Title: Chapter 13: Biodiversity
1- Chapter 13 Biodiversity
- In this chapter the following topics will be
covered - Biodiversity and the species concept
- Benefits of biodiversity
- Humans threaten biodiversity
- Biodiversity protection and Endangered Species
Act - Ecosystem management and captive breeding
2- Biodiversity and the Species Concept
- What Is Biodiversity?
- Three kinds of biodiversity
- - Genetic diversity measure of the variety of
different - versions of the same genes within individual
species. - - Species diversity describes the number of
different kinds of - organisms within individual communities or
ecosystems. - - Ecological diversity assesses the richness
and complexity - of a biological community, including the number
of niches, - trophic levels, and ecological processes that
capture energy, - sustain food webs, and recycle materials within
this system.
3- What Are Species?
- Underlying the commonly used definition of a
species is the idea that reproductive isolation
caused by geography, physiology, or behavior
prevents groups of otherwise similar organisms
from exchanging genes, and therefore, gives them
separate identities and evolutionary histories. - Problems exist with species definitions
based on reproductive isolation. - - Mating between species occurs in nature and
may produce - fertile offspring.
- - Difficulty in determining whether two groups
that live in - different places are capable of interbreeding.
- Species identification, therefore, is often
based on morphological characteristics. - Determining whether similar groups of
organisms can be considered separate species is
highly subjective. - DNA sequencing technology is revolutionizing
biological taxonomy.
4- How Many Species Are There?
- The 1.4 million species presently known
represent only a small fraction of the total
number that exist. - Taxonomists estimate that there may be
somewhere between 3 and 50 million different
species alive today. - About 70 of all known species are
invertebrates. - Of all of the world's species, only 10 to 15
percent live in North America and Europe. - The centers of greatest biodiversity tend to
be in the tropics, especially tropical
rainforests and coral reefs.
5Table 13.1. -- Approximate numbers of known
living species by taxonomic group Bacteria and
cyanobacteria 5,000 Protozoa
(single-celled animals) 31,000 Algae
(single-celled plants) 27,000 Fungi (molds,
mushrooms) 45,000 Multi-cellular plants
250,000 Sponges
5,000 Jellyfish, corals, anemones 10,000
Flatworms (tapeworms, flukes) 12,000
Roundworms (nematodes, hookworms) 12,000
Earthworms and leeches 12,000 Clams,
snails, slugs, squids, octopuses 70,000
Insects 750,000 Mites,
ticks, spiders, crabs, shrimp, centipedes,
120,000 and other non-insect arthropods
Starfish, sea urchins 6,000 Fish and
sharks 22,000 Amphibians 4,000
Reptiles 6,000 Birds 9,000
Mammals 4,000 TOTAL
6- How Do We Benefit from Biodiversity?
- Food
- All of our food comes from other organisms.
- Plants can contribute to our food supply
either as they are or as a - source of genetic material to improve domestic
crops. - Unfortunately, overgrazing, forest clearing,
conversion of natural - landscapes to agriculture, and other forms of
disturbance are destroying potentially valuable
food species and their genes.
7- Drugs and Medicines
- Living organisms provide us with many useful
drugs and medicines - - More than half of all prescriptions contain
some natural products. - - The value of pharmaceutical products derived
from Third - World plants, animals, and microbes is estimated
to be more - than 30 billion/year.
- Pharmaceutical companies are actively
prospecting for useful - products in many tropical countries.
8- Ecological Benefits
- Many processes all depend on the
biodiversity of life. - - Soil formation
- - Waste disposal
- - Air and water purification
- - Nutrient cycling
- - Solar energy absorption
- - Management of biogeochemical and hydrological
cycles - Controversy exists about the role of
biodiversity in ecosystem - stability.
- Dramatic effects can result from removing
seemingly - insignificant members of biological communities
(e.g. pest control).
9- Aesthetic and Cultural Benefits
- The diversity of life on this planet brings
us many aesthetic and - cultural benefits (e.g. hunting, fishing,
camping, hiking, wildlife watching, and other
outdoor activities). - In some cultures, nature carries spiritual
connotations. - Nature appreciation is economically
important. - - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates
that Americans - spend 104 billion every year on
wildlife-related recreation. - Ecotourism can
be a good form of sustainable economic
development. - Many people believe in existence value which
is simply knowing - that a species exists is reason enough to protect
and preserve it. - Many religious groups have called for
protecting nature because it is - God's creation.
10- What Threatens Biodiversity?
- Extinction the elimination of a species is a
normal process of the - natural world.
- Human impacts on populations and ecosystems
have accelerated the - rate of extinction.
- Natural Causes of Extinction
- More than 99 of all species that ever
existed are now extinct. - Most species were gone long before humans
came on the scene. - Periodically, mass extinctions have wiped
out vast numbers of - species and even whole families.
- - Disappearance of dinosaurs during the
Cretaceous period - - During the Permian period about
two-thirds of all marine species - and nearly half of all plant and animal
families died out. - - Current theories suggest that these
catastrophes were caused by - climate changes.
11- Human-Caused Reductions in Biodiversity
- Between 1600 A.D. and 1850, human activities
appear to have been responsible for extermination
of two or three species per decade. - Some estimates suggest that we are losing
species at thousands of times natural rates. - Habitat Destruction
- - Biggest reason for the current increase in
extinctions is habitat - loss.
- - Habitat fragmentation divides populations
into isolated groups. - - Destruction of forests, wetlands, and other
biologically rich - ecosystems threatens to eliminate thousands or
even millions of - species.
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13- Hunting and Fishing
- - Overharvesting is responsible for depletion
of many species - - Passenger pigeon - hunting and habitat
destruction. - - American Bison - harvested for their hides
or tongues. - - Whales - blubber was highly prized as a
source of oil. - - Fish stocks - at least three-quarters of all
commercial - oceanic species are over-harvested (e.g. shark,
billfish, - shrimp, orange roughy, groupers, groundfishes,
sea - scallops, bluefin tuna, and red snapper).
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15- Commercial Products and Live Specimens
- - In addition to harvesting species for food,
we also obtain a - variety of valuable commercial products from
nature - - Some forms of commercial exploitation are
highly destructive - Despite bans on trade in products
from endangered - species, smuggling of furs, hides, horns, live
specimens, and folk medicines amount to
millions of dollars/year. - - Developing countries with the richest
biodiversity are the main - sources of wild animals.
- - Profits to be made in wildlife smuggling are
enormous. - - Elephants, killed for their ivory tusks, are
an important example - of the problems and complexities of wildlife
trade. - In 1980, there were about 1.3
million African elephants - a decade later only half were left.
- - In contrast, South African has been very
successful in - conserving elephants.
- Herds have had to be thinned regularly to
keep them - from destroying their habitat.
- - Plants are also threatened by overharvesting
(e.g. wild ginseng - and cactus).
16- Predator and Pest Control
- - Some animal populations have been greatly
reduced or - exterminated because they are regarded as
dangerous to - humans or livestock or because they compete
with our use of - resources.
- Some animals are deliberately
trapped, poisoned, or - shot (e.g. coyotes).
- Some animals are killed unintentionally by
poisoned - bait or misplaced traps.
17- Exotic organisms
- - Organisms introduced into habitats where they
are not native. - - One of the greatest threats to
native biodiversity. - - Many examples of exotic organisms
exist. - Kudzu vine - smothers everything
in its path, kills trees, - pulls down utility lines.
- Leafy spurge - reduces carrying
capacity of the western - range because cattle can't eat it and it
crowds out native - grasses and forbes.
- Purple loosestrife - it crowds
out indigenous vegetation and reduces
biodiversity in wetlands. - Zebra mussels - have reached
enormous densities - covering fish spawning beds, smothering
native - mollusks in all the Great
Lakes. - Round goby - devours the eggs
and fry of any species that shares their
territory. One benefit is that this species
voraciously eat zebra mussels. - Asian long-horned beetles - the
larvae burrow into living tree trunks where
they cut off sap flow between leaves and roots. - - America also sends exotic species
to other places.
18- Diseases
- - Disease organisms, or pathogens, may be
considered predators. - - The balance between pathogen and
host does not exist when it - is introduced into a new environment
resulting in an epidemic. - American chestnut and the
introduction of fungal blight by China. - Trout and the exotic microorganism called
Myxobolus cerebralis. - Pollution
- - Toxic pollutants can have disastrous effects
on local - populations.
- Pesticide-linked declines of
fish-eating birds and falcons - in the 1970s.
- Declines of marine mammals, alligators, and
fish suggest complex interrelations between
pollution and health. - Lead poisoning in
bottom-feeding waterfowl, swans, and cranes
that ingest spent shotgun pellets that fall into
lakes and marshes. Scavengers, such as
condors and bald eagles, eat birds and
mammals that have ingested lead shot.
19- Genetic Assimilation
- - Rare and endangered species may be threatened
by genetic assimilation because they
crossbreed with closely related species that
are more numerous or more vigorous. - - Opportunistic plants or animals introduced
into a habitat may genetically overwhelm
local populations.
20- Endangered Species Management and Biodiversity
Protection - Parks, wildlife refuges, nature preserves,
zoos, and restoration - programs have been established to protect nature
and rebuild depleted populations.
21- Hunting and Fishing Laws
- By the 1890s most states had enacted some
hunting and fishing - restrictions.
- - Idea behind these restrictions was to conserve
the resource for - future human use rather than to preserve
wildlife for its own sake. - The wildlife regulations and refuges
established since that time have - been remarkably successful for many species.
- - White-tailed deer have increased from half a
million at the turn - of the century to 14 million today.
- - Wild turkeys and wood ducks were
nearly all gone fifty years - ago, but through restoration efforts have
been restored to several million each.
22- Endangered Species Act
- Committee on the Status of Endangered
Wildlife in Canada was established in 1976. - U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) was
established in 1973. - Endangered species those considered in
imminent danger of extinction. - Threatened species those that are likely to
become endangered, at least locally. - Vulnerable species those that are naturally
rare or have been locally depleted by human - activities to a level that puts them at risk.
- Sought to identify all endangered species
and populations and to save as much biodiversity
as - possible, regardless of its usefulness to humans.
- Regulates a wide range of activities
involving endangered species. - - Taking (harassing, harming, pursuing etc...)
either accidentally or on purpose. - - Importing into or exporting out of
the United States. - - Possessing, selling, transporting,
or shipping. - - Selling or offering for sale any
endangered species. - Violators of ESA are subject to fines up to
100,000 and one year imprisonment. - Currently, the United States has 1500
species on its endangered and threatened species
list - and about 500 candidate species waiting to be
considered. - - Although invertebrates make up about
three-quarters of all known species, they - account for only 9 percent of those deemed
worthy of protection.
23Table 13.4 -- Endangered and threatened species,
U.S. and foreign, listed by USFWS
Mammals 331 Birds 267
Reptiles 112 Amphibians 22
Fish 113 Invertebrates 135
Plants 520 Source Data from United States
Fish and Wildlife Service, 1999
24- Recovery Plans
- Once a species is listed as endangered, the
Fish and Wildlife Service is required to - prepare a recovery plan detailing how populations
will be rebuilt to sustainable levels. - The United States currently spends about
150 million per year on endangered - species protection and recovery.
- Some recovery plans have been very
successful. - - American alligators - Florida alone estimates
that it has at least 1 million. - - Bald eagles - in 1999 were declared recovered
and removed from the list. - Opponents of the ESA have tried to require
that economic costs and benefits be - incorporated into endangered species planning.
- - An important example is that of the northern
spotted owl whose protection - depends on preserving old-growth forest in the
Pacific Northwest. Economists - estimate that saving a population of 1600 to
2400 owls would cost 33 billion, - with most of the losses borne by local companies
and residents of Washington - and Oregon.
- - An even more costly recovery program may be
required for Columbia River - salmon and steelhead endangered by hydropower
dams and water storage - reservoirs that block their migration to the sea.
25- Private Land and Critical Habitat
- Private land is essential in endangered
species protection. - Eighty percent of the habitat for more than
half of all listed species is on nonpublic - property.
- Many people are resistant to restrictions on
how they use their own property to - protect what they perceive to be insignificant or
worthless organisms. - - This is particularly true when the land
has potential for economic - development.
- Habitat conservation plans (HCP) landowners
are allowed to harvest resources or - build on part of their land as long as the
species benefits overall. - - Purpose of HCPs is to try and to avoid
controversy's like the northern - spotted owl.
- - About 250 HCPs have been approved and 200
more are in progress. - Total of 7 million ha of land
are covered by these plans. - - Scientists and environmentalists often are
critical of HCPs, claiming these - plans often are based more on politics than
26- Reauthorizing the Endangered Species Act
- The ESA officially expired in 1992.
- Since then, Congress has debated many
alternative proposals from - outright elimination to substantial strengthening
of the act. - Proposals for a new ESA generally fall into
one of two general - categories.
- - Environmentalists encourage an ecosystem and
habitat protection approach rather than
focusing on individual - species.
- - ESA opponents want to allow
exceptions to critical habitat designation.
Under their proposals, only the least costly,
most cost effective or least burdensome
measures would be taken to protect endangered
27- Minimum Viable Populations
- A critical question in all recovery programs
is the minimum population size - required for long-term viability of rare and
endangered species. - A small number of individuals can undergo
catastrophic declines due to - environmental change, genetic problems, or simple
random events when isolated in a limited
geographic range. - - Described as island biogeography in the work
of R. H. MacArthur and E.O. - Wilson in 1967 who proposed that species
diversity is a balance between colonization
and extinction rates. - An island far from a population
source has a lower rate of - colonization than a nearer island because it
is harder to reach. - A large island can support more individuals
of a given species and - is less likely to suffer extinction due to
natural catastrophes, genetic - problems, or demographic uncertainty - the
chance that all members - of a single generation will be of the same
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30- For many species loss of genetic diversity
causes a variety of harmful effects that - limit adaptability, reproduction, and species
survival. - - Founder effect occurs when a few individuals
establish a new population. - - Demographic bottleneck arises when
only a few individuals survive some - catastrophe.
- - Genetic drift reduction in gene
frequency in a population due to unequal - reproductive success.
- - Inbreeding mating of closely
related individuals which can result in random, - recessive, and deleterious mutations.
- Not all species are harmed by the lack of
genetic diversity (e.g. the northern - elephant seal)
31- Habitat Protection
- A growing number of scientists, land
managers, policymakers, and developers have - been making the case that it is time to focus on
a rational, continent-wide preservation of
ecosystems that support maximum biological
diversity rather than a - species-by-species battle for the rarest or most
popular organisms. - A leader of this new form of conservation is
J. Michael Scott, who was the project - leader of the California condor recovery program
in the mid-1980s and had spent ten years working
on endangered species in Hawaii. - - Scott discovered that even Hawaii has
many vegetation types completely - outside of natural preserves.
- - The gaps between protected areas may
contain more endangered species than are
preserved within them. - - Gap analysis approach in which
conservationists and wildlife managers look
for unprotected landscapes that are rich
in species. - Conservation biologist, R.E. Grumbine
suggests four remanagement principles for - protecting biodiversity in a large-scale,
long-range approach. - - Protect enough habitat for viable
populations of all native species in a given - region.
- - Manage at regional scales large
enough to accommodate natural disturbances. - - Plan over a period of centuries so
that species and ecosystems may continue to
evolve. - - Allow for human use and occupancy at
levels that do not result in significant - ecological degradation.
32- International Wildlife Treaties
- The 1975 Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species - (CITES) was a significant step toward worldwide
protection of endangered flora and fauna. - - Regulated trade in living specimens and
products derived from - listed species.
- - Species are still smuggled out of countries
where they are - threatened or endangered and documents are
made to appear - they have come from areas where the species
are still common. - - Difficult to regulate in developing countries
where wildlife is - disappearing most rapidly.
33- Zoos, Botanical Gardens, and Captive Breeding
Programs - Records of wildlife and exotic plant
collections date back to the - beginning of history.
- In some places low-life circuses and seedy
roadside tourist - attractions still exhibit sad collections of
animals in cramped, - unhealthy cages.
- In developed countries, cruel and callous
conditions have been - eliminated by animal welfare laws.
- Most modern zoos and wildlife parks now keep
animals in clean and - humane conditions.
- Many animals living will live longer and
raise more young than they - would in the wild.
- Valuable genetic traits are preserved in
repositories such as botanical - gardens for rare and endangered plant species.
- - May be reintroduced into native habitats
after being cultivated - in these gardens.
34- New Zoos and Game Parks
- Large enclosures, realistic terrain, and
multi-species groupings allow - more normal social behavior and encourage
reproduction. - Under these new conditions, zoos can be
important places for - scientific research in wildlife biology.
- Today in the United States some 150
municipal zoos provide the - only experience that people will ever have with
wild animals. - 110 million visitors per year learn about
nature through visits to - zoos.
35- Captive Breeding and Species Survival Plans
- Most mammals in North American zoos are now
produced by - captive breeding programs.
- These programs have limitations in that not
all animals reproduce - well in captivity.
- Worldwide, zoos house about 500,000
individual animals, but only - about 900 species total.
- - Few of these animals are maintained in
populations large - enough to preserve the species indefinitely
if wild - populations were lost.
- To reduce genetic problems, zoos often
exchange animals or ship - individuals long distances to be bred.
36- Saving Rare Species in the Wild
- The Minnesota Zoo and the Ujung Kulon
National Park in - Indonesia are trying to save the world's few
remaining - Javanese rhinos in their native habitat rather
than bring them back to the zoo.