Ken Cuccinelli

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Ken Cuccinelli


Ken Cuccinelli – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ken Cuccinelli

SAE Advertising/ Competitive Analysis
  • Presented By
  • Ken Cuccinelli Scott Witalis
    August 27, 2008

Quest Fore
  • Directional
  • Informative
  • High Level

Advertiser Type
Quest Fore
  • Print Advertiser 50
  • Print Shut-Out 44
  • eMedia 6
  • Other none specified

Quest Fore
  • Do you receive or subscribe to the publications
    that you place advertisements in?
  • YES 88
  • NO 12

Criteria Used when Evaluating a Potential
Advertising Medium
Quest Fore
  • (where 10 is extremely important and 1 is not
    important at all)

Average Rating on 10-pt scale
Other Important Factors in the Evaluation Process
Quest Fore
  • Circulation (2)
  • Readership
  • Covering the Market
  • Credibility
  • Target Market Reach
  • Internal Needs
  • Look at PBA

Important Audiences
Quest Fore
Reason for Importance
Quest Fore
  • OEMS
  • Largest/Dominant Customer Base (60)
  • Engineers
  • Theyre Customers (27)
  • Biggest Decision Makers (7)
  • Who The Buyers Are (7)

Measuring Success From an Ad Campaign
Quest Fore
Lead Tracking
Quest Fore
  • Do you have an internal process for lead tracking?

Budget Allocation
Quest Fore
  • Percentage of marketing and advertising that is
    placed in the following media

Selecting Strategy
Quest Fore
  • Why did you select this strategy?
  • Seems to Work 13
  • Niche Market 7
  • Still Testing It 7
  • Gets to the Customer 7
  • Looking at Ways to Improve It 7

Packaging Benefits
Quest Fore
  • Would it be beneficial for your company to
    package a print ad program with eMedia
    opportunities, trade show exhibits and/or

Top 3 Publications
Quest Fore
Rating Publications
Quest Fore
Rating Publications - Continued
Quest Fore
Top Advertisers
Shut Outs
Website Rating
Quest Fore
  • (Rated on a scale from 1-5, where 5 means
    excellent and 1 means poor)

Additional Comments
Quest Fore
  • Its become hard to track response
  • SAE is a fine organization, but cost are not
  • Budgets are decreasing
  • SAE website not very good
  • Does not like eMedia
  • Really like SAE website
  • Likes trade shows
  • Wants to do more advertising
  • Would like to do more websites
  • SAE does a good job

Automotive Engineering International
Sales Rep Terri Stange Rate Specials/ Deals
Added Value Frequency rate card discounts.
July issue advertisers (1/2 page and a full page)
get matching size to do a corporate produce
profile. December (1/2 page and full page) get
matching size to use however the advertiser
wants. They also offer free e-blast and Ad
Questioners readership study. Who They Reach
AEI reaches the design engineering function
with effective penetration of automaker
companies. Out of the 87,171 circulation 4,472
are engineers. Tell us about you publication/ the
competition Automotive Engineering
International, doesnt feel like they have
competitors. She told me not other publication
can touch them. Our Perceptions or Automotive
Engineering Rep seemed knowledgeable. She
seems to lover her job and thepublication.
Spoke very highly of SAE.
Wards Auto World
  • Sales Rep Bill Doucette
  • Rate Specials/ Deals
  • New advertiser discount of 20. Buy two months
    and get the third for free.
  • Added Value
  • Would have use of direct mail names for 3 paid
    ads --- we can not provide e-mail names due to
    privacy issues
  • Who They Reach
  • Engineers --- Wards Auto World will reach more
    Deign Engineers that have personally requested
    the magazine then any other publication in the
    automotive OEM space. They provided an excel
    spread sheet comparing Wards Auto World with
    Automotive Engineering. The numbers speak for
    themselves. More direct request, more engineers,
    not sales and marketing, no students, and no
    library copies.

Wards Auto World
  • Tell us about you publication/ the competition
  • Wards Auto World is the 1 monthly magazine in
    the Automotive OEM space. They say they reach
    more engineers that have personally requested the
    magazine. In addition they have the key C level
    managers at the OEMs Tier 1 and 2 suppliers.
    They are so confident in their circulation that
    they will guarantee it or they will run our
    clients ad for free.
  • Their editors report every month on the latest
    news and technology and interpret how that will
    affect the OEMs and suppliers as they make their
    future plans. Wards Auto World consistently wins
    editorial awards for both the print product as
    well as our on-line products.
  • Their most immediate competitor is Automotive
    Engineering International. It is the society
    magazine for SAE. They do have an overall larger
    circulation --- but they have many recipients
    that our client is not interested in.
  • Our Perceptions on Wards Auto World
  • Rep seemed knowledgeable and very proud of the
    publication he is working for.

Automotive Design and Production
Sales Rep Anthony Pavlik Rate Specials/
Deals No rate specials or deals. Added Value
Value adds would be things such as text ads,
banner online, customer research and ad track
studies. Who They Reach Automotive Design and
Production serves the entire automotive
marketplace writes about how equipment,
products and processes influence how cars and
components for cars are designed and ultimately
made. ADP reaches company management,
design/product engineers, process/production
engineers, and purchasing titles at automotive
OEMs (Toyota, Honda, GM, etc.) and the tier
suppliers ( Visteon, Dana, Budd, etc.). No other
automotive publication reaches these titles with
an editorial package to match.
Automotive Design and Production
Tell us about you publication/ the competition
While they feel ADP has no direct competitors
with in the market these three magazines also
serve the US automotive industry Wards Auto
World a business publication that does not write
about technology writes about the news and the
people of the industry published monthly.
Downside its tough to cover news of the day
MONTHLY, written for C level execs, but ADP
reaches more management titles than Wards or any
other US automotive publication. Automotive
Engineering very, very technical publication
(think white paper-esque) that focuses on design
only editorial. Downside decisions about
products and technology are not made in a vacuum.
While AE reaches many of the same titles as ADP
the editorial package ONLY focuses on
design. Automotive News Covers the automotive
news of the day does not write about
technology, products or equipment. Subscribers
include some OEMs, Tier suppliers and many car
dealerships. Downside Car Dealers likely wont
have purchasing influence over Sprints products
or services, and news happens daily. This
magazine competes with the Detroit Free Press,
radio, cable, TV, internet, etc. Our Perceptions
on Automotive Design and Production Rep seemed
very knowledgeable and seemed like he prides
himself in his publication and speaks highly of
the publisher/editors.
Automotive News OEM Edition
Sales Rep Scott Ghedine Rate Specials/ Deals
No rate specials or deals. Added Value No
added value opportunities Who They Reach
Automotive News is the industry publication for
the automotive category read by all engineers.
Their primary reach is the top executives that
make all the purchasing decisions. This pub is
100 paid circulation (no free copies) so
everyone who gets it pays for it! Automotive News
has lots of pass along readership. Tell us about
you publication/ the competition They dont
feel like they have any competitors because
theyre the only weekly publication and the only
book with 100 paid circulation. Our Perceptions
on Automotive News OEM Edition Rep seemed
knowledgeable and knew a lot about his field and
  • Automotive Engineering International
  • SAE combines all three together, and I wonder how
    many agencies or clients need all three
    publications. As an agency that keeps files of
    media kits, its really difficult to file this
    media kit. Automotive section is very weak in
    comparison to the competitors with data and
    information. SAE is just blown away.
  • Wards Auto World
  • Its a little too busy, not easy to read/follow,
    but it does have all the pertinent information
    that is needed for a media kit. They really do
    tout their awards and loaded with a lot of
  • Automotive Design and Production
  • This media kit has very modern state of the art
    appeal to it, not to mention it is very easy to
    read. They talk about the purchasing influence,
    editorial credibility, value, etc.

All four magazines list the pertinent information
needed to be readily available in a media kit.
Editorial calendar, rates, sizes, deadlines, and
other magazine offerings like the internet, list
rentals, etc.
Cost Comparison
Diesel Progress
Sales Rep Katie Evans Rate Specials/ Deals
No rate specials, they pretty much stick to
frequency discounts only. No new business
discounts offered either. Added Value They list
the advertiser with the supplier links on their
website and in the publication. September issue
advertisers receive a booth at DPs online show
(a virtual trade show). Who They Reach They
say they reach engineers. 2/3 are OEMs or
engineering groups and the other 1/3 combination
of distributors or specifiers/retals.
Diesel Progress
Tell us about you publication/ the competition
DP only publication in business for 75 years.
Editorial staff has been their 15 years,
publisher 30 years and very in touch with the
industry, phenomenal depth of knowledge of the
industry. DP competes with no one. DP has a
unique position. SAE is sent to their membership.
OEM Off Highway they go to the second and third
tier. DP just goes to the OEMs Diesel News -
bits and pieces of stuff. Machine Design just
about the machines. Our Perceptions on Diesel
Progress Rep seemed knowledgeable.
Concentrated on editorial strengths.
OEM Off-Highway
Sales Rep Stacy Roberts Rate Specials/ Deals
and Added Value Frequency rate discount cards.
New advertisers 10 discount. October issue
advertisers (1/2 page and full page) get matching
size for profile of their company. July
advertisers can post video on their web video for
a year. April advertisers (1/2 page and full
page) get corporate profile and goes to every
trade show OOH exhibits at for a year. Aprils
issue is purely product based with no editorial.
March advertisers get free double ups (buy 1/2
get 1/2) Who They Reach They target the
product development team which are the decision
OEM Off-Highway
Tell us about you publication/ the competition
One of the top three publications (Diesel
Progress, SAE Off-Highway). OOH has a
concentrated niche, target product development.
OOH has more qualified subscribers a better
qualifying process. SAE magazine goes to their
membership. People come to us to get the
magazine. Were a growing magazine, increasing
in circulation specifically in the agriculture
equipment sector. Our Perceptions on OEM
Off-Highway Nice, somewhat knowledgeable,
seemed a little canned with her responses. New to
the publication only employed for seven months.
SAE Off-Highway
  • SAE Off-Highway was not contacted do to being
    contacted previously for SAE Automotive
    Engineering International.

  • SAE Off-Highway
  • Overall thoughts on the media kits - - SAE
    combines all three together, and I wonder how
    many agencies or clients need all three
    publications. As an agency that keeps files of
    media kits, its really difficult to file this
    media kit.
  • OEM Off-Highway
  • Seems to lack information on their circulation.
    It does cover some top line information.
  • Diesel Progress
  • In depth with information on their circulation.
    From the OEM side to the geography giving
    details/examples of the manufacturers.

Ad samples were provided to show how big an ad is
compared to the size of a page in the magazine
quick, simple and you can see the size instantly
whereas SAE just lists the sizes. All three
magazines list the pertinent information needed
to be readily available in a media kit. Editorial
calendar, rates, sizes, deadlines, and other
magazine offerings like the internet lists,
etc. Putting the media kits side by side, OOH
looks a little dated, both DP and SAE seem nicer
and more up to date. DP is more sales oriented,
concentrating on what seems to be their mantra of
more markets, more often, more insight.
Cost Comparison
Aviation Week
Sales Rep John Specht Rate Specials/ Deals
Buy three ads and get on ad free. Buy six ads and
get two free. Added Value All issues handed
out free at all trade shows. Depending on the
size of the program an advertiser can get all
sorts of added value such as research, online
opportunities and engineering management. No new
business discount. Who They Reach Aviation
Week and Space Technology reaches the entire
Aerospace Defense Industry. Their primary reach
is management executives, flight ops/maintenance
and engineering management. This publication is
100 paid circulation (no free copies)
Aviation Week
Tell us about you publication/ the competition
No other publication has the same number of
circulation and reach like they do they believe
they are the leader in this field. If he had to
name a competitor Flight International. Our
Perceptions on Aviation Week Rep seemed very
knowledgeable and knew a lot about his field and
Aerospace America
Sales Rep Fernanda Tilleria Rate Specials/
Deals No rate specials they pretty much
stick to the frequency discounts only. No new
business discounts either. Added Value Take
publication to all conferences and hand out
free. Who They Reach They are the official
publication of the AIAA The American Institute
of Aeronautics and Astronautics. All members are
engineers. Tell us about you publication/ the
competition They dont have any
competitors. Our Perceptions on Aerospace
America Was not very talkative, gave really
short and quick answers to each question. She
wanted off the phone fast. This rep was not
nice and did not like being probed with questions.
SAE Aerospace Engineering and Manufacturing
  • We, once again, did not contact SAE Aerospace
    Engineering and Manufacturing due to previously
    being contacted for SAE Automotive Engineering

  • SAE Aerospace Engineering and Manufacturing
  • SAE combines all three together, and I wonder how
    many agencies or clients need all three
    publications. As an agency that keeps files of
    media kits, its really difficult to file this
    media kit. However, Aerospace Engineering and
    Manufacturing has a great deal of information
    listed as compared to the other two publications
    in this category.
  • Aviation Week
  • Online ONLY, hard to read considering they dont
    have any hard copies. You have to print out
    separate parts of the Media Kit online, so it
    does get a little confusing.
  • Aerospace America
  • Online ONLY. Very weak considering this is all
    they rely on as far as any form of circulation
    and readership. They are not audited and the
    really dont have any sort of circulation
    analysis breakdown nor readership study. All the
    rep could tell me is that they reach all
    Aerospace Engineers and the majority of them are
    corporate management and educators. This may
    change as the rep indicated. They are in the
    process of updating and revamping how they track
    or account for the circulation/readers.

All three magazines list the pertinent
information needed to be readily available in a
media kit. Editorial calendar, rates, sizes,
deadlines, and other magazine offerings like the
internet, list rentals, etc.
Cost Comparison
Advertisers Criteria in Order or Importance
Quest Fore
  • Readership
  • Cost
  • Global Reach
  • ROI

Quest Fore
  • Most Important Audiences
  • OEM
  • Engineering

Cost Issues
Quest Fore
  • Total Cost
  • Perceived Value
  • CPM for Desired Audience

Quest Fore
Thank You for the Opportunity to Meet with you
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