Title: Status epilepticus o nomanejo da crise nica
1Status epilepticus (o não-manejo da crise única)
- Prof. Paulo R M de Bittencourt, MD, PhD
- www. unineuro.com.br
2Treiman DM. New Brunswick, NJ Convulsive Status
EpilepticusCurr Treat Options Neurol 1999
- Generalized convulsive status epilepticus (GCSE)
is a medical emergency that must be treated
rapidly and aggressively to prevent neuronal
damage. - Treatment should be initiated with iV lorazepam,
0.1 mg/kg, no more than 2 mg/min. - If convulsions persist for more than 10 min or
recur more than 20 minutes after lorazepam
therapy is started - fosphenytoin (20 mg of phenytoin equivalents per
kilogram) should be infused at a rate of no more
than 50 mg/min.
3Treiman 1999 cont
- If convulsions still continue, IV general
anesthesia with pentobarbital, benzodiazepine
drip, or propofol should be initiated after
respiratory support has been established - All patients with GCSE who do not recover
consciousness should be monitored with EEG - any residual epileptiform activity including
periodic epileptiform discharges (PEDs) should be
considered evidence of continuing GCSE and
treated aggressively
4Treiman DM. Status epilepticus. Baillieres Clin
Neurol 1996 Dec5(4)821-39 UCLA
- Status epilepticus is a condition in which
multiple epileptic seizures occur without
complete recovery from the physiological effects
of one seizure before another seizure occurs. - There are as many types of SE as there are kinds
of epileptic seizures. - Generalized convulsive status epilepticus
initially presents with repeated generalized
convulsions without full recovery of
consciousness between seizures. - If untreated or undertreated, the convulsive
activity becomes progressively subtle and is
accompanied by a predictable series of
progressive EEG changes
5Treiman 1996 cont
- Non-convulsive SE refers to complex partial SE or
absence SE, both of which exhibit an epileptic
twilight state of altered contact with the
environment. - In simple partial SE there is no impairment of
consciousness, and the behavioural changes
reflect focal ictal discharges confined to one
area of the cortex. - There are between 65,000 and 150,000 cases of SE
in the US each year. Both acute and remote
cerebral insults can cause SE, as can severe
systemic disease that causes SE secondary to a
toxic-metabolic encephalopathy. - Mortality is high, but is largely a reflection of
underlying aetiology when SE is treated
appropriately and aggressively.
6Treiman 1996 cont
- Treatment is focused on terminating ongoing
seizure activity as quickly as possible, both
because the longer SE persists the more likely
permanent neuronal damage will ensure and also
because of strong evidence that the longer SE
persists the more refractory to treatment it will
be. - Currently the most commonly accepted treatment
protocol involves rapid initiation of therapy
with IV lorazepam (0.1 mg/kg), followed, if
necessary, by 20 mg/kg of phenytoin, followed, if
necessary, by 20 mg/kg of phenobarbital. However,
some neurologists still use intravenous diazepam
(because of its more rapid antistatus effect)
followed by phenytoin. New experimental data in
the rat suggest that phenytoin followed by
diazepam may be more effective, but this order of
administration still has to tested in properly
designed clinical trials.
7Uncle Sam once again
- Phenobarbitone, USA, 1912
- Phenytoin, USA 1939
- Lorazepam, Wyeth, USA
- Phosphenytoin, USA 1990s
8Rational management of epilepsy in developing
countries requirements and resources
- Prof. Paulo R M de Bittencourt, MD, PhD
- Co-chairman, Subcommission on Therapeutic Needs
in Emerging Countries - ILAE Commission on Therapeutic Strategies
9What is irrational in Latin America and the
- Widespread use of drugs to which tolerance
develops - Phenobarbitone, clonazepam and clobazam are cheap
and tremendously easy to start - Slow development of knowledge in clinical
pharmacology - Generics versus similars
- Kinetics of phenytoin, carbamazepine
- Dynamics of valproate
10Resultado prático
- Grande quantidade de pseudo-status
- Síndromes de retirada de fenobarbital, clobazam,
clonazepam, diazepam - Interrupção abrupta de carbamazepina
11Health Management Organizations
- Low pay, large numbers
- No time for history or orientation, one visit per
month, useless EEGs - No diagnosis of age related idiopathic epilepsies
- Potential failures
- Diagnosis of partial seizure
- kinetics
- Action
- Phenobarbitone in simple cases
- Benzos in complex, spike-wave/ absence cases
12What is irrational
- Barbiturates and benzos
- Tonic clonic seizures
- Frequent status
- Somnolonce
- Low IQ
- Depression
- New drugs
- Polytherapy
- Compliance
13Resultado prático
- Mariela entre 6/2000 e 6/2001, 4 vezes, recebeu
Hidantal EV em hospitais de Curitiba e Caiobá - 15 anos, VIP, portadora de epilepsia generalizada
idiopática familiar desde 5 anos de idade - Pai, irmão também
- Causa das crises night-clubs
14Status em 2000/2001
- Ronalda, epilepsia mioclônica infantil familiar ?
- Irmão e ela com crises neonatais? Intratáveis
- Exigência familiar de contrôle absoluto de
qualquer crise - queima neurônios
- Nenhum outro caso admitido a hospital
15Onde estamos
- Status convulsivo, ou generalizado tônico-clônico
é a única real emergência, tratável em UTI - Status não convulsivo nunca é emergência, nem
indicação absoluta de UTI - Problema em status não convulsivo é diagnóstico
- Conduta depende de diagnóstico
- Prognóstico depende de patologia básica
16PRM Bittencourt and A Richens Epilepsia
22129-134, 1981Anticonvulsant induced status
epilepticus in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
- Janet Rickets, Chalfont Centre for Epilepsy,
carbamazepina, fenitoína e primidona - Status de ausência, 4 h depois tônico-clônico
- UTI por 26 dias, status tônico com apnéias,
induzido por clormetiazole, clonazepam, diazepam,
tiopental - Retirada toda medicação, inclusive fenitoína e
carbamazepina após diagnóstico de Lennox-Gastaut - Melhora e alta com primidona 1500mg ao dia
175 years, English, review, human found 150
- Neurophysiol Clin 2000 Dec30 (6)377-82
- No, some types of nonconvulsive status
epilepticus cause little permanent neurologic
sequelae (or "the cure may be worse than the
disease"). - Kaplan PW. Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center,
18NeurointensivismoKG Jordan. Continuous
monitoring in the neurosciences intensive care
unit and emergency care. J Clin Neurophysiol 16
(1) 14-40
- Enfermeiras/ médicos controlam pentobarbital,
midazolam ou propofol por EEG contínuo em HIC,
SAH, Status - EEG decisivo em 54, contribui em 32, não em
14 de 200 pacientes - 20 de TCE tem status não ou convulsivo
- de alfa é medida quantitativa
- Stroke, SAH, trauma, hypoxia, doença
19PW Kaplan. Assessing the outcomes in
nonconvulsive status epilepticus underdiagnosed,
potentially overtreated and confounded by
comorbidity. J Clin Neurophysiol 16 (4) 341-352,
- Alteração comportamental ou cognitiva com EEG
ictal durante 30 minutos - Parcial complexo ou generalizado
- Confundido com coma, estados pós-ictais e
psiquiátricos - Diagnóstico por EEG
- hidantalização formalmente contra-indicado
- Prognóstico dependente de etiologia
20Pediatr Neurol 1999 Jul21(1)511Midazolam and
pentobarbital for refractory status epilepticus.
Holmes GL, Riviello JJ Jr.
- initial therapies with diazepam, phenytoin, or
phenobarbital terminate seizure activity in 30-60
minutes - pentobarbital has been the most commonly
prescribed agent for the management of RSE in
children however, midazolam is a new treatment
21Holmes GL, Riviello JJ Jr. cont
- Both drugs effectively terminated refractory
seizure activity, although pentobarbital use was
complicated by hypotension, delayed recovery,
pneumonia, and other adverse effects. - Midazolam use was effective and well tolerated,
affirming its value in pediatric RSE management.
22J Emerg Med 1999 Mar-Apr17(2)323-8Use of
intramuscular midazolam for status
epilepticus.Towne AR, DeLorenzo RJ.
- rectal administration as challenging as iv in
convulsing patient, im easier, less invasive - diazepam and lorazepam may be administered i.m.,
but are absorbed slowly - Midazolam is rapidly absorbed and
pharmacodynamic effects can be seen within
seconds, seizure arrest within 5 to 10 min - J Child Neurol 1998 Dec13(12)581-7 Use of
midazolam for refractory status epilepticus in
pediatric patients.Pellock JM.
23J Child Neurol 1998 Oct 13 Suppl
1S23-6Additional modalities for treating acute
seizures in children overview. Bebin EM.
- The recently approved intravenous formulation of
valproate may be of use in children receiving
oral valproate who develop breakthrough seizures
caused by subtherapeutic plasma levels secondary
to missed doses or an inability to tolerate oral
24Status epilepticus. Current concepts and
management. Starreveld E, Starreveld AA. Can Fam
Physician 2000, 461817-23
- inform primary care physicians about GCSE
emphasizing definition, pathophysiology,
treatment, and prognosis - MEDLINE (1994 to 1999 479 references MeSH
"status epilepticus" and "treatment - selected 30 English-language articles. Key source
documents from previous years and information
from modern textbooks and recent symposia also
- Generalized convulsive status epilepticus
continues to be a medical emergency, high
morbidity and mortality. It must be managed
promptly and effectively. The operational
definition of GCSE is a seizure that lasts longer
than 5 minutes or two or more seizures between
which patients do not recover. Main differential
diagnosis is nonepileptic status.
26Status convulsivo na América do Norte
- Intravenous therapy with combined lorazepam and
phenytoin is the initial treatment of choice.
Other preferred medications are diazepam,
midazolam, and propofol. Some should be
considered before arrival at hospital. Prognosis
determined by cause, delay in adequate treatment,
and comorbidity. GCSE lasting longer than 30
minutes require intensive care and EEG
27Current Concepts Status epilepticus. DH
Lowenstein and BK Alldredge. NEJM 338 (14)
970-976, 1998
- Cuidados gerais, monitorização do EEG, tiamina,
glicose - Lorazepam 0.1mg/kg 2mg/min, EV
- Fenitoína 20mg/kg 50mg/min, EV ou fosfenitoína
20mg/kg 150ug/min - Fenobarbital 20mg/kg 50-75mg/min ou anestesia
com midazolam ou propofol
28Lowenstein and Alldredge 1998, cont
- Midazolam
- 0.2mg/kg IV lento 0.75-10uG/kg/min
- Propofo1
- 2mg/kg 2-10mg/kg/h
29Nervenarzt 2000 71(2)65-77 Therapy of
generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus in
adulthood. Beyenburg S, Bauer J, Elger CE.
Klinik fur Epileptologie der Universitat Bonn.
- If continuous seizure activity lasts longer than
5 minutes generalized tonic-clonic seizures
require prompt treatment, if significant
morbidity and mortality are to be avoided. - The mortality varies (mean 20) depending on
patient age and etiology.
30Status convulsivo na Alemanha
- Control is achieved by benzodiazepines in about
80 of cases Lorazepam is longer-acting
phenytoin is used for maintenance - Fosphenytoin can be given three times more
rapidly and produces fewer side effects. - IV valproic acid seems promising, but needs
further evaluation.
31Status na Alemanha
- There is no accepted treatment protocol for the
therapy of persistent seizure activity lasting
more than 60 minutes (i.e.,refractory status
epilepticus). - phenobarbital or general anesthesia with
thiopental or pentobarbital are treatment
recommendations. - In recent reports, midazolam or propofol proved
to be effective and well-tolerated
32Drug Saf 2000 Jun22(6)459-66 Fosphenytoin and
phenytoin in patients with status epilepticus
improvedtolerability versus increased
costs. DeToledo JC, Ramsay RE.
- intravenous phenytoin has largely replaced
phenobarbital as the second agent of choice
(following the administration of a
benzodiazepine) in the treatment of TCSE. - Intravenous phenytoin has been associated with
fatal haemodynamic complications and serious
reactions at the injection site including skin
necrosis and amputation of extremities
33Fosphenytoin, prodrug,same pharmacological
properties, none of the site and cardiac
- fosphenytoin better tolerated, delivered faster
- The tolerability of intramuscular fosphenytoin
also extends its use to situations where prompt
administration of a non depressing anticonvulsant
is indicated but secure intravenous access and
cardiac monitoringare not available, such as by
rescue squads in the field and serial seizures in
the institutionalised and elderly.
34MM Stecker et al. Treatment of refractory status
epilepticus with propofol clinical and
pharmacokinetic findings. Epilepsia 3918-26, 1998
- 8 casos com barbitúricos em dose alta, 8 com
propofol - Após lorazepam e fenitoína em todos midazolam
(3) ou fenobarbital (12) - 82 (9 de 11 tratamentos) versus 63 ( 5 de 8
casos) controlados - Alta mortalidade ambos grupos pelo mau
prognóstico - Suspender propofol lentamente senão crises voltam
- Dose de propofol por surto-supressão no EEG
35Pediatr Rev 1998 Sep19(9)306-9 Management of
status epilepticus in children.Sabo-Graham T,
Seayve T.
- Initially lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg or diazepam 0.5
mg/kg - Seizures longer than 10 minutes phenobarbital
20mg/kg - Further seizure activity lorazepam or diazepam.
Seizure longer than 10 minutes, a second
long-acting anticonvulsant should be
administered, followed by induction of general
36Ideal adultos e criançasBoa avaliação clínica e
EEGstatus convulsivo
- Status generalizado
- Diazepam infusão direta sem diluição até parar
- Repetir em 3-4h
- Valproato VSNG depois
- Status localizado
- Diazepam infusão direta até parar, sem diluição
- Repetir em 3-4h
- Oxcarbazepina VSNG depois
37Ideal adultos e criançasBoa avaliação clínica e
EEGstatus não-convulsivo
- Status generalizado
- ? Diazepam infusão direta sem diluição até parar
- Pequena dose
- Valproato VSNG depois
- Status localizado
- Diazepam infusão direta até parar, sem diluição
- Pequena dose
- Oxcarbazepina VSNG depois
38Diferencial do atendimento de ponta
- Não usar cronicamente drogas que levam a
tolerância - Não utilizar drogas que induzem enzimas hepáticas
em pacientes dependentes de politerapia - Portanto afastar barbitúricos, benzos,
fenitoína, carbamazepina - Portanto valproato, oxcarbazepina