Title: PSYC 3030 Review Session
1PSYC 3030 Review Session
- Gigi Luk
- December 7, 2004
- Matrix
- Multiple Regression
- Indicator variables
- Polynomial Regression
- Regression Diagnostics
- Model Building
3Matrix Basic Operation
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Inverse
- A ? 0
- A is non-singular
- All rows (columns) are linearly independent
Possible only when dimensions are the same
Possible only when inside dimensions are the same
2x3 3x2
4Matrix Inverse
Linearly Dependent
Linearly independent
5Some notations
- n sample size
- p number of parameters
- c number of values in x (cf. LOF, p. 85)
- g number of family member in a Bonferroni test
(cf. p. 92) - J I H x(xx)-1x
6Matrix estimates residuals
- LS estimates
- xy (xx)b
- xx
- xy
- (xx)-1
7Matrix Application in Regression
- SSE ee yy-bxy n-p SSE/n-p
- SSM 1
- SSR bxy SSM p-1
SSR/p-1 - SST yy n
- SSTO y(1-J/n)y n-1
- yy SSM
8Matrix Variance-Covariance
Var-cov (Y) s2(Y)
var-cov (b) est s2(b) s2(b)
MSE (xx)-1
9Matrix Variance-Covariance
10Multiple Regression
- Model with more than 2 independent variables y
ß0 ß1X1 ß2X2 ei
11MR R-square
- Coefficients of multiple determination
- R2 SSR/SSTO 0 R2 1
- alternative
- Coefficients of partial determination
13MR Hypothesis testing
- Test for regression relation (the overall test)
Ho ß1 ß2 .. ßp-1 0 Ha not all ßs 0 - If F F(1-a p-1, n-p), conclude Ho.
- Test for ßk
- Ho ßk 0 Ha ßk ? 0
- If t t(1-a/2 n-p), conclude Ho.
- t bk/s(bk) F MSR(xkall others)/MSE
14MR Hypothesis Testing (cont)
- Test for LOF
- Ho EY ßo ß1X1ß2X2. ßp-1Xp-1
- Ha EY ? ßo ß1X1ß2X2. ßp-1Xp-1
- If F F(1-a c-p, n-p), conclude Ho.
- F (SSLF/c-p)/(SSPE/n-c)
- Test whether some ßk0
- Ho ßh ßh1 .. ßp-1 0
- If F F(1-a p-1, n-p), conclude Ho.
- F MSR(xhxp-1x1xh-1)/MSE
15MR Extra SS (p. 141, CK)
- Full y ßo ß1X1 ß2X2 ? SSR(x1,x2)
- Red y ßo ß1X1 ? SSR(x1)
- SSR (x2x1) SSR(x1,x2) - SSR(x1)
- Effect of X2 adjusted for X1
- SSE(x1) - SSE(x1,x2)
- General Linear Test
- Ho ß2 0 Ha ß2 ? 0
- F
16Indicator variables
y-hat bo b1X1
y-hat bo b1X1 b2X2
slope b1
17y-hat bo b1X1 b2X2 b12X1X2
If b12 0, then there is an interaction ? boys
and girls have different slopes in the relation
of X and Y.
18Polynomial Regression
- 2nd Order Y ßo ß1X1 ß2X2ei
- 3rd Order Y ßo ß1X1 ß2X2 ß3X3ei
- Interaction
- Y ßo ß1X1 ß2X2 ß11X2 1 ß22X2 2
- ß12X1X2 ei
19PR Partial F-test (p.303, 5th ed.)
- Test whether a 1st order model would be
sufficient - Ho ß11 ß22 ß12 0 Ha not all ßs in Ho
0 -
- F
In order to obtain this SSR, you need sequential
SS (see top of p. 304 in text). This test is a
modified test for extra SS.)
20Regression Diagnostics
- Collinearity
- Effects (1) poor numerical accuracy
- (2) poor precision of estimates
- Danger sign several large s(bk)
- Determinant of xx 0
- Eigenvalues of c of linear dependencies
- Condition (?max/ ?i)1/2
- 15-30 watch out
- 30 trouble
- 100 disaster
21Regression Diagnostics
- VIF (Variance Inflation Factor)
- 1/(1-R2i)
- When to worry? When VIF 10
- TOL (Tolerance)
- 1/VIFi
22Model Building
- Goals
- Make R2 large or MSE small
- Keep cost of data collection, s(b) small
- Selection Criteria
- R2 ? look at ?R2
- MSE ? can ? or ? as variables are added
23Model Building (cont)
- Cp p est. of 1/s2
- Svar(yhat) yhattrue yhatp
- SSEp/MSEall (n-2p)
- p(m1-p)(Fp-1)
- m available predictors
- Fp incremental F for predictors omitted
24Model Building (cont)
- Variable Selection Procedure
- Choose min MSE Cp p
- SAS tools
- Forward
- Backward
- Stepwise
- Guided selection key vars, promising vars,
haystack - Substantive knowledge of the area
- Examination of each var expected sign
magnitude coefficients