Title: Understanding philanthropy: Fundraising for bursaries
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2Understanding philanthropy Fundraising for
- Rt Hon Dame Angela Rumbold DBE
- Susan Mackenzie Director, Philanthropy UK
3Understanding philanthropy
Presented by Susan Mackenzie Director,
Philanthropy UK ISC Annual Conference 2007 20
March 2007
- Charitable giving in the UK
- Giving by the wealthy
- The New Philanthropy
- Implications for independent schools
5UK charitable giving a snapshot
6Where the money comes from
Source NCVO 2006
7Where the money goes
Source NCVO 2006
8Giving by the wealthy
- Family
- Religion
- Community
10Why they give
- Belief in the cause
- Being a catalyst for change
- Self-actualisation
- Duty and responsibility
- Relationships
11What matters to donors
- Two most important criteria for significant
donations - Nature of the cause
- Who asks
- Focus on impact and value for money
12What would make them give more
- Having more money
- Finding a cause about which they are passionate
13The New Philanthropy
14Who are the New Philanthropists?
- Self-made
- Young
- Socially conscious
15How are they changing British philanthropy?
- Attitudes
- Engagement
- Impact and accountability
16Implications for independent schools
17Key principles of major donor fundraising
- Good communications
- Engagement
- Information
- Appreciation and recognition
18Good communications
- Establishing good contact at the outset
- Involving governors and senior staffthose who
deliver the mission - Maintaining contact throughout the relationship
- Providing regular and appropriate information
- Giving time and thought to the process
- Involvement
- Linking time and money
- Succinct progress reports
- Financial update
- Impact on beneficiaries
- Organisational learning
21Appreciation and recognition
- Thank you
- Recognition and respect
- Public recognition
22Most satisfying donations
- Support of individuals
- Support of local causes or projects
- Making something happen
23Regretted donations
- Poor relationships
- Lack of confidence
- Cumbersome procedures
24Success factors
- Fundraising as profit centre v. cost centre
- Friend-raising before Fund-raising
- Annual giving
25Who is your next major donor?
- Theres no place like home
26One final thought
27Thank you
For more information contact Susan Mackenzie
Director, Philanthropy UK Central House, 14
Upper Woburn Place, London WC1H 0AE Tel 44
(0)207 255 4490. Email susan_at_philanthropyuk.org w
28Understanding philanthropy Fundraising for
- Rt Hon Dame Angela Rumbold DBE
- Susan Mackenzie Director, Philanthropy UK
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