Title: GiGa
1Parameter getting status
GAUSS SimAttributes.h (definition of
maxAlloweStep and other Parameters
minEkine..) GiGaSetSimAttributes.cpp (takes user
set value from MuonStepCut.xml file,
maxAllowedStep5.0 mm) SimulationSvs.cpp (defau
lt values of maxAllowedStep -1)
GiGa (G4 Interface for Gaudi Applic. or Gaudi
Interface for G4 Applications) Can plug
different actions to Geant4 Passing of
Simulation Attribute parameters
(maxAllowedStep) from Gauss to G4 logical
volumes, LvMuFilter1, 2, 3, 4
Geant 4 (if mAS didnt pass from GiGa, use its
own Actual step length)
2It is possible to control the Simulation phase
via MyGauss.opts by debuging 1)
GiGa.ModularPL.DumpCutsTable true 2)
debug where the simulation applies the cuts made
by user in .xml SimulationSvc.OuputLevel
2 GiGa.GiGaMgr.GiGaSetSimAttributes.Outpu
tLevel 2 GiGa.GiGaMgr.GiGaRegionsTool.Out
putLevel 3 Or by configuration of GiGa to
control Geant4 actions 3) GiGa.TrackSeq.Members
"MonitorTrackAction" to execute the
monitoring of the tracks 4) GiGa.StepSeq.Members
"MonitorStepAction" for the
monitoring of the steps (number of steps,
steplength) To copy the package
Monitor/v1r0 from LHCBDEV/GAUSS/Sim/Monitor/v1r0
to HOME/cmtuser/Gauss_v30r5/Sim/, cd
Monitor/v1r0/cmt cmt config make (errors
because Monitor codes were not modified to Gauss