Title: Keith Rowe ETA Dallas Region Office
1WISPR Quarterly Reports and Individual Records
- Keith Rowe ETA Dallas Region Office
- Presenter ETA PROTECH
2Presentation Overview
- Quarterly Report on Services to Employer
Customers (ETA 9131) - Quarterly Report on Services to Job Seeker
Customers - Workforce Investment Performance Report (ETA
9132) - Veterans and Other Eligible Persons Services
Report (ETA 9133) - Workforce Investment Standardized Record Data
3General Reporting GuidanceCovered Programs
- Wagner-Peyser Employment Service
- Jobs for Veterans Programs (includes LVER and
DVOP) - Workforce Investment (WIA) Title I Programs
- WIA Title IB Adult Program
- WIA Title IB Dislocated Worker Program
- WIA Title IB Youth Program
- National Emergency Grants
- Trade Adjustment Assistance Program
- Includes 15 statewide activities that involve
the enrollment of individuals eligible to receive
WIA Title IB services.
4General Reporting GuidanceDue Dates
- All reports and records are due no later than 45
days after the end of each report quarter. The
table below shows the expected due dates for each
reporting quarter.
5General Reporting Guidancemisc.
- Report Forms and Reporting Schedules
- found in WISPR Data Preparation and Reporting
Handbook, Appendices A - C. - WISRD specs / Reporting Schedule in Appendix D
- Source documents for todays presentation can be
found at - ETA Performance and Results - http//www.doleta.g
ov/ - Program Reporting and Record Keeping Information
- http//www.doleta.gov/performance/guidance/wia.c
6Quarterly Report on Services to Employer
Customers (ETA 9131) Submission Procedures
- Submission 1
- For reporting services to employers that are
financially assisted by the Wagner-Peyser
Employment Service and WIA Title I Programs - Option A (Required beg 3rd yr of implementation)
- A single integrated quarterly report
- Option B (Optional for first 2 years)
- Two separate quarterly reports
- Submission 2
- For reporting services financially assisted from
the Jobs for Veterans Programs (State Grants,
7ETA 9131 format and specs
- Employer services covered include activities
designed to assist - employers
- make strategic investments in their workforce
- retaining or expanding the employers operations,
customer base, or geographic operating area or - adjusting the employers operations to economic
downturns. - States should not report as services
- regular or follow-up contacts or visits to obtain
information regarding current or potential job
openings - status of business operations or
- need for additional services and assistance
8ETA 9131 format and specs
- Includes Employers who
- receive services / assistance in a physical
location - remotely through electronic technologies
- May also include employer services financially
assisted by - any other USDOL grants and
- partner programs, including those at state and
local levels.
9ETA 9131 format and specs
- For each applicable reporting item
- Previous Quarter (column A)
- reflects data submitted the previous quarter
display only - Current Quarter (column B)
- Represents the most recent quarter of data
available in the four-quarter reporting period - Cumulative 4-Qtr Period (column C)
- Represents the cumulative total of the most
recent four quarters available
10ETA 9131 format and specs
- Section A
- Grantee Identifying Information
- Section B
- Employer Customers Served
- Employer Customers Served and Job Openings by
Industry Sector - Section C
- Customer Services and Activities
- Section D
- Performance Results (Optional)
- Section E
- Report Certification/Additional Comments
11Submission ProceduresWorkforce Investment
Performance Report (ETA 9132)
- Submission Option A
- Allowed for 1st two yrs of implementation but
required beg in 3rd year - A single integrated quarterly report that
applies to unique participant records where the
individual received one or more services
financially assisted by the following workforce
programs - Wagner-Peyser Employment Service / Jobs for
Veterans Programs - WIA Title I Programs
- Trade Adjustment Assistance Program
12Submission Procedures ETA 9132
- Option B allowed for first two years of
program performance information is reported
together program performance information is
reported separately
13ETA 9132 format and specs
- For each applicable reporting item
- Previous Quarter (column A)
- reflects data submitted the previous quarter
display only - Current Quarter (column B)
- Represents the most recent quarter of data
available in the four-quarter reporting period - Cumulative 4-Qtr Period (column C)
- Represents the cumulative total of the most
recent four quarters available
14ETA 9132 format and specs
- Section A
- Grantee Identifying Information
- Section B
- Customer Summary Information
- Section C
- Customer Services and Activities
- Section D
- Performance Results
- Section E
- Report Certification/Additional Comments
15Submission ProceduresEligible Veterans and
Transitioning Service Members
- ETA 9133
- Submission 1
- Wagner-Peyser Employment Service applies to
unique participant records where the individual
received one or more services financially
assisted by either the Wagner-Peyser Act or Jobs
for Veterans (DVOP/LVER) Programs - Submission 2
- Jobs for Veterans (DVOP/LVER) Programs this
report submission applies to unique participant
records where the individual received one or more
services financially assisted from the DVOP or
LVER programs.
16ETA 9133 format and specs
- Section A
- Grantee Identifying Information
- A4. Cumulative 4 Quarter End Date
- Section B
- Customer Summary Information
- Section C
- Report Certification/Additional Comments
17Submission ProceduresWorkforce Investment
Standardized Record Data (WISRD)
- Submission Option A
- A single electronic data set of WISRD records are
submitted each quarter - where one or more of the following conditions are
true - Wagner-Peyser Employment Service
- Participants accessed self-services and
informational activities, and / or received staff
assisted services funded by the Wagner-Peyser Act
and/or the Jobs for Veterans Programs and have
exited the program(s) - WIA Title I Programs
- Participants accessed self-services and
informational activities, received staff assisted
core services, intensive, and/or training
services funded by WIA Adult or Dislocated Worker
formula or state wide reserve funds, including
rapid response activities, and have exited the
program(s) -
18Workforce Investment Standardized Record Data
(WISRD)Submission Option A cont.
- WIA Title I Programs cont.
- Participants received services financially
assisted by WIA Youth formula or statewide
reserve funds and have either (a) exited from the
program or (b) not exited from the program but
have achieved reportable outcomes on the Skill
Attainment Rate or Literacy and Numeracy Gains
performance measures - Participants received services financially
assisted by NEGs and have exited from the
program. This includes individuals co-enrolled
in a WIA Title IB program and those served
exclusively through a NEG and - TAA Program
- Participants received services or benefits
financially assisted by Trade Adjustment
Assistance (TAA) funds and have exited from the
19Workforce Investment Standardized Record Data
(WISRD)Submission Option B
- Option B allowed for 1st 2 years of
implementation only - Separate electronic data sets of WISRD records
may be submitted - each quarter by choosing one of the four levels
indicated in the table - below
program performance information is reported
together program performance information is
reported separately
20WISRD Additional information
- States must submit updated records in each
subsequent quarter until all outcome information
for an individual is completed - ETA 9132 outcome data must be based on grantees
WISRD submissions
21(No Transcript)