Title: Obesity Epidemic in Texas
1Obesity Epidemic in Texas
- Region XIII Nutrition and Health Resources Fair
- June 4, 2004
- Identify current trends in adult and child
overweight and obesity in Texas - Understand the importance of the Strategic Plan
for Prevention of Obesity in Texas - Identify obesity prevention initiatives being
implemented in communities across Texas
3Overweight and Obesity in Adults in Texas
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- weight (kg)/height2(meters)
- Overweight BMI 25 to 29.9
- Obesity BMI gt or 30
4Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1991-2002
(BMI 30, or 30 lbs overweight for 5 4 woman)
No Data lt10 1014 1519
2024 25
5Trends in Adult Overweight and Obesity in Texas
- 1990 to 2002 42.9 to 63
- Obesity low-income adults
- Overweight high-income adults.
6Adult Trends - The Facts
- Obesity
- African- Americans 42
- Hispanics 30
- All Texas Adults 24.6
- Obesity and overweight
- Men (69)
- Women (55)
- 45-64 years of age (70)
7Sources for Adult Statistics in Texas
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey
- http//apps.nccd.cdc.gov/brfss/Trends/TrendData.as
p - TDH Center for Health Statistics
8Overweight and Obesity in Children in Texas
- Overweight BMI gt or 85th percentile
- Obesity BMI gt or 95th percentile
- By age and gender
- Norms for BMI NCHS/CDC, http//www.cdc.gov/growth
9School-aged Children Trends
- Doubled in the last 20 years
- Highest among minorities and males.
- Increasing at a rate similar to that of the adult
10Prevalence of Obesity in Teens
- 1990 22 (16-18y/o)
- 2001 gt44 (11th graders)
11Prevalence of Obesity in Texas School Children
- 4th grade 22.4 (1.5 X U.S. avg.)
- 8th grade 19.2
- 11th grade 15.5
12Prevalence of Overweight in Texas School Children
- 4th grade 38.7
- 8th grade 37.1
- 11th grade 29.4
13Prevalence of Obesity in Texas School Children
- Highest
- 8th grade Hispanic boys 32.6
- 4th grade African-American girls 30.8
- Lowest
- 11th grade White/other boys 12.7
- 11th grade White/other girls 5.5
14The Future of Obesity in Texas
- Overweight _at_ 12 75 chance of being an
overweight adult. - Texas WIC program 2-5 y/o 14
- Current overall 22.1
- Future ?
15Sources for Child Obesity Statistics in Texas
- Youth Risk Behavior Survey Bureau of Chronic
Disease and Tobacco Prevention - School Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey
16The Cost of Overweight Obesity in Texas
- 10.4 billion in 2001
- 4.2 billion health care
- 6.2 billion lost productivity
- Total 8.8 to 14.2 billion
Texas Dept. of Health - Preliminary Analysis,
Jan. 2004
17Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Obesity in
- February 2003
- http//www.tdh.state.tx.us/phn/obesity-plan.pdf
- Statewide Obesity Taskforce (SOT)
18Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Obesity in
- Vision All Texans have a healthy weight through
physical activity and healthful eating - Mission To reduce the burden of weight-related
disease by decreasing the prevalence of obesity
19Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Obesity in
- Goal 1 Increase awareness of obesity as a public
health issue that impacts the quality of life of
families. - Goal 2 Mobilize families, schools, and
communities to create opportunities to choose
lifestyles that promote healthy weight.
20Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Obesity in
- Goal 3 Promote policies and environmental
changes that support healthful eating habits and
physical activity. - Goal 4 Monitor obesity rates and related
behaviors and health conditions for planning,
evaluation, and dissemination activities.
21Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Obesity in
- Objectives
- Strategies
- Why? How? Target? Desired effect? Evaluation
22Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Obesity in
- ExamplesMobilize...,schools,to create
opportunities to choose lifestyles that promote
healthy weight. - Strategy- Evaluate existing school-based
nutrition and physical activity policies and
programs. - Strategy- Develop an action plan on physical
activity and nutrition in Texas schools. - Strategy- Establish alliances between schools,
health organizations, and communities.
23Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Obesity in
- Texas State Strategic Health Partnership Goal A
Improve the health of all Texans by promoting
healthy nutrition and safe physical activity. - Next steps for implementation of the Strategic
24Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Obesity in
- Four workgroups/4 goals
- Work-plans
- action steps, timelines, resources, and
responsible parties
25Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Obesity in
- http//www.tdh.state.tx.us/phn/obesity-plan.pdf
26TDH Obesity Prevention Activities
- Increasing awareness
- Training health professionals
- Promoting worksite wellness programs
- Promoting culturally appropriate nutrition and
physical activity programs - Advocating for policy and environmental changes.
27TDH Obesity Prevention Activities
- Providing assistance to community coalitions
- Promoting and supporting coordinated school
health programs
28New Obesity Prevention Initiatives in Texas
- Monitoring obesity rates and related behaviors
and health conditions - Developing partnerships with local and statewide
29Prevention Activities in Communities- Nutrition
- Breastfeeding education programs in hospitals
- Peer Counseling programs for breastfeeding
mothers - Breastfeeding Mothers Rooms at worksites
30Prevention Activities in Communities- Nutrition
- 5 A Day promotion strategies
- Worksite/school policies
- Community gardening projects
- Coupons for farmers markets
31Prevention Activities in Communities- Physical
- Implementing Walk-to-School programs
- Creation of or enhanced access to places for
physical activity combined with informational
activities - Reduced television/video game time
32Prevention Initiative in Schools
- Senate Bill 19, 77th Texas Legislature.
- Physical activity
- Health Curriculum
- School Health Advisory Committee
33School Health Advisory Councils
- Support planned, sequential health education.
- Support physical education classes.
- Support school health services.
- Promote a healthy school environment.
- Support counseling, psychological, and social
services. - Support health promotion for staff.
- Support school nutrition services.
- Support the community-school connection.
- http//www.cdc.gov/healthyYouth/
- http//www.schoolhelath.info
- TDH Austin/TDH Regional Offices.
35- Never doubt that a smallgroup of committed
peoplecan change the world.Indeed, it is the
only thingthat ever has.Margaret Mead