Title: Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
1 Mark Twains The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn
- A Lesson Plan by
- Jean Swiecicki
- April 2004
2Ernest Hemingway stated, All modern American
literature comes from one book by Mark Twain,
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
3Session 1 - Primary sources
4Evaluate specific primary sources
related to the Civil War
5Library of Congress
- www.loc.gov
- American Memory Collection
- Americas Library
6How do we evaluate the primary sources?
- http//www.archives.gov/digital_classroom/lessons/
analysis_worksheets/map.html/ - http//memory.loc.gov/ammem/ndlpedu/lessons/99/twa
in/photo.html - http//memory.loc.gov/ammem/ndlpedu/lessons/99/twa
7Sharing Time
- Ease of navigating website
- What do you know now?
- Helpful hints
8 Session 2 Group Work Search the LOC for
primary sources that connect to Mark
- Maps?
- Mississippi River?
- Steamboats?
- Sheet music?
- Other books by Twain?
- Slavery
- Twains home?
9American author Mark Twain
- Family life
- Haleys Comet
- Humorist
- Quotes
- Hannibal, MO
10Work together!
- Outline
- Delegate
- Prepare
- Present
11Session 3 Presentation Time!
- 1. Share your observations
- 2. Present visual
- 3. Q A
12Ernest Hemingway stated, All modern American
literature comes from one book by Mark Twain,
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.