Title: Muons, Inc.
1Pulsed Magnet Arc Designs for Recirculating Linac
Muon Accelerators K.B.Beard1, R.P.Johnson1,
G.M.Wang1, S.A.Bogacz2 1Muons,Inc., 2Jefferson
current address BNL
LEMC2009 workshop 8-12 Jun 2009
Muons, Inc.
2Getting ms from 3 GeV to 2 TeV before they all
decay away
The very big picture. dtm dtL/g (time
dilation) Dtm ?1/g dtL ? ?mo/(Eig x) dx/c
mo/gc ln(Ef/Ei) N/No e -l Dtm (Ef/Ei) -l
(average gradient over whole path)
Muons, Inc.
3How to get m/- from 3 GeV to 2 TeV before they
all decay away?
- TELSA cavities
- real estate g 31 MeV/m
- 64.4 km linac
- 97 survival
- 40,000M
_at_Jlab 20M/GeV
Muons, Inc.
4Reuse RF lots of schemes
Rapid Cycling Synchnotron
racetrack recirculating linac
dogbone Recirculating Linear Accelerator
Muons, Inc.
5- from 3 to 31 GeV
- lower frequency, less gradient
500m 400MHz 8MV/m linac
DEpass 500m 8MV/m 4 GeV/pass Npass
(Ef-Ei)/DEpass 7
Muons, Inc.
6- Thinking about it
- constant value linac quadrupoles provide
progressively weaker focussing - many arcs make for a complicated problematic
- What can we do about it?
- Use quadrupoles with constant but non-uniform
settings that increase with distance to center,
creating beta function beating A.Bogacz - Use a Fixed Field Alternating Gradient
(FFAG)-like arcs with very large (2.71)
momentum acceptance G.M.Wang
Muons, Inc.
7A.Bogaczs Bisected linac optics
Bisected linac Optics mirror symmetric
quadrupole gradient profile minimizing
under-focus beta beating
Muons, Inc.
8G.M.Wangs FFAG arcs - Pmax/Pmin2.7 Po5.7 GeV
Bavg 0.7 T 0.2 Bmax
Muons, Inc.
93 to 31 GeV
small single pass superconducting arcs
500m 400MHz 8MV/m linac
dual pass teardropsuperconducting FFAG arcs
Up to here, you can get away with dipoles and
quadrupoles that dont ramp in time but from
here on up its hard to avoid.
Muons, Inc.
10The good news D.Summers et al has already
thought about it in detail for use in an RCS
lets just follow in his footsteps. Again,
stepping back for the big picture and discarding
details for now
Muons, Inc.
11Arc Magnets
- superconducting magnets can have get up to
8.8T, but can only ramp very slowly (seconds ?
all ms decay) - normal magnets can ramp quickly, but only up to
1.8T (big arcs ? long paths, many ms decay) - How about a hybrid, with normal magnets swinging
from -1.8 to 1.8T and the superconducting
magnets constant?
Muons, Inc.
12Hybrid magnets
Pmax/Pmin Bmax/Bmin (BsLs BnLn)
(BsLs - BnLn)
x (Pmax/Pmin-1)/(Pmax/Pmin1) Bavg f
Pmax/Pmin?8, Bavg? 3.0T
Pmax/Pmin?8, Bs?8 Bavg?2 Bn
Muons, Inc.
1330-2000 GeV concept
Pmax2 TeV, Bavg3T ? Rarc2.2 km Larc16.3
km Bavg1.8T ? Rarc3.7km
Larc27.4 km
? 90 m survival, DtLAB1 mS
? 84 m survival, DtLAB1.7 mS
4km 1.3GHz 30.8 MV/m linac, DE123.2 GeV
Muons, Inc.
14Consider the dipoles can it be done? About the
same as D.Summers RCS
Very rough numbers (normal 1.8T magnets)!
- LEMC emittance (153 GeV, b20 m)
- s-N 2.1 mm-mrad ? 10 s-1.7 mm
- small aperture ? little stored energy 3.7 J/m
- power 2.2 kW/m (60 MW/arc)
- core losses 130 W/m
- resistive heating 800 W/m
Muons, Inc.
15D.Summers, et al
LHC magnet
cartoon of LEMC magnet
Muons, Inc.
16Don Summers talk this afternoon
Muons, Inc.
17Also need pulsed quadrupoles in linac arcs
Some linac quads see a lower energy than the
any of the arc dipoles, so require a larger
- aperture (30 GeV, b20 m) 3 mm
- gradient (2 TeV, b20 m) 200 T/m
- W G2 r4/(8mo) ? 0.3 J/m ? 200 W ramp power
Muons, Inc.
18Simplist quadrupole
G 200 T/m r 3 mm
3 mm
G dBy/dx 2 moI / pr2
2.3 kA W G2 r4/(8mo) ½ L I2 ½
(mo/p2) I2 ? L mo/p2 0.1 uH Vramp - L dI/dt
(DG/Dt) r2/(2p) 0.2 V
core losses 80 W/m
Muons, Inc.
19Also need pulsed quadrupoles - What has been done?
FNAL combination booster magnets 6x
energy/length, switch in 1 mS
HCX fusion experiment pulsed quadrupoles about
840x energy/length (at a very low duty cycle)
Muons, Inc.
20A few thoughts on scaling
- for dipoles, the stored energy power cost
- ? s-2 B2
- for quadrupoles, stored energy power cost
- ? s-4 G2
Muons, Inc.
2130-2000 GeV
R3.7km normal magnets
FNAL site
R2.2km hybrid magnets 91 survival
Muons, Inc.
22new idea Bloom - non-ramped small arcs
3-270 GeV
quad G ramped by time position
superconducting arcs
fast switches
Muons, Inc.
- average gradient over whole path determines m
survivability - ramped dipole magnets mean large arcs
- low emittance makes for small apertures ?
- little stored
energy, power, costs - most schemes require fast pulsed magnets of some
kind - Our thanks to D.Summer and colleagues
Muons, Inc.
24Muons, Inc.