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Plancher til


Proficiency: Learning to work fast and master the system. ... If the guest is not there at all: Use New guest and record guest details. ... Critical. Maybe. Dubious ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Plancher til

Plancher til Anskaffelse og kravspecifikation,
Forår 2007 Notat om it-kontrakter for
it-folk User support
Plancherne om it-kontrakter er en oversigt over
notatet. Plancherne om user support stammer fra
kompendiet, del A.12.
Kontrakter 1 Grundlæggende principper
Aftalelov Tilbud og accept forpligter parterne
(rettigheder og pligter). Mundtlige og skriftlige
aftaler lige gyldige. Kontrakt Skriftlig aftale.
Lettere at bevise hvad der er aftalt.
Købelov Aftale om levering af en "ting"
(formuegode) mod betaling. Misligholdelse
Aftalen overholdes ikke, fx - Forsinkelse
- Mangler ved det leverede
Handelskøb Ved forsinkelse. Ved (for køberen)
væsentlige mangler
Rettigheder ved misligholdelse (misligholdelsesbef
øjelser) - Hæve købet (parterne giver ting og
penge tilbage) - Udbedring af manglen
- Afslag i pris - Erstatning hvis en part har
lidt tab Ved it-kontrakter også - Bod (betale
for forsinkelse / mangel) - Ændre aftalen
En vinder (der har mistet penge) og en bitter
taber. Dommen er offentlig.
Tvister (man kan ikke blive enige) - Domstol -
Voldgift - Mediation (mægling)
Lidt mere uformelt. Lidt dyrere. Bindende. Ikke
Skabe win-win. Hurtigt og billigt. Ikke offentlig.
Kontrakter 2 IT-leverancer
Udbredte standard-kontrakter K18, K33, K01, PLS
Omfattende kontrakter der regulerer (har regler
for) - Behov og løsning - Mangler
- Underleverandører - Parternes forpligtelser
- Rettigheder - Hvad skal ske hvornår
- Afprøvning - Misligholdelsesbeføjelser
- Ændringer af aftalen - Andre hændelser, fx
strejke, konkurs - Forrang - Tvister - osv.
System (produkt), tjenesteydelser (support, mv.)
Analyse, driftsprøve, mv.
Hvornår må man hæve? hvor stor bod?
Kunden godkender løsningsbeskrivelsen, men det
viser sig den ikke opfylder kravene?
Fortolkningsrækkefølge ved domstole
- Ufravigelige regler i lovene - Specielle
regler i kontrakten - Generelle regler i
kontrakten - Sædvane og branchekutymer - Love
på området - Tidligere domme
Købeloven siger fx at sædvane har forrang
Kontrakter 3 Tidsforløb iflg. PLS-kontrakten
Prækvalificering Udbud Tilbud Kontraktunderskr
ift Løsningsbeskrivelse godkendt Overtagelsesp
røve godkendt Driftsprøve godkendt (svartider,
mv.) Garantiperiode udløber Kontrakten udløber
EU begrænset udbud
Kravspecifikation. Ofte med kontrakt vedlagt
Overordnet løsningsbeskivelse. Ofte med
"Analysefase". Detaljeret løsning / design. Kan
indeholde prototyping.
Hævebeføjelser med kompensation til leverandør.
Hævebeføjelser ved væsentlig forsinkelse. Levering
er sket - kunden skal forsikre systemet
Kunden må anvende systemet
Hævebeføjelser ved væsentlig forsinkelse / mangel
Væsentlige mangler udbedres gratis
Mangler udbedres via vedligeholdsaftalen
KA Fig 12.1 Support situations
Getting started IT-Reluctant user I never
figure out about this. IT-comfortable user
Let me give it a try. Super user I should be
able to figure out without the manual. (If
not Uses manual and/or on-line
help.) Proficiency Learning to work fast and
master the system.
Lookup - task-related How to pay the bill
partly credit card, partly cash? Lookup -
system-related If I cancel a stay and then
Undo, will the guest get the same room?
Remember - task-related I handled a split pay
once - where did I start? Remember -
system-related Which discount code - 03 or
05? What are the parameters to DLookup?
KA Fig 12.2 Support methods vs. context
Potential use
Documentation support method
Paper Book Card Computer On-line help Pop-up,
drop-down lists On-screen guides Wizard Assistant
Human Course Hot-line Super user Colleague
KA Fig 12.3 Support plan for hotel system
Getting started Proficiency Task System Task Syste
Support situation
Hotel system
Documentation support method
Paper Book Card Computer On-line help Pop-up,
drop-down lists On-screen guides Wizard Assistant
Human Course Hot-line Super user Colleague
SU SU U U (U) (U) (U) U (U) U U
Legend SUsuited for super users. Usuited for
other users. (U)partly suited.
Hotel System - basic tasks
Finish check in
Open the windows you need - main menu
Check details with the guest
Use Check in to tell the system that the guest
has arrived and uses the rooms
Open Find Guest window
Open Room Selection window
In case of mistakes Undo the last change
Check in a guest who has booked
In case of mistakes Undo the last change (see
the main menu)
Find the guest from name, street or phone
Or find the guest from stay number (booking
Use Find guest to see guests that match
  • Check that the rooms are right.
  • Delete wrong room lines with the menu Stays ?
    Delete room line
  • Add rooms with the Room Selection window.

Select rooms
  • List of matching guests.
  • The booking should be here.
  • Select it.
  • Use Show stay to tell the system that the guest
    has arrived.

Set the period that the guest stays
Usually you want to see only free rooms
Use Find room to see rooms that match
  • When the guest is in the list, but not his
  • Try Guest history to find his stay - he may have
    booked for another day.

Check in without booking
  • When the guest has not booked or you cannot find
    the booking
  • Try finding the guest from name, street or phone.
    (Always check to see whether it is a regular
  • If the guest is there Use New stay to check him
    in without a booking.
  • If the guest is not there at all Use New guest
    to record the guest and check him in.

Select the room for the guest. Use Book or Check
in to give the room to the guest.
Someone is checked in 22-10
Selected free room
Room booked from 24-10
Work fast - use the keyboard - drop the mouse
  • Booking a guest
  • Use the Room Selection window to see whether
    there are free rooms, prices okay, etc.
  • Use the Find Guest window to find the guest from
    name, street or phone. (Always check to see
    whether it is a regular guest.)
  • If the guest is there Use New stay to see a
    fresh booking for him. Select a room and Book it
    for the guest.
  • If the guest is not there at all Use New guest
    and record guest details. Select a room and Book
    it for the guest.
  • The system files the booking as soon as you press
    Book. You dont have to close the window.
  • If the guest wants more than one room
  • Select the room from the Room Selection window.
    Use Book again to book this room too.
  • If the guest wants a confirmation letter Use
    Print confirm.

Field navigation
AltL moves cursor here (because Last has
Tab from field to field
AltF pushes this button (Find has underscore)
  • Checking out a guest
  • Use the Find Guest window to find the guests
    stay. Enter the room number and night (notice
    night is not this morning, but yesterday). Use
    Show stay to open the stay window.
  • Check with the guest that it is the right room or
    rooms, the right number of nights, etc.
  • Check with the guest that all Services are
    recorded - also this mornings breakfast and last
    nights minibar in the room. Add any missing
    service in the star-marked line.
  • You may use Draft invoice to print a draft for
    the guest to check.
  • Make sure the pay form (Master, Visa, etc.) is
    correct. Then use Check out to print the real
  • Receive payment.
  • The system records that the guest has checked out
    as soon as you press Check out.
  • You dont have to close the window.

F6 to enter list area. ?? to move up or down.
Alt? to unfold list. Enter or Tab to
select. Esc to undo.
CtrlF6 to enter next window.
CtrlF4 to close window.
  • Recording breakfast and services
  • Breakfast list When the printed breakfast list
    arrives from the bar, record all the servings
  • Use the main menu to open the Breakfast list
  • Check that it is the list for the right date.
  • Enter the number of servings room by room. A
    cross on the list indicates that nobody stayed in
    this room last night. There should be no servings
    for this room.
  • As soon as you have entered a number, the system
    records the service on the guests stay.
  • Other services There will usually be a paper
    slip or voucher specifying what the guest has
  • for instance drinks or sauna. Record such a
    service in this way
  • Use the Find Guest window to find the guests
    stay. Enter the room number and night. Use Show
    stay to open the stay window.
  • On the Services tab, enter the service in the
    star-marked line.

Menu navigation
Alt (without other keys) to enter menu area.
??? ? to move around. Enter to select. Esc to
exit menus.
CtrlZ to undo last change.
KA Fig 12.5C Structure of reference manual
Table of contents 1. Introduction?
Installation? 2. Tutorial - getting started Part
B. How the screens work 3. Breakfast list 4. Find
Guest screen 5. Main menu 6. Room Selection
screen 7. Service List 8. Stay screen Part C.
Tasks in the hotel 9. Booking 10. Checking
in 11. Checking out 12. Changing a
stay 13. Breakfast and other services 14. Room
repair 15. Price changes 16. Rebuilding the
hotel Error codes and overviews? Glossary? Index
System-related lookups
Task-related lookups
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