Title: The Cost of Capital
1The Cost of Capital
Chapter 12
2Cost of Capital
- The firms average cost of funds, which is the
average return required by the firms investors - What must be paid to attract funds
3The Logic of the Weighted Average Cost of Capital
- The use of debt impacts a fims ability to use
equity, and vice versa, so the weighted average
cost must be used to evaluate projects,
regardless of the specific financing used to fund
a particular project
4Basic Definitions
- Capital component
- types of capital used by firms to raise money
- kd before tax interest cost
- kdT kd(1-T) after tax cost of debt
- kps cost of preferred stock
- ks cost of retained earnings
- ke cost of external equity (new stock)
5Basic Definitions
- WACC weighted average cost of capital
- Capital structure
- combination of different types of capital used by
a firm
6After-Tax Cost of Debt
- The relevant cost of new debtits yield to
maturity (YTM) - Taking into account the tax deductibility of
interest - Used to calculate the WACC
- kdT bondholders required rate of return minus
tax savings - kdT kd - (kd ? T) kd(1-T)
7Cost of Preferred Stock
- Rate of return investors require on the firms
preferred stock - the preferred dividend divided by the net issuing
8Cost of Retained Earnings
- Rate of return investors require on the firms
common stock
Three solutions 1. CAPM 2. Bond yield plus risk
premium 3. Discounted cash flow (DCF)
9The CAPM Approach
10The Bond-Yield-Plus-Premium Approach
- Estimate a risk premium above the bond interest
rate - Judgmental estimate for premium
- Ballpark figure only
11The Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Approach
- Price and expected rate of return on a share of
common stock depend on the dividends expected on
the stock
12DCF Approach
- Internal equity, ks
- based on the fact that investors demand the firm
use funds that are retained to earn an
appropriate rate of return
13Cost of Newly Issued Common Stock
- External equity, ke
- based on the cost of retained earnings
- adjusted for flotation costs (the expenses of
selling new issues)
14Target Capital Structure
- Optimal capital structure
- percentage of debt, preferred stock, and common
equity that will maximize the price of the firms
15Weighted Average Cost of Capital, WACC
- A weighted average of the component costs of
debt, preferred stock, and common equity
16Marginal Cost of Capital
- the cost of obtaining another dollar of new
capital - the weighted average cost of the last dollar of
new capital raised
17MCC Schedule
- Marginal cost of capital schedule
- a graph that relates the firms weighted average
of each dollar of capital to the total amount of
new capital raised - reflects changing costs depending on amounts of
capital raised
18MCC Schedule
- Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) ()
11.5 - 11.0 - 10.5 -
New Capital Raised (millions of dollars)
19Break Point
- BP
- the dollar value of new capital that can be
raised before an increase in the firms weighted
average cost of capital occurs
20MCC Schedule
- Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) ()
11.5 - 11.0 - 10.5 -
New Capital Raised (millions of dollars)
21MCC Schedule
- Schedule and break points depend on capital
structure used
22MCC Schedule
- Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) ()
Smooth, or Continuous, Marginal Cost of Capital
0 -
Dollars of New Capital Raised
23Combining the MCC and Investment Opportunity
- Use the MCC schedule to find the cost of capital
for determining whether a project should be
purchased - Investment Opportunity Schedule (IOS)
- graph of the firms investment opportunities
ranked in order of the projects rates of return
24Combining the MCC and Investment Opportunity
12.0 - 11.5 - 11.0 - 10.5 -
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
160 180
New Capital Raised and invested (millions of
25End of Chapter 12