Title: Customer Analysis
1Customer Analysis
27 Os of Consumer Behavior
- Occupants. Who constitutes the market?
- Objects. What does the market buy?
- Objectives. Why does the market buy?
- Organizations. Who participates in the buying?
- Operations. How does the market buy?
- Occasions. When does the market buy?
- Outlets. Where does the market buy?
3Quickly identify the 7 Os of Consumer Behavior
- Baby diapers
- Friday nights entertainment
- Pizza
- Resort hotels
- Intercity transportation (mainland)
- Dishwashing equipment
4Model of Buyer Behavior
Buyers Charact-eristics
Buyers Decision Process
Buyers Decisions
Marketing Stimuli
Other Stimuli
Product Price Place Promo- tion
Econ Tech Political Cultural Compet- ition
Cultural Social Personal Psycho- logical
Problem Search Evaluate Decision Post- purchase
Product choice Brand choice Dealer
choice Purchase timing Purchase amount
5ConsumerBuying Decision Process
Problem Recognition
Information Search
Evaluation of Alternatives
6Successive Sets Involved in Consumer Decision
Total Set
Awareness Set (Evoked Set)
Consideration Set
Choice Set
7Four Types of Buying Behavior
Complex Buying Behavior
Variety- Seeking Behavior
High Involvement
Low Involvement
Dissonance- Reducing Buying Behavior
Habitual Buying Behavior
8Postpurchase Evaluation
- Customer Satisfaction.
- Based on perception of quality and
customers expectations. - Cognitive Dissonance.
- Buyers remorse, followed by justification.
9Possible influences on the decision process
- Psychological
- Perception
- Motives
- Learning
- Attitudes
- Personality
- Social
- Roles/ family
- Reference groups/
- opinion leaders
- Social class
- Culture,subculture
- Personal
- Demographic
- Lifestyle
- Situational
Consumer buying decision process
Problem recognition
Information search
Evaluation of alternatives
Postpurchase evaluation
- Age
- Gender
- Race
- Income
- Education
- Religion
- Ethnicity
- Size
12Situational Factors
- Time pressures
- Product scarcity
- Weather
- Use occasion
- Buying purpose (self, gift for others, etc.)
- The process of selecting, organizing, and
interpreting information inputs to produce
meaning. - Selective Exposure. Individuals select some
pieces of information and ignore others.
14Selective Perception
- Selective Distortion. Changing or twisting
currently received information. - Selective Retention. When people remember
information inputs that support their feelings
and beliefs, forget inputs that do not.
- Something that moves a buyer to action to satisfy
a need or achieve a goal. - At any one time we may be motivated by more than
one motive, but some are stronger than others.
16Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
- A lasting, general evaluation of something
(people, objects, or issues). - Three components of an attitude, or the ABCs of
Attitude - Affect (Feelings)
- Behavior
- Cognition (Thoughts)
- A persons distinguishing psychological
characteristics that lead to relatively
consistent and enduring responses to his or her
environment. - Self-confidence Sociability
- Dominance Defensiveness
- Autonomy Adaptability
- Deference
- Actual Self-Concept. How she views herself
- Ideal Self-Concept. How she would like to view
herself. - Others-self-concept (looking glass self). How
she thinks others see her.
21Family Decision-Making Processes
- Autonomic. Decision made by either/or
- Husband-dominant
- Wife-dominant
- Children-dominant
- Syncratic. Decision made jointly.
22- Lawn mower
- Car
- House
- Furniture
- Family vacation
- Breakfast cereal
- Life insurance
- Movie
- Soft drinks
- Drapes
- Home computer
- Autonomic
- Husband-dominant
- Wife-dominant
- Children-dominant
- Syncratic
23The Family Life Cycle
- 1. Bachelor Stage.
- 2. Newly married. Young. No children.
- 3. Full Nest I. Youngest child under six.
- 4. Full Nest II. Youngest child over six.
- 5. Full Nest III. Older married couples with
dependent children.
24The Family Life Cycle
- 6. Empty Nest I. Older married couples, no
children living with them. Head of household in
labor force. - 7. Empty Nest II. Older married. No children
living at home. Head of house retired. - 8. Solitary survivor, in labor force.
- 9. Solitary survivor, retired.
25Reference Groups
- All the groups that have a direct (face-to-face)
or indirect influence on a persons attitudes or
26Reference Groups
- Membership Reference Group
- Aspirational Reference Group
- Disassociative Reference Group
- Opinion Leader. Viewed by others in group as
well-informed. Provides information.
27Social Classes
- Relatively homogeneous and enduring divisions in
a society, which are hierarchically ordered and
whose members share similar values, interests,
and behavior.
28The American Class Structure
UPPER AMERICANS Upper-Upper (0.3) The
Old Rich Lower-Upper (1.2) The Nouveau
Riche Upper-Middle (12.5) Professionals,
(32) White-collar workers Working Class
(38) Blue-collar workers
LOWER AMERICANS Lower Class (9) Working,
but poor Lowest Class (7) Welfare,
29Social Class Criteria
- Occupation
- Education
- Income
- Wealth
- Possessions
- Neighborhood
30VALS 2 Frame- work
High Resources
Low Resources
Principle Oriented
Action Oriented
Status Oriented
31VALS 2 Groups -High Resources
- Actualizers. Successful, sophisticated, active,
take-charge. Cultivated tastes for relatively
upscale, niche-oriented products. - Fulfilleds. Mature, satisfied, comfortable.
Favor durability, functionality, value. - Achievers. Successful, career-oriented.
Established, prestige products that demonstrate
success to peers. - Experiencers. Young, vital, enthusiastic,
impulsive, rebellious. Clothes, fast food,
32VALS 2 Groups- Low Resources
- Believers. Conservative, conventional,
tradition. Familiar products, established
brands. - Strivers. Uncertain, insecure, approval-seeking,
resource constrained. Stylish products that
emulate those with greater wealth. - Makers. Practical, self-sufficient, traditional,
family-oriented. Practical, functional products.
Tools, utility vehicles, fishing, hunting, etc. - Strugglers. Elderly, resigned, passive,
concerned. Cautious, brand loyal.
33Business and Organizational Buying Behavior
34Business Buyers vs. Consumers
- Fewer buyers
- Larger buyers
- Close supplier-customer relationships
- Geographically concentrated buyers
- Derived demand. Demand derived from ultimate
purchasers. - Inelastic demand.
- Professional purchasing.
- Several buying influencers. Buying center.
35Primary Concerns of Organizational Buyers
- Quality. Meets specifications
- Service.
- Price (Cost).
- In short, the bottom line.
- Reverse marketing. Developing close
relationships so that buyer controls the supplier.
36Major Influences on Industrial Buying
- Environ-
- mental
- Demand
- Economic
- outlook
- Interest rate
- Techno-
- logical
- change
- Political
- Regulations
- Competition
- Social
- Response
- Organi-
- zational
- Objectives
- Policies
- Procedures
- Resources
- Systems
- Inter-
- personal
- Interests
- Authority
- Status
- Empathy
- Persuas-
- iveness
- Indivi-
- dual
- Age
- Income
- Education
- Position
- Risk
Business Buyer
37Organizational Factors
Purchasing- Department Upgrading
Cross- Functional Roles
Centralized Purchasing
Decentralized Purchasing of Small Ticket Items
Internet Purchasing
Long-Term Contracts
Purchasing- Performance Evaluation Pro. Buyers
Lean Production
38The Buying Center
- The group of people within an organization who
are involved in making organizational purchase
decisions. - Includes users, influencers, buyers, deciders,
gatekeepers, initiators, approvers.
39Participants in the Business Buying Process
40- Users. People who actually use the product.
Often initiate the buying process. - Influencers. Technical personnel, such as
engineers or consultants. - Buyers. Their job is to buy. Select suppliers,
negotiate terms. Purchasing agents. - Deciders. People who decide on product
requirements or on suppliers. - Gatekeepers. Control the flow of information and
access to other members of the buying center
(e.g., secretaries, receptionists)
41- Initiators. Those who request that something be
purchased. They may be users or others in the
organization. - Approvers. People who authorize the proposed
actions of deciders or buyers.