Title: Petroleum Soil Cleanup Guidelines
1Petroleum Soil Clean-up Guidelines
- Scenario
- Leaching to Groundwater
- Determine the soil concentration limit that will
protect groundwater, used as a drinking water
supply, from leaching of the soil by rainwater
3Maine Conceptual Model(From Uddameri, 1998)
4Maximum ConcentrationPoint of Compliance Report
- Xylenes
5How its Done
- Dilution Attenuation factor (DAF ratio)
- Soil Conc. (source) / groundwater Conc.
(receptor) - Soil Cleanup Guideline (Leaching Scenario)
- Soil Guideline DAF x MEG (drinking water
6Tetraethyldeath ExampleDAF Determination
- Source Concentration, soil
- 4 mg/kg (model input)
- Receptor Concentration, groundwater
- 0.02 mg/L (model output)
- DAF 4 (mg/kg) / 0.02 (mg/L) 200 (L/kg)
- C soil 200 x C groundwater
7Maine Conceptual Model(From Uddameri, 1998)
8Soil Guideline Determination Back Calculation
from the drinking water guideline (MEG)
- Csoil 200 x Cgroundwater
- MEG Tetraethyldeath 0.003 mg/L (3 ppb)
- Csoil 200 x 0.003 0.60 mg/kg
- Soil Guideline 0.60 mg/kg
9If you exceed the soil guideline,you will
exceed the MEG
- If soil concentration 0.61 mg/kg, the
groundwater concentration will exceed the MEG - Cwater 0.61 (Csoil) / 200 (DAF)
- Cwater .0031 and exceeds MEG
10Leaching to GroundwaterBack CalculationSummary
- Cs/Cgw DAF ratio (from the model)
- mg/kg/mg/L L/kg
- DAF x MEG Soil Guideline
- L/kg x mg/L mg/kg
11Model Output
- The maximum concentration at the point of
compliance - The receptor well
12Maximum ConcentrationPoint of Compliance Report
- Xylenes
13Selection of The Model
14Mathematical Models
- Contaminant transport in soil above the water
table. - Bonazountas Wagner, 1984
- AT123D
- Analytical groundwater fate and transport model
Yeh, 1981
15Why Select These Models?
- Simulates seasonal climate variations
- Vadose zone flow system based on rigorous soil
physics model by Peter Eagleson, Civil
Engineering Dept. at MIT - Created for EPA and is broadly used throughout
the U.S. - AT123D
- Analytical groundwater fate and transport model
easily linked to SESOIL
16Other States Have Used the Model for Soil
Leaching Standards
- Include
- Oregon
- Colorado
- Wisconsin
- Massachusetts
- California
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico
- Hawaii
- Hydrologic Cycle
- Pollutant Fate Cycle
19Hydrologic Cycle
- Rainfall Climate data
- Surface Runoff
- Infiltration
- Capillary Rise
- Evapotranspiration
- Soil Moisture Retention
- Groundwater Recharge
20Pollutant Fate Cycle
- Advection through soil and Recharge Rate
controlled by soil parameters - Volatilization
- Sorption related to organic carbon fraction of
soil and the organic carbon partitioning
coefficient of the chemical - Biological Decay
- Diffusion
21Chemical Properties
- Water Solubility
- Henrys Law Constant
- Organic Carbon Partitioning Coefficient
- Biodegradation Rates
- Solid and Liquid phases
- Air Diffusion Coefficient
- Water Diffusion Coefficient
22Calibration of the Model
- Calibration to Groundwater Recharge Rates
- Attenuation and degradation of chemical
contaminants is directly related to the volume of
water that flows through the soil and the rate at
which it flows - It is more important to calibrate the hydrologic
system to recharge than to perfectly match the
individual parameters
23Recharge Rate Estimates
- Ground Water Recharge Rates for Maine Soils and
Bedrock, Robert G. Gerber Charles S. Hebson,
1996 - Geological Society of Maine Bulletin 4, Selected
Papers on the Hydrogeology of Maine, edited by
Marc Loiselle, Weddle, T.K. and White, C. - Sand and Gravel Aquifer 55
- Kennebunk, Kennebunkport Wells Water District
- Till 20
- Little Androscoggin River Basin, So. Paris
24Calibration Process
- Select Hydraulic Conductivity and convert to
Intrinsic Permeability - Select Effective Porosity
- Adjust Soil Pore Disconnectedness Index
- Start Over
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27Soil Pore Disconnectedness Index a complex
- Eagleson water balance dynamics theory
- Defines Relative Permeability in the soil
water/air system - Related to soil type pore system geometry
28Basis for Hydrologic Cycle
- Peter Eaglesons annual water balance dynamics
theory in soils, a very detailed analytical
model. - Title Climate, Soil and Vegetation
- Published October 1978, Water Resources Research
- a series of 7 papers, 72 pages.
29Groundwater RechargeEagleson Equation
- Uniform flow rate to water table
- Downward flow of infiltrating rain water minus
upward capillary flow. - R K(1) soc - w n, K(1), Z
- Bonazountas Wagner, 1984
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31Downward flow component
- K(S) K(1)Sc
- Relative Permeability equation
- c soil pore disconnectedness index
- S of pore filled with water
- K(1) Intrinsic permeability
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33Eaglesons Explanation for the Saddle
- For large values of K(1) we note a saddle in
RgA/PA as c increases, particularly for Santa
Paula. This results from the behavior of soc,
where so is less than one and increases with c.
34Lets think about this
- As pores become more disconnectedK decreases and
recharge decreases - At the same time more water is held in the
disconnected pores - Water saturation increases and when it reaches
high levels (80-90) relative K increases and
recharge increases - Where the disconnectedness index is high this
effect is small but noticeable
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37Hydrologic Cycle CalibrationSand Gravel
- Calibrated to Recharge Estimation
- Sand Gravel Aquifer, Branch Brook Aquifer,
Kennebunk and Wells - Gerber and Hebson, 1996, Ground Water Recharge
Rates for Maine Soils and Bedrock - Average Annual Recharge Rate
- 55 of Precipitation
38Calibrated Soil Parameters
- Porosity 37
- Hydraulic Conductivity 1 x 10-3 cm/sec
- Intrinsic Permeability 1 x 10-8 cm2
- Bulk Density 1.5 g/cm3
- Soil Pore Disconnectedness Index 5.5
- Organic Carbon Content 0.20
- Freundlich Exponent 1.0
39Sand Gravel Aquifer Hydrologic Cycle
Report(units inches)
40Hydrologic Cycle CalibrationTill
- Calibrated to Recharge Estimation
- Sandy Till, Little Androscoggin River, North of
South Paris, Maine, study by Dan Morrisey, 1983 - from Gerber and Hebson, 1996, Ground Water
Recharge Rates for Maine Soils and Bedrock - Average Annual Recharge Rate
- 20 of Precipitation
41Calibrated Soil ParametersGlacial Till
- Porosity 20
- Hydraulic Conductivity 3 x 10-5 cm/sec
- Intrinsic Permeability 3 x 10-10 cm2
- Bulk Density 1.5 g/cm3
- Soil Pore Disconnectedness Index 11.0
- Organic Carbon Content 0.20
- Freundlich Exponent 1.0
42Till Hydrologic Cycle Report(units inches)
43Pollutant Cycle
44Application Data
- 4 Layer Model
- Top Layer, 6 ft. Clean
- Bottom 3 layers, fully contaminated to
groundwater table at 15 ft - Volatilization Factor 1.0
- Contaminant Load Area 750,000 cm2
- Based on cross section area of 15,000 gal. tank
halo 1.5 x tank dimensions - 94 of registered gasoline tanks lt 15,000 gal.
45Chemical Property Data
- Obtained from Environmental Chemistry Databases
- Most variable among databases
- Organic Carbon Adsorption Coefficient
- Henrys Law Constant
- Biodegradation Rate
- I used the data mostly from the Massachusetts
database - Solid Phase Biodegradation Rate 0 except for
Benzene, C9-C10 aromatics, C11-C22 aromatics
46SESOIL Pollutant Cycle Output
47Soil Leaching Guideline ExamplesSand Gravel vs
Till comparison (Units in mg/kg)
48Soil Leaching Guidelinesin Context (units mg/kg)