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... Power Survey, published by Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi, projected ... At the same time, wind has some peculiar characteristics : ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Grid related issues in case of Wind/Solar
  • based Generation in Gujarat
  • 07th February, 2009
  • S. K. Negi
  • Managing Director

Power Scenario in Gujarat as on 31.12.2008
  • Present power generating capacity including State
    sector, Private sector Share from Central
    sector 10417 MW.
  • 56 is generated from South Gujarat.
  • 37 is generated from Central Gujarat.
  • 7 is generated from Saurashtra and Kutch area.
  • Out of total 10417 MW installed capacity, 63 is
    from thermal, 23 is from Gas, 7 from hydro and
    7 from nuclear sources.

Future Power Scenario in Gujarat
  • 52 is generated from South Gujarat.
  • 31 is generated from Central Gujarat.
  • 27 is generated from Saurashtra and Kutch area.
  • 4000 MW Mundra, UMPP is also located at Mundra in
    Dist Kutch.
  • Out of total 19934 MW installed capacity, 67 is
    from thermal, 26 is from Gas, 4 from hydro and
    3 from nuclear sources.

Power Scenario in Kutch and Saurashtra
  • Present installed capacity of Saurashtra and
    Kutch is as under
  • KLTPS, Panandhro, Kutch - 215 MW
  • GMDC, Akrimota, Kutch - 250 MW
  • GSECL, Sikka, Saurashtra - 240 MW
  • Total. - 705 MW
  • Proposed anticipated capacity addition in
    Saurashtra and Kutch during 11th five year plan
    and subsequent years
  • KLTPS, Panandhro, Kutch (Unit-IV) - 75 MW
  • Adani Power, Mundra, Kutch - 2640 MW
  • UMPP, Mundra, Kutch - 4000 MW
  • GSECL, Sikka Extension, Saurashtra - 500 MW
  • Essar Power, Vadinar, Saurashtra - 1200 MW
  • GPPC, Pipavav, Saurashtra - 700 MW
  • BECL, Bhavnagar, Saurashtra - 600 MW
  • Total. - 9715 MW
  • In addition to this, in Western Gujarat itself
    the approved proposals for integration of Wind
    power are around 3600 MW.

Power Scenario in Kutch and Saurashtra
  • The pending proposals for integration of Wind
    power are around 4000-4500 MW.
  • Also, a proposal for establishing concentrated
    solar thermal power project to the tune of 8000
    MW in Kutch is in the conceptual stage.
  • To summarise West Gujarat generation more than
    25000 MW of which
  • around 10500 MW will be from conventional
    sources and
  • more than 14500 MW from renewable energy sources.
  • West Gujarat alone cannot absorb this huge
    quantum of power or it can be rather said that
    the load of entire State may not reach this
  • As per 17th Electric Power Survey, published by
    Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi,
    projected load of Gujarat State is 14374 MW by

Amendment in Wind Farm Policy 2007
  • The Government of Gujarat through GR No WND
    1120082321B dated 7th January 2009, has made
    amendments in the Wind Power Policy 2007
    notified earlier through GR No EDA-102001-3054-B
    dated 13th June 2007 .
  • Wheeling of power to consumption site at 66 KV
    voltage level and above-
  • The wheeling of electricity generated from the
    Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs), to the desired
    location(s) within the State, shall be allowed on
    payment of transmission charges, and transmission
    losses otherwise applicable to normal Open Access
  • Wheeling of power to consumption site below 66
    KV voltage level.
  • The wheeling of electricity generated from the
    WTGs, to the desired location(s) within the
    State, shall be allowed on payment of
    transmission charges, otherwise applicable to
    normal Open Access Consumer, and transmission and
    wheeling losses _at_ 10 of the energy fed to the
  • The wheeling of electricity generated by smaller
    investors, having only one WTG in the State, to
    the desired location(s), shall be allowed on
    payment of transmission charges, otherwise
    applicable to normal open access consumer, and
    transmission and wheeling losses _at_7 of the
    energy fed to the grid.
  • Wind farm owner desiring to wheel electricity to
    more than two locations shall pay 5 paise per
    unit on energy fed in the grid to concerned
    Distribution Company in whose area, power is
    consumed in addition to above mentioned
    transmission charges and losses, as applicable
  • The electricity generated from the WTGs
    commissioned from 1st April, 2009, may be sold to
    GUVNL and/or any Distribution Licensee within the
    state, at a rate of Rs. 3.50 per unit of
    electricity for the entire period of PPA .
  • GUVNL and / or any Distribution licensee may
    purchase surplus power from WTGs wheeling power
    for their captive use after adjustment of energy
    against consumption at recipient unit (s) at a
    rate of 85 of tariff applicable to WTGs
    (commissioned in same tariff block) selling power
    to GUVNL and /or any Distribution licensee.
  • GETCO is required to erect evacuation facilities
    beyond 100 kms between Wind Farm sub-station to
    GETCO sub-station
  • As per the amended Wind Power Policy -2007, GETCO
    is required to collect Bank Guarantee _at_ Rs. 5
    lacs per MW based on allotment of transmission
    capacity and in case the Developer fails to
    achieve Commercial Operation within the one year
    period in case of installed capacity up to 100
    MW, two years in case of installed capacity from
    201 MW to 400 MW and three years in case of
    installed capacity from 401 MW to 600 MW, the
    Bank Guarantee shall be forfeited by GETCO.

Summary of Wind farms in Gujarat
Existing Wind farms in Gujarat
Proposed Wind farms in Gujarat
(Approved and work under progress)
Contd- Proposed Wind farms in Gujarat
Proposed Wind farms in Gujarat
Not approved wind farm projects)
Contd- Proposed Wind farms in Gujarat
Wind Energy
  • Growing concern for the environmental
    degradation has led to the worlds interest in
    renewable energy resources. Wind is commercially
    and operationally the most viable renewable
    energy resource and accordingly, emerging as one
    of the largest source in terms of the renewable
    energy sector.
  • Wind is the natural movement of air across the
    land or sea. Wind is caused by uneven heating and
    cooling of the earths surface and by the earths
    rotation. Land and water areas absorb and release
    different amount of heat received from the sun.
    As warm air rises, cooler air rushes in to take
    its place, causing local winds. The rotation of
    the earth changes the direction of the flow of
  • This type of energy harnesses the power of the
    wind to propel the blades of wind turbines. These
    turbines cause the rotation of magnets, which
    creates electricity.

Wind Energy
  • Wind Energy as a source of electricity has
    following advantages
  • Wind power produces no water or air pollution
    that can contaminate the environment,
  • Power from the wind does not contribute to
    global warming because it does not generate
    greenhouse gases,
  • Wind generation is a renewable source of energy,
    which means that we will never run out of it.
    Fuel source is free, abundant and inexhaustible,
  • Extremely low operating cost,
  • Less commissioning period,
  • Creates employment, regional growth and
  • Reduces poverty through improved energy access,
  • It is very good as a fuel saver.

Wind Energy
  • At the same time, wind has some peculiar
  • Wind is unpredictable therefore, wind power is
    not predictably available. When the wind speed
    decreases less electricity is generated. This
    makes wind power unsuitable for base load
  • Limited control or no control on generation.
  • Drastic variation in generation due to variation
    in wind speed.
  • (As shown in the graph).
  • Electricity produced by wind power sometimes
    fluctuates in voltage and power factor, which can
    cause difficulties in linking its power to a
    utility system.
  • Because winds do not blow strongly enough to
    produce power all the time, energy from wind
    machines is considered intermittent, that is,
    it comes and goes. Thus, the average plant load
    factor of wind generators is very low to the tune
    of 15-20. Therefore, utility companies can use
    it for only part of their total energy needs.

Wind Energy
  • The maximum wind generation is available during
    monsoon / off-peak period of the year when the
    total system demand crashes by about 40-50 and
    it becomes very difficult for the load dispatcher
    to handle the system effectively. In other words,
    it can be said that the wind energy is available
    in abundance when not needed and not available
    when needed most.
  • Wind energy being green power and excessively
    available in monsoon, the load dispatcher is
    compelled to back down even the cheaper, firm and
    reliable power from thermal and hydro power
  • Depends upon wind velocity.
  • Geographical locations , potential of wind.
  • Limited potential area.
  • Proximity to the load centre.
  • In Gujarat, Kutch Saurashtra are identified has
    a good potential of wind energy.

Wind Farm Generation for year 2007-08
Wind Farm Generation for the year 2008-09
Wind energy variation graph
Wind energy variation graph
Wind Generation on 19-11-08
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Integration with grid
  • There are number of unresolved technical,
    institutional and regulatory
  • questions concerning distributed generation in
    general and wind
  • generation in particular.
  • On the technical level, major barriers are..
  • Novelty and unfamiliarity of distributed
  • Lack of substantial field experience with these
  • Costs and complexity associated with thorough
    engineering evaluations.
  • Weak evacuations network as well as onward
    transmission networks.
  • Less availability of evacuations corridors.
  • Less consumptions in local area due to wide
    variation in load due to variable load in
    agriculture, less and variable industrial demand
    and low demand on staggering day.
  • Variable local load pattern leads to overloading
    of transformers and main transmission lines which
    requires high capacity of strengthening of
    transmission network.
  • Average PLF observed 15-20 which leads to
    inefficient occupation of transformer capacity
    and non utilization of infrastructures.

Electrical grid
  • Electrical power grid is an unique one in which
    generation and demands are balanced
    instantaneously and continuously.
  • Fluctuations in power consumed by the consumers
    and variations in uncontrolled generators are
    compensated by the controlled generators.
  • When generation equal to load, frequency operates
    at 50 Hz. Variation in frequency indicates rise
    of load or generation vice versa is term as a
  • In the grid system, it is not necessary for
    compensating each and every variation from
    individual consumers / generators.
  • Only aggregate variation in the control area is
  • Aggregation is the powerful tools with the power
    system operators.
  • When wind power plants are introduced into the
    power system, an additional source of variation
    is added to the already variable nature of

Load-Generation balance
  • In large interconnected system, load generation
    is reflected with change in tie line flows.
  • In a small system, load generation balance is
    reflected with variation in frequency.
  • Variation in frequency is limiting factor for
    capacity addition of the wind farms.
  • In predominantly hydro and gas generation system
    with good ramp rate will be positive factor,
    helping for compensating variation of wind

  • Balancing in power system occurs over wide time
  • Years in advance Enough generation has to be
    planned and built so that there is sufficient
    capacity available to meet load requirements
  • Day Ahead Select which available generator can
    reliably meet expected requirements at lowest
  • Real Time Real time balancing can be obtained
    by two different methodology
  • Load Following (Backing down)
  • Load Regulation (Load Shedding)

Balancing by Load Following
  • Load following requirement are highly correlated
  • 24 hours power supply to rural under JGY scheme.
  • 24 hours power supply to urban area.
  • 8 hours committed agriculture supply in various
  • High demand during summer due to domestic
    commercial cooling load.
  • High demand agriculture demand during Ravi crop.
  • Demand variation due to festival seasons.
  • Load demand during morning evening peak.

Balancing by Load Regulations
  • Load Regulation requirement are correlated by.
  • Availability of generation on bar.
  • Ramping rate of generating stations.
  • Variable cost of generating stations.
  • Technical Minimum of generating stations.
  • Peak and off peak demand, required generation to
    be kept in reserve.
  • The random variation in demand OR generation is
    adjusted instantaneously by primary response

Grid operation with Wind Generation
  • Scenario 1
  • An increase in load along with increase in wind
    generation OR drop in load along with drop of
    wind generation Additional generation required
    for frequency maintenance is less.
  • System Operator
  • It is a safe operation for grid operators.
  • Most favorable condition for grid operators.
  • During evening peak, maximum wind energy
    available and it helps to meet peak demand.

Grid operation with Wind Generation
  • Scenario 2(A)
  • A drop in load along with increase in wind
  • System Operator
  • Backing down of other generators.
  • High Voltage problem and switching off lines.
    System operation with critical loading.
  • If local load is very low, overloading of
    associated transmission lines.

GETCO grid operation with Wind Generation
  • Scenario 2(A)
  • A drop in load along with increase in wind
    generation .
  • System Operator
  • When load is very low and wind generation is
    maximum, system operator has to back down cheaper
    generation at Panandhro and Akrimota to control
    loading of 220 KV Sivlakha-Morbi line.
  • In case of contingency of tripping of either
    Morbi-Sivlakha OR Anjar-Deodar OR
    Sivlakha-Sankhari lines, total generation at
    Panadhro and Akrimota affected badly.
  • In Kutch area, due to high wind energy
    generation, voltage remains high causing frequent
    failure of lines disturbing parameters while
    synchronizing, delaying in synchronization.

Grid operation with Wind Generation
  • Scenario 2(B)
  • An increase in load along with drop in wind
    generation .
  • System Operator
  • Increasing load along with decrease in wind
    generation is a very critical nature of situation
    for system operator.
  • Additional generation is to be brought into
    system very quickly.
  • If no generation available, heavy load shading
    to be resorted.
  • If frequency permits, overdrawl at that
    prevailing rate.
  • Requisition of costly generation i.e. on SPOT gas
    , Naphtha if available
  • Remedies
  • Additional generation capacity is required for
    maintenance of load generation balancing
    especially gas based and hydro based.

Power Quality with Wind Generation
  • Generally it is believed that with increase in
    wind generation, the power quality suffers.
  • Main power quality problems are
  • Voltage Regulation,
  • Harmonics.
  • Old WTG machines with induction generators have
    not been required to participate in system
    voltage regulation. Their reactive power demand
    are compensated by switched shunt capacitors.
  • New WTG machines with variable frequency drives
    have inherent control of reactive power output
    and can participate in voltage regulation.
  • If wind farm is far from generation source, high
    voltage witnessed near to wind farms with
    increase in wind generation.
  • The variable frequency generators in WTGs use
    AC-DC converter for connection with Grid, which
    increases the Harmonics level in the system.

Wind Penetration
  • Energy penetration is the ratio of the amount of
    energy delivered from the wind generation to the
    total energy delivered. For example, if 200
    megawatthours (MWh) of wind energy is supplied
    and 1,000 MWh is consumed during the same period,
    winds energy penetration is 20.
  • Capacity Penetration is the ratio of the
    nameplate rating of the wind plant capacity to
    the peak load. For example, if a 300-MW wind
    plant is operating in a zone with a 1,000-MW peak
    load, the capacity penetration is 30 . The
    capacity penetration is related to the energy
    penetration by the ratio of the system load
    factor to the wind plant capacity factor. Say
    that the system load factor is 60 and the wind
    plant capacity factor is 40. In this case, and
    with an energy penetration of 20, the capacity
    penetration would be 20 x 0.6/0.4, or 30.
  • Instantaneous penetration is the ratio of wind
    plant output to load at a specific point in time,
    or over a short period of time.

  • If the share of wind generation instantaneous
    penetration at any point of time is excessively
    high compared to the total system demand, then,
    following new operating methodology need to be
    adopted for ensuing reliability and stability of
  • Methodology for accurate long term short term
  • Real time data from wind farm to system operator
    to be made available for effective grid
  • Reserve capacity with high ramp up generators
    such as a hydro and gas shall be kept.
  • All wind energy generation be brought under
    regulations of ABT which means elimination of
    generation in case of high frequency or system
  • Reinforcement of main transmission network and
    power corridors.
  • Augmentation and reinforcement of voltage
    regulating equipments such as reactors, switched
    capacitors including FACTS devices.

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