Title: The Globalization of Production
1The Globalization of Production
- The Multinational Corporation
2Globalization of Production
- Interested in structures of production
- (How) are they dispersed?
- Where are they located?
- Why are they located where they are?
- What is the relationship between multiple
production centres? - Who are the principal agents?
3Globalization of Production
- At least partly a function of investment
- FDI - Investment made outside of the investors
home country control over resources stays with
investor - Portfolio investment Investment made outside of
the home country control transfers to seller
4Globalization of Production
- FDI is our focus in these discussions
- Its increase is why we talk about the
globalization of production - Were also interested in the direction of its
flow and its reach from US outward later
outward from EU and Japan
5Globalization of Production
- Why has FDI increased?
- What are the negative and positive consequences?
- Hard to make a general statement varies from
case to case
6Globalization of Production
- Technological factors
- Regulatory changes
- Political factors
- Changing Organizational principles
7Changing Organizational Principles
- Vertical Integration
- Post-Fordism
- Export Processing Zones
- Offshore operations
- Outsourcing
8Gereffi ArticleGlobal Commodity Chains
- The capacity to produce and export manufactured
goods is being dispersed to an ever-expanding
network of developing and developed countries
9Gereffi ArticleGlobal Commodity Chains
- The production of a single commodity often spans
many countries - Comparative advantage lies not in the production
of a product, but in the production of a component
10Gereffi ArticleGlobal Commodity Chains
- The stages of production have been disaggregated
under the organization structure of densely
networked firms - Commodity chain a network of labour and
production processes whose end result is a
11Gereffi ArticleGlobal Commodity Chains
- Interested in the length of the chain its
density - Gereffi observes that activities that used to be
internal to a firm are now external - A production process is not synonymous with a
firm it goes beyond the firms structure - production process is a network of firms
12Gereffi ArticleGlobal Commodity Chains
- Buyer-driven commodity chains
- Large retailers, brand-name merchandisers and
trading companies shape decentralized production
networks in the periphery - TNCs are not actually manufacturers they manage
production networks - Labour-intensive, consumer goods Nike, Reebok
13Gereffi ArticleGlobal Commodity Chains
- Producer-driven commodity chains
- Transnational corporations coordinate production
networks capital- and tech-intensive (autos,
aircraft) - Control exercised by administrative headquarters
of TNCs
14Gereffi ArticleGlobal Commodity Chains
- Triangle Manufacturing
- U.S. Manufacturers source to NICs
- NICs source to Indonesia, China, Vietnam
- Finished goods shipped back to buyer in U.S.
- NIC manufacturers as middlemen
15Gereffi ArticleGlobal Commodity Chains
- Why do some enterprises develop in the way they
do? - How are they different from other sectors? From
sectors in other places? From other historical
periods? - Example of the Apparel Industry
- Producers of standardized clothing versus high