13Application Hamzeh Jordanian / Dutch
Primary Link?
Application Nikolai German
14Application Hamzeh Jordanian / Dutch
Secondary Link?
Application Sven German/Dutch Network Knowledge
Application Nikolai German
15Application Hamzeh Jordanian / Dutch
Next Time
Application Nikolai German
16Application Hamzeh Jordanian / Dutch
Next Time 2
Application Nikolai German
Application Stuart English
17The more links you have the more certainty you
have of making semantic pathways
Existing Standards form sets of inputs but they
are not a reference but IF good enough they can be
Semantics become Competitive The more people
use you...the more people that will use you
If you feel lost and isolated search the existing
STASIS community for semantics/structures you do
Standards which arnt used by the market arnt
18- Industrial concerns
- How can I keep my own semantics without being
forced to use those of other partners? - Why do I need to invest and keep track of
standards when I have neither the time nor money? - How can I link the semantics of my messages with
that of my customers without paying huge
consultancy fees? - How can I create new data structures which are
based on real world use rather than standards
theory? - How is it possible I can trade with any party
with minimal reconfiguration no matter what their
country, language? - Can you present me something whereby I can
utilise any data structure (EDI, XML) yet the
semantic knowledge is retained? - How can i easily access and share all the
information in the network
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