Title: Bullish Emile ServanSchreiber NewsFutures, Inc
1Bullish!Emile Servan-SchreiberNewsFutures,
2NewsFutures, Inc
- Founded in 2000
- Auto financed Profitable
- Nine employees
- Two public exchanges (40,000 markets)
- Corporate clients in US, Europe and Asia
3Business Models
Prediction Trader Panels Corporate Markets
Public Markets
Technology Licensing
4Launch Fall 2000
36,000 registered traders
5Launch Fall 2004
10,000 registered traders
6Customers in Various Industries
Pharmaceuticals Automobile Insurance Food Adver
tising Publishing Consumer Appliances Cable T
en Fortune 1000 clients
7Revenue Streams
8Popular Corporate Applications
- Sales forecasting
- Price forecasting
- Project / Product prioritization
- Product / Feature selection
- Regulatory monitoring
- Prediction Decision markets
9What we are learningalong the way
10Its not only about accuracy
Its not only about Its also (mostly?)
about Accuracy Community -
Dialogue Liquidity Being heard -
Listening Money Focus Getting on
board Incentives Knowledge Business
Value Software User-friendly
design Trading (Job security)
11Its not only about accuracy
Its not only about Its also (mostly?)
about Accuracy Community -
Dialogue Liquidity Being heard -
Listening Money Focus Getting on
board incentives Knowledge Business
Value Software User-friendly
design Trading (Job security) Experimental
Economics Psychology
12Markets as Brains
- In both cases
- Intelligence emerges from interaction of many
relatively dumb parts - Learning by reinforcement pruning improves
13What can we do together?
- Commercial / Non-commercial software licenses
- Scientific collaborations
- Experiments
- Public or corporate data analysis
- New, business-relevant research questions
- Trader psychological profiles (real money / play
money) - Incentives (short term long term)
- Trader Motivations
- Trading styles
- Longitudial studies market as learning system
14Contact us!
150-100 Markets
16Multiple-Outcome Marketswith automatic arbitrage
(Patent Pending)
17Pharmaceutical IndustryTrends 2003Markets
sponsored by eLilly
18Operational Details
- Participants were several hundred people
recruited form the general population of
NewsFutures.com traders. - Markets operated with virtual money, but with a
10,000 cash prize to split among the 10 most
successful traders.
19 Will a law be passed allowingdrug
President Bush says that he wants a bill on his
desk by Jul 4th.
Result No
20 Will a new drug benefit be introducedunder
President Bush says that he wants a bill on his
desk by Jul 4th.
Late night arm twisting as the House
of Representative votes on the Medicare bill
Result Yes
21By how much will access to physiciansincrease or
decrease (2002 vs 2003)?
By how much will access to physiciansincrease or
decrease (2002 vs 2003)?
Result 7.4 (sales force headcount increase
for top-10 pharma companies)
22How many New Molecular Entitieswill be approved
by the FDA in 2003?
Result 21