HC1315 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... witnessed to 'the Word, the Logos Himself' who fights demonic religion whenever it arises. This Logos 'took shape, and became man, and was called Jesus Christ. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: HC1315

  • The Devil

Anchor Passage
  • Deuteronomy 328 8 When the Most High divided
    the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam,
    he set the bounds of the nations according to the
    number of the angels of God (LXX).

Anchor Passage
  • Mark 51-9 NRS They came to the other side of
    the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes. 2 And
    when he had stepped out of the boat, immediately
    a man out of the tombs with an unclean spirit met
    him. 3 He lived among the tombs and no one
    could restrain him any more, even with a chain
    4 for he had often been restrained with shackles
    and chains, but the chains he wrenched apart, and
    the shackles he broke in pieces and no one had
    the strength to subdue him. 5 Night and day
    among the tombs and on the mountains he was
    always howling and bruising himself with stones.
    6 When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and
    bowed down before him 7 and he shouted at the
    top of his voice, "What have you to do with me,
    Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by
    God, do not torment me." 8 For he had said to
    him, "Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!"
    9 Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" He
    replied, "My name is Legion for we are many."

  • In the New Testament this dark backgroundthe
    existence of a power of darkness. . .is integral
    to the story of Jesus Christ. Nullus diabolus
    nullus redemptorthis thesis can scarcely be
  • Emil Brunner, The Christian Doctrine of
    Creation and Redemption, 134

That the World may Know Ray Vander Laan
Anchor Passages
  • Jude 16 6 And the angels who did not keep
    their own position, but left their proper
    dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains in
    deepest darkness for the judgment of the great
  • 2 Peter 24 4 For if God did not spare the
    angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell1
    and committed them to chains2 of deepest darkness
    to be kept until the judgment

Anchor Passages
  • Psalm 826-8 6 I say, "You are gods, children of
    the Most High, all of you 7 nevertheless, you
    shall die like mortals, and fall like any
    prince."1 8 Rise up, O God, judge the earth for
    all the nations belong to you!
  • Isaiah 1412-15 12 How you are fallen from
    heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut
    down to the ground, you who laid the nations low!
    13 You said in your heart, "I will ascend to
    heaven I will raise my throne above the stars of
    God I will sit on the mount of assembly on the
    heights of Zaphon1 14 I will ascend to the tops
    of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most
    High." 15 But you are brought down to Sheol, to
    the depths of the Pit.

Anchor Passages
  • Wisdom 2.24 but through the devil's envy death
    entered the world, and those who belong to his
    company experience it.
  • Revelation 129 9 The great dragon was thrown
    down, that ancient serpent, who is called the
    Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world
    -- he was thrown down to the earth, and his
    angels were thrown down with him.

Anchor PassagePrincipal adversary of Christ
  • Matthew 41-11 Then Jesus was led up by the
    Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the
    devil. 2 He fasted forty days and forty nights,
    and afterwards he was famished. 3 The tempter
    came and said to him, "If you are the Son of God,
    command these stones to become loaves of bread."
    4 But he answered, "It is written, 'One does not
    live by bread alone, but by every word that comes
    from the mouth of God.'" 5 Then the devil took
    him to the holy city and placed him on the
    pinnacle of the temple, 6 saying to him, "If you
    are the Son of God, throw yourself down for it
    is written, 'He will command his angels
    concerning you,' and 'On their hands they will
    bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot
    against a stone.'" 7 Jesus said to him, "Again
    it is written, 'Do not put the Lord your God to
    the test.'" 8 Again, the devil took him to a
    very high mountain and showed him all the
    kingdoms of the world and their splendor 9 and
    he said to him, "All these I will give you, if
    you will fall down and worship me." 10 Jesus
    said to him, "Away with you, Satan! for it is
    written, 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve
    only him.'" 11 Then the devil left him, and
    suddenly angels came and waited on him.

Justin Martyr 100-165
  • The serpent is Satan (Wis. 2.24 Rev. 12.9). It
    is in the wilderness as Jesus begins his
    ministry. The devil puts him to the test (Mt.
    4.1). . .
  • What is the origin of this contrary will? Justin
    Martyr (100-165 A.D.), the first to discuss the
    problem of evil in theological terms,1 locates
    the source of the most significant opposition to
    God in the primeval history when the mysterious
    sons of God (bene ha elohim) who mate with the
    daughters of the earth (Gen. 6.1-4). 1 Jeffrey
    Burton Russell, Satan The Early Christian
    Tradition (Ithaca and London Cornell University
    Press, 1981) 63.
  • Genesis 61-4 When people began to multiply on
    the face of the ground, and daughters were born
    to them, 2 the sons of God bene ha-elohim saw
    that they were fair and they took wives for
    themselves of all that they chose. 3 Then the
    LORD said, "My spirit shall not abide in mortals
    forever, for they are flesh their days shall be
    one hundred twenty years." 4 The Nephilim were
    on the earth in those days-- and also afterward--
    when the sons of God went in to the daughters of
    humans, who bore children to them. These were the
    heroes that were of old, warriors of renown.

  • This strange passagebizarre by our standardswas
    of enormous interest to the early Fathers. Justin
    interprets the bene ha elohim to be rebellious
    angels who disobeyed the divine command to
    protect humanity and instead transgressed this
    appointment. . .captivated by love of women, and
    begat children who are those that are called
    demons. These afterwards subdued the human race
    to themselves. . .by teaching them to offer
    sacrifices, and incense, and libations, of which
    things they stood in need after they were
    enslaved by lustful passions.1 These same
    demons inspired poets and mythologists to
    create idols such as Neptune and Pluto.2
    Socrates attacked these pagan legends by true
    reason and examination in order to deliver men
    from the demons. For his efforts, he was called
    an atheist and a profane person and was put to
    death. Socrates witnessed to the Word, the Logos
    Himself who fights demonic religion whenever it
    arises. This Logos took shape, and became man,
    and was called Jesus Christ. Christians in
    obedience to Him. . .not only deny that they who
    did such things as these are gods, but assert
    that they are wicked and impious demons, whose
    actions will not bear comparison with those even
    of men desirous of virtue.3 Christians and
    Socratesalong with all those who stand for
    reasonshare the same mission spiritual warfare
    against the demons. This warfare between the
    forces of reason and the forces of evil is the
    meaning of history.
  • 1 Second Apology, 5 in Robert Alexander and
    James Donaldson, eds. The Ante-Nicene Fathers,
    vol. I (New York Charles Scribners, 1908) 190.
    Recall that the demonic religions of Baal and
    Molech and the like, all of which demanded the
    sacrifice of sons and daughters, wrecked havoc in
    the time of the Judges (Judg. 2.11-19 Ps. 106.
    37-39) and brought down both the Kingdom of
    Israel (2 Kgs. 7.7-17) and the Kingdom of Judah
    (Jer. 32.30-35).
  • 2 Ibid.
  • 3 First Apology, 5 in Ibid., 164.

Justin, First Apology, 5
  • For the truth shall be spoken since of old
    these evil demons, effecting apparitions of
    themselves, both defiled women and corrupted
    boys, and showed such fearful sights to men, that
    those who did not use their reason in judging of
    the actions that were done, were struck with
    terror and being carried away by fear, and not
    knowing that these were demons, they called them
    gods, and gave to each the name which each of the
    demons chose for himself. And when Socrates
    endeavoured, by true reason and examination, to
    bring these things to light, and deliver men from
    the demons, then the demons themselves, by means
    of men who rejoiced in iniquity, compassed his
    death, as an atheist and a profane person, on the
    charge that "he was introducing new divinities"
    and in our case they display a similar activity.
    For not only among the Greeks did reason (Logos)
    prevail to condemn these things through Socrates,
    but also among the Barbarians were they condemned
    by Reason (or the Word, the Logos) Himself, who
    took shape, and became man, and was called Jesus
    Christ and in obedience to Him, we not only deny
    that they who did such things as these are gods,
    but assert that they are wicked and impious
    demons, whose actions will not bear comparison
    with those even of men desirous of virtue.

Justin, Second Apology 5
  • . God, when He had made the whole world, and
    subjected things earthly to man, and arranged the
    heavenly elements for the increase of fruits and
    rotation of the seasons, and appointed this
    divine law--for these things also He evidently
    made for man--committed the care of men and of
    all things under heaven to angels whom He
    appointed over them. But the angels transgressed
    this appointment. and were captivated by love of
    women, and begat children who are those that are
    called demons and besides, they afterwards
    subdued the human race to themselves, partly by
    magical writings, and partly by fears and the
    punishments they occasioned, and partly by
    teaching them to offer sacrifices, and incense,
    and libations, of which things they stood in need
    after they were enslaved by lustful passions and
    among men they sowed murders, wars, adulteries,
    intemperate deeds, and all wickedness. Whence
    also the poets and mythologists, not knowing that
    it was the angels and those demons who had been
    begotten by them that did these things to men,
    and women, and cities, and nations, which they
    related, ascribed them to god himself, and to
    those who were accounted to be his very
    offspring, and to the offspring of those who were
    called his brothers, Neptune and Pluto, and to
    the children again of these their offspring. For
    whatever name each of the angels had given to
    himself and his children, by that name they
    called them.

Fall of Israel
  • 2 Kings 177-17 7 This occurred because the
    people of Israel had sinned against the LORD
    their God, who had brought them up out of the
    land of Egypt from under the hand of Pharaoh king
    of Egypt. They had worshiped other gods 8 and
    walked in the customs of the nations whom the
    LORD drove out before the people of Israel, and
    in the customs that the kings of Israel had
    introduced.1 9 The people of Israel secretly did
    things that were not right against the LORD their
    God. They built for themselves high places at all
    their towns, from watchtower to fortified city
    10 they set up for themselves pillars and sacred
    poles1 on every high hill and under every green
    tree 11 there they made offerings on all the
    high places, as the nations did whom the LORD
    carried away before them. They did wicked things,
    provoking the LORD to anger 12 they served
    idols, of which the LORD had said to them, "You
    shall not do this." 13 Yet the LORD warned
    Israel and Judah by every prophet and every seer,
    saying, "Turn from your evil ways and keep my
    commandments and my statutes, in accordance with
    all the law that I commanded your ancestors and
    that I sent to you by my servants the prophets."
    14 They would not listen but were stubborn, as
    their ancestors had been, who did not believe in
    the LORD their God. 15 They despised his
    statutes, and his covenant that he made with
    their ancestors, and the warnings that he gave
    them. They went after false idols and became
    false they followed the nations that were around
    them, concerning whom the LORD had commanded them
    that they should not do as they did. 16 They
    rejected all the commandments of the LORD their
    God and made for themselves cast images of two
    calves they made a sacred pole,1 worshiped all
    the host of heaven, and served Baal. 17 They
    made their sons and their daughters pass through
    fire they used divination and augury and they
    sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the
    LORD, provoking him to anger.

Fall of Judah
  • Jeremiah 3230-35 30 For the people of Israel
    and the people of Judah have done nothing but
    evil in my sight from their youth the people of
    Israel have done nothing but provoke me to anger
    by the work of their hands, says the LORD. 31
    This city has aroused my anger and wrath, from
    the day it was built until this day, so that I
    will remove it from my sight 32 because of all
    the evil of the people of Israel and the people
    of Judah that they did to provoke me to anger --
    they, their kings and their officials, their
    priests and their prophets, the citizens of Judah
    and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 33 They have
    turned their backs to me, not their faces though
    I have taught them persistently, they would not
    listen and accept correction. 34 They set up
    their abominations in the house that bears my
    name, and defiled it. 35 They built the high
    places of Baal in the valley of the son of
    Hinnom, to offer up their sons and daughters to
    Molech, though I did not command them, nor did it
    enter my mind that they should do this
    abomination, causing Judah to sin.

  • Psalm 10637-42 37 They sacrificed their sons
    and their daughters to the demons 38 they
    poured out innocent blood, the blood of their
    sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the
    idols of Canaan and the land was polluted with
    blood. 39 Thus they became unclean by their
    acts, and prostituted themselves in their doings.
    40 Then the anger of the LORD was kindled
    against his people, and he abhorred his heritage
    41 he gave them into the hand of the nations, so
    that those who hated them ruled over them. 42
    Their enemies oppressed them, and they were
    brought into subjection under their power.

  • The Second Commandment of the Teaching Do not
    commit murder do not commit adultery do not
    corrupt boys do not fornicate do not steal
    do not practice magic do not go in for sorcery
    do not murder a child by abortion or kill a
    new-born infant. . .
  • Richardson, 172

Satan in the New TestamentPrince (archon) of
the world (kosmos), space(aeros), and time
  • 1 John 519 19 We know that we are God's
    children, and that the whole world lies under the
    power of the evil one.John 1231 31 Now is the
    judgment of this world now the ruler of this
    world will be driven out. Ephesians 21 You were
    dead through the trespasses and sins 2 in which
    you once lived, following the course of this
    world, following the ruler of the power of the
    air, the spirit that is now at work among those
    who are disobedient. 1 Corinthians 26 6 Yet
    among the mature we do speak wisdom, though it is
    not a wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this
    age, who are doomed to perish.

Lord of matter and flesh
  • Ephesians 23 3 All of us once lived among them
    in the passions of our flesh, following the
    desires of flesh and senses, and we were by
    nature children of wrath, like everyone else.

Seeks to pervert humanity in the age post
Christum exaltatum, having enormous powers
  • as Tempter 1 Thessalonians 35 5 For this
    reason, when I could bear it no longer, I sent to
    find out about your faith I was afraid that
    somehow the tempter had tempted you and that our
    labor had been in vain.
  • Liar and murderer John 844 44 You are from
    your father the devil, and you choose to do your
    father's desires. He was a murderer from the
    beginning and does not stand in the truth,
    because there is no truth in him. When he lies,
    he speaks according to his own nature, for he is
    a liar and the father of lies.

Cause of death
  • Wisdom 223-24 23 for God created us for
    incorruption, and made us in the image of his own
    eternity, 24 but through the devil's envy death
    entered the world, and those who belong to his
    company experience it.
  • Hebrews 214 14 Since, therefore, the children
    share flesh and blood, he himself likewise shared
    the same things, so that through death he might
    destroy the one who has the power of death, that
    is, the devil,

Hurts people physically
  • Luke 1311-16 11 And just then there appeared a
    woman with a spirit that had crippled her for
    eighteen years. She was bent over and was quite
    unable to stand up straight. 12 When Jesus saw
    her, he called her over and said, "Woman, you are
    set free from your ailment." 13 When he laid his
    hands on her, immediately she stood up straight
    and began praising God. 14 But the leader of the
    synagogue, indignant because Jesus had cured on
    the sabbath, kept saying to the crowd, "There are
    six days on which work ought to be done come on
    those days and be cured, and not on the sabbath
    day." 15 But the Lord answered him and said,
    "You hypocrites! Does not each of you on the
    sabbath untie his ox or his donkey from the
    manger, and lead it away to give it water? 16
    And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham
    whom Satan bound for eighteen long years, be set
    free from this bondage on the sabbath day?"

Sorcery and idolatry
  • Acts 138-10 8 But the magician Elymas (for
    that is the translation of his name) opposed them
    and tried to turn the proconsul away from the
    faith. 9 But Saul, also known as Paul, filled
    with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him 10
    and said, "You son of the devil, you enemy of all
    righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy,
    will you not stop making crooked the straight
    paths of the Lord?

Obstructs the mission of Christ
  • 1 Thessalonians 218 18 For we wanted to come to
    you-- certainly I, Paul, wanted to again and
    again-- but Satan blocked our way.

Attacks by possession
  • Mark 57-8 7 and he shouted at the top of his
    voice, "What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son
    of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not
    torment me." 8 For he had said to him, "Come out
    of the man, you unclean spirit!"

Can enter a persons heart
  • Luke 223 3 Then Satan entered into Judas called
    Iscariot, who was one of the twelve

Leader of a host
  • Revelation 127-9 7 And war broke out in
    heaven Michael and his angels fought against the
    dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back, 8
    but they were defeated, and there was no longer
    any place for them in heaven. 9 The great dragon
    was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is
    called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the
    whole world-- he was thrown down to the earth,
    and his angels were thrown down with him.

Spiritual Warfare
  • Colossians 26-8 6 As you therefore have
    received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live
    your lives1 in him, 7 rooted and built up in him
    and established in the faith, just as you were
    taught, abounding in thanksgiving. 8 See to it
    that no one takes you captive through philosophy
    and empty deceit, according to human tradition,
    according to the elemental spirits of the
    universe,1 and not according to Christ. . . 20 If
    with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of
    the universe,1 why do you live as if you still
    belonged to the world?
  • 1 Corinthians 26-8 6 Yet among the mature we
    do speak wisdom, though it is not a wisdom of
    this age or of the rulers of this age, who are
    doomed to perish. 7 But we speak God's wisdom,
    secret and hidden, which God decreed before the
    ages for our glory. 8 None of the rulers of this
    age understood this for if they had, they would
    not have crucified the Lord of glory.
  • Galatians 43 3 So with us while we were
    minors, we were enslaved to the elemental
    spirits1 of the world.
  • Galatians 49 9 Now, however, that you have
    come to know God, or rather to be known by God,
    how can you turn back again to the weak and
    beggarly elemental spirits?1 How can you want to
    be enslaved to them again?
  • Ephesians 612 12 For we are not contending
    against flesh and blood, but against the
    principalities, against the powers, against the
    world rulers of this present darkness, against
    the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly
  • Romans 838-39 38 For I am convinced that
    neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers,
    nor things present, nor things to come, nor
    powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor anything
    else in all creation, will be able to separate us
    from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Irenaeus (2nd century)
  • Justin identifies the origin of spiritual warfare
    in disordered passion. St. Irenaeus (2nd century
    A.D.) locates it in the freedom of the will.
    Angels and humanity are endowed with the gift of
    freedom to choose good or evil. Liberum arbitrium
    means there is no coercion with God. Obedience
    to God is voluntary, not compulsory so that
    those who had yielded obedience might justly
    possess what is good, given indeed by God, but
    preserved by themselves.1 It is inevitable
    that in freedom there will be those who turn from
    God and choose what is evil. The presence of evil
    in the world is thus a function of freedom. Evil
    is entailed by the excellence of creation, not
    its deficiency.
  • 1 Irenaeus, Against the Heresies IV, 37, 1 in
    Richardson., 518.

St. Augustine (354-430)
  • St. Augustine makes the same type of argument as
    Irenaeus. The gift of creation is freedom of the
    will. Freedom of the will engenders the will to
    undo. The result is conflict. But Augustine goes
    further by contending that this conflict is so
    essential to the nature of creation that creation
    itself must be understood as warfare. The state
    of nature thus is a state of war. Scripture seems
    to point to this truth, however obscurely, as it
    witnesses to a great primeval calamity when war
    broke out in heaven (Rev. 12.7) and God did not
    spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them
    into hell and committed them to chains of deepest
    darkness (2 Pet. 2.4 see Jude 6 Mt. 25.41).

  • Augustine seeks to ground this obscure biblical
    witness theologically in an interpretation of
    Genesis 1.3 God said, Let there be light and
    there was light. He acknowledges that his
    interpretation is a matter of speculation
    because, the matter is so profound that it may
    give rise to many interpretations.1 Augustine
    asserts that the original conflict of creation
    was entailed by the creation of light. When God
    said Let there be light it could only be at the
    expense of darkness. Augustine understands light
    versus darkness not as the dialectic of abstract
    categories, but as the clash of spiritual beings.
    The light brings forth the angels created by
    God, bestowed with the gift of freedom able to
    obey, thus giving meaning to light or to rebel,
    thus giving meaning to darkness. Freedom means
    that angels have intelligence, the power of
    choice, the capability to change in an
    environment without coercion.2 These
    attributes allow the angels to desire God and
    serve him willingly. This is why the light is
    good. These same attributes permit other angels
    to choose darkness. But choosing darkness
    ultimately serves Gods plan for it brings about
    a greater good God foreknew that some of the
    angels, in their pride, would wish to be
    self-sufficient for their own felicity, and hence
    would forsake their true good yet he did not
    deprive them of their power, judging it an act of
    greater power and greater goodness to bring good
    even out of evil than to exclude the existence of
    evil.3 Good out of evil is what Christ
    accomplishes. Christ is the light of the world
  • 1 St. Augustine, City of God, tr. Henry
    Bettenson (London Penguin Books, 1972) 467 (XI,
    32). See Bernhard Lohse, Zu Augustins
    Engellehre, Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte,
    70 (1959) 278-291.
  • 2 Ibid., 468f. (XI, 33).
  • 3 Ibid., 1022 (XXII, 1).

  • What is one to do with this language of scripture
    and church tradition regarding Satan, demons,
    obedient and rebellious angels? Karl Barth
    (1886-1968) warns against succumbing to the far
    too interesting mythology of the ancients that
    can make of the devil a fetish. If we fall for
    this, we ourselves might become just a little or
    more than a little demonic.1 On the other
    hand, there is the danger of following the far
    too uninteresting demythologization of the
    moderns which can lead humanity to think it can
    tackle its lesser and greater problems with a
    little morality and medicine and psychology and
    aesthetics, with progressive politics or
    occasionally a philosophy.2 This is an
    illusion. Emil Brunner (1889-1966) agrees. Each
    generation must learn anew that the Christian
    Faith is bound to admit the existence of a sinful
    supernatural power and that human sin cannot be
    reduced to psychology, habit, or vice.3
  • In the figure of Satan, we are obviously dealing
    with myth and imagery but it is myth and imagery
    so deeply woven into the fabric of the Bible and
    theology that it cannot be easily dismissed. 1
    Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics, III/3, tr. G.W.
    Bromily and R.J. Ehrlich (Edinburgh T T Clark,
    1961) 369. 519.
  • 2 Ibid., 369, 526.
  • 3 Emil Brunner, The Christian Doctrine of
    Creation and Redemption, tr. Olive Wyon
    (Philadelphia Westminster Press, 1962) 140.

  • Sunderlying structures of the mind
  • Eevent
  • Pperception
  • Pnbank of perceptions
  • Fgeneral formulation
  • Cconstellation of formulations
  • Ttradition
  • S e p
  • Pn F
  • Fn C
  • C T

Principle The Devil is the Many and not the One
(Dogmatic Formulations)
  • Mark 51-9 They came to the other side of the
    sea, to the country of the Gerasenes. 2 And when
    he had come out of the boat, there met him out of
    the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, 3 who
    lived among the tombs and no one could bind him
    any more, even with a chain 4 for he had often
    been bound with fetters and chains, but the
    chains he wrenched apart, and the fetters he
    broke in pieces and no one had the strength to
    subdue him. 5 Night and day among the tombs and
    on the mountains he was always crying out, and
    bruising himself with stones. 6 And when he saw
    Jesus from afar, he ran and worshiped him 7 and
    crying out with a loud voice, he said, "What have
    you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High
    God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me." 8
    For he had said to him, "Come out of the man, you
    unclean spirit!" 9 And Jesus asked him, "What is
    your name?" He replied, "My name is Legion for
    we are many."

Formulations St. Augustine 66-78)
  • God permits evil in the world
  • Each individual must struggle to defeat demons in
    his or her soul
  • Cosmos is incurable
  • Pain is punishment
  • Evil is lack of good
  • Evil is the free will choice of sin free will
    choices have no causes
  • Grace helps us to choose the good
  • Grace obliges us to choose the good
  • Angel an intelligent being who is free to choose
    Adam similarly free
  • Christ did not die for fallen angels they cannot
  • Confirms the tradition that demons are fallen
    angels not separate species
  • God strengthened good angels by gratuitous act of
  • Devil fell because of pride

2. World is an arena for the faithful to battle
evil angels and evil people who exist to impede
the work of Christ
  • Early Christians understood spiritual warfare as
    the crucible in which their faith and witness
    were put to the test. In battle against evil the
    believer reaped the reward of salvation. This is
    why Ignatius of Antioch (ca. 35-107 A.D.) in a
    famous passage from his Letter to the Romans
    declares that he is eager to enter the arena and
    sacrifice his life for his faith. The arena,
    where Christian martyrs died for the sport of the
    masses, was the sand strewn field of combat in
    the amphitheater that not only provided
    entertainment for the masses, but also symbolized
    the centrality of warfare in Roman culture. To
    Christians the arena epitomized the true nature
    of the world. Satan is powerful in the arena. He
    blocks the way to Christ. In his letter Ignatius
    proclaims that he is willing to take up the
    challenge of the arena to gain Christ Come
    fire, cross, battling with wild beasts, wrenching
    of bones, mangling of limbs, crushing my whole
    body, cruel tortures of the devilonly let me get
    to Jesus Christ!1
  • 1 Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Romans,
    5.3 in Cyril C. Richardson, ed. Early Christian
    Fathers (New York Touchstone, 1996) 105.

56. Second coming of Christ preceded by
Antichrist's final assault Antichrist is son of
the devil
  • "And you ought, furthermore, to consider with the
    utmost deliberation, if by your labors, God
    working through you, it should occur that the
    Mother of churches should flourish anew to the
    worship of Christianity, whether, perchance, He
    may not wish other regions of the East to be
    restored to the faith against the approaching
    time of the Antichrist. For it is clear that
    Antichrist is to do battle not with the Jews, not
    with the Gentiles but, according to the
    etymology of his name, He will attack Christians.
    And if Antichrist finds there no Christians (just
    as at present when scarcely any dwell there), no
    one will be there to oppose him, or whom he may
    rightly overcome.
  • Sermon of Urban II Version of Guibert de
    Nogent (Guibert, Abbot of Nogent, attended the
    Council of Clermont. His Historia quae dicitur
    Gesta Dei per Francos used both his own knowledge
    and other sources .)

St. Boniface 672-754
The Reformation symbol of Christs presence is
not the halo of the saint, but the hatred of the
Devil. Transforming Luther into the forerunner
of enlightenment means dismissing this warning of
the Devils growing superiority as a remnant of
the Dark Ages. But that would deprive Luthers
life of the experience of the Devils power,
which affected him as intensely as Christs. Take
away the Devil and we are left with the
Protestant citadel, the better self, the
conscience, which thus becomes the site of the
Last Judgment, where the believer confronted with
the laws of God, acknowledges that he is a sinner
and declares himself at the same time to be
righteous by virtue of Christs sacrifice. It is
precisely this conventional, conscience-oriented
morality that mans innermost self struggles to
fulfill, and that Luther, to the horror of all
well meaning, decent Christians, undermined. The
issue is not morality or immorality, it is God
and the Devil. . .The two great turning points of
the Reformation age, the Lutheran and the
Copernican, seem to have brought mankind nothing
but humiliation. First man is robbed of his power
over himself, and then he is pushed to the
periphery of creation. Oberman, Luther Man
between God and the Devil, p. 155
Devil not the subject of superstition(Formulation
s 92)
  • Gabriel Biel (d. 1405) Mass Commentary to make
    the devil into God is a superstition worthy not
    of refutation but laughter. quoted Oberman, The
    Reformation Roots and Ramifications, p. 59.
  • But if that is not enough for you, you Devil, I
    have also shit and pissed wipe your mouth on
    that and take a hearty bite.
  • quoted in Oberman, Luther, p. 107

The Devil(Formulations 93-96)(Heiko Oberman,
The Reformation Roots and Raminfications, pp.
  • Doctor Consolarius
  • Magister conscientiae
  • Princeps mundi
  • The spirit of despair

Spiritual Warfare
  • Satan is his name, that is, adversary. He must
    obstruct and cause misfortune he cannot do
    otherwise. Moreover, he is the prince and god of
    this world, so that he has sufficient power to do
  • LW 37,17
  • The conflict between God and the Devil is
    basically a conflict between faith and unbelief
    in the human soul it is not a mythological
  • Edgar Carlson, Reinterpretation of Luther, p.

  • In all grave illnesses the Devil is present as
    the author and cause. . .and he is the author
    of death.
  • LW 54, 53

  • At first everything goes all right, so that, as
    the saying goes, they are ready to eat each other
    up for love. The Devil comes along to create
    boredom in you, to rob you of your desire in this
    direction, and to excite it unduly in another
  • LW 21, 89

  • When we wish to deal with Scripture, Satan
    stirs up so much dissension and quarreling over
    it that we lose our interest in it and become
    reluctant to trust it.
  • LW37, 17

  • It is the supreme art of the Devil that he can
    make the law out of the gospel.
  • LW54, 106

  • The Devil incites the Cainites against their
    brother, just as Christ declares in John 8.44
    that the Devil was a murderer from the beginning.
  • LW 1, 322
  • John 844 You are from your father the devil,
    and you choose to do your father's desires. He
    was a murderer from the beginning and does not
    stand in the truth, because there is no truth in
    him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own
    nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Daily Matters
  • The Devil comes at unsuitable places and times,
    as in the choir during songs of praise to God, or
    at night when one ought to sleep, in order to
    ruin the head. Or elsewhere, when other things
    are being done in common, so that he hinders
    these things or sees that they are done with less
  • LW 10, 348f.

Politics and Religion
  • The Devil never stops cooking and brewing these
    two kingdoms into each other. In the Devils name
    the secular leaders always want to be Christs
    masters and teach Him how He should run His
    church and His spiritual government. Similarly,
    the false clerics and schismatic spirits want to
    be the masters, though not in Gods name, and to
    teach people how to organize the secular
    government. Thus the Devil is very busy on both
    sides, and he has much to do.
  • LW 13, 194

  • apostle of the Devil
  • AntiChrist himself
  • Against the Roman Papacy, An Institution of the
    Devil. LW 41, 263-376

  • Personal affliction that is an assault from
    death, the devil, the world, and hell combined.
  • A Mighty Fortress
  • Luther embraces the ancient tradition of
    spiritual warfare in the imagery of his most
    famous hymn. His intent is Christological. The
    power that Satan has over us on the battlefield
    of the world is beyond our resources to defend or
    counter. We have no place to go but the Lord.
    Like Ignatius, Luther sees the purpose of combat
    to gain salvation in Christ
  • Did we in our own strength confide
  • Our striving would be losing
  • Were not the right man on our side,
  • The man of Gods own choosing.
  • Dost ask who that may be?
  • Christ Jesus it is he
  • Lord Sabaoth his Name,
  • From age to age the same,
  • And he must win the battle.

Witch Craze
  • Albigensians
  • Spanish Inquisition 1479 against Marranos,
    Moriscos and Protestants
  • Torture allowed 1552
  • Salem Witch Trial 1692

Friedrich Schleiermacher 1768-1834
  • The idea of the Devil, as developed among us, is
    so unstable that we cannot expect anyone to be
    convinced of its truth besides, our Church has
    never made doctrinal use of the idea.
  • . . .the fairly frequent idea that the devil is
    the instrument of God in the punishment of the
    wicked, is inconsistent with his antagonism to
    the divine purpose.
  • The Christian Faith, 161,163

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749-1832
  • I am the spirit that negates
  • And rightly so, for all that comes to be
  • Deserves to perish wretchedly. . .
  • I am part of the part that once was everything,
  • Part of the darkness which gave birth to light,
  • That haughty light which envies mother night
  • Her ancient rank and place and would be king
  • Yet it does not succeed. . .
  • Faust, I/1339. . .1353
  • The reeling whirl I seek, the most painful
  • Enamored hate and quickening distress.
  • Cured from the craving to know all, my mind
  • Shall not henceforth be closed to any pain,
  • And what is portioned out to all mankind, I shall
    enjoy deep in my self, contain
  • Within my spirit, summit and abyss
  • Pile on my breast their agony and bliss,
  • And thus let my own self grow into theirs,
  • Till as they are, at last I, too, am shattered.
  • 1766-75

  • Auch hier geschieht, was längst geschah,
  • Denn Naboths Weinberg, war schon da,
  • (Regum I, 21)
  • Here, too, occurs what long occurred
  • Of Naboths vineyard you have heard.
  • (I Kings 21)

Emil Brunner 1889-1966
  • On the contrary, it is just because our
    generation has experienced such diabolical
    wickedness that many people have abandoned their
    former enlightened objection to the existence of
    a power of darkness and are now prepared to
    believe in Satan as represented in the Bible.
  • Creation and Redemption, p. 135

Karl Barth 1886-1968
  • They are. As we cannot deny the peculiar
    existence of nothingness, we cannot deny their
    existence. They are null and void, but they are
    not nothing. They are, but only in their own way
    they are, but improperly. . .
  • Church Dogmatics III/3. 523.

  • The affirmation of the demonic has nothing to do
    with a mythological or metaphysical affirmation
    of a world of spirits. . .Only in personalities
    does the demonic receive power, for there the
    form not only grows by nature, is not only
    imprinted on existence, but confronts existence
    by demanding something.
  • Tillich, The Demonic The Interpretation of
    History, 85

  • Form of being facts and inexhaustibility of
    being value belong together. Their unity in the
    depth of essential nature is the divine, their
    separation in existence, the relatively
    independent eruption of the abyss in things, is
    the demonic.
  • Tillich, The Demonic, 84

  • . . .a psychology of evil must be a religious
    psychology. By this I do not mean it must embrace
    a specific theology. I do mean however, that it
    must not only embrace valid insights from all
    religious traditions but must also recognize the
    reality of the supernatural. And, as I have
    said, it must be a science in submission to love
    and the sacredness of life. It cannot be a purely
    secular psychology.
  • M. Scott Peck, People of the Lie, 45

  • a particular variety of narcissism
  • Peck, People of the Lie, 77
  • Pronounced concern with public image
  • Scapegoating
  • Excessive intolerance to criticism
  • Intellectual deviousness
  • Narcissism, self-absorption, fear of criticism

Dante Alighieri1265-1321
Dantes Universe
Inferno Canto I
  • When I had journeyed half of our lifes way,
  • I found myself within a shadowed forest,
  • For I had lost the path that does not stray.
  • Ah, it is hard to speak of what it was,
  • That savage forest, dense and difficult,
  • Which even in recall renews my fear
  • so bitterdeath is hardly more severe!
  • But to retell the good discovered there,
  • Ill also tell the other things I saw.

Canto V
  • So I descended from the first enclosure
  • Down to the second circle, that which girdles
  • Less space but grief more great, that goads to
  • There dreadful Minos stands, gnashing his
  • Examining the sins of those who enter,
  • He judges and assigns as his tail twines.

  • I mean that when the spirit born to evil
  • Appears before him, it confesses all
  • And he, the connoisseur of sin, can tell
  • The depth of hell appropriate to it
  • As many times as Minos wraps his tail
  • Around himself, that marks the sinners level.

  • I learned that those who undergo this torment
  • Are damned because they sinned within the flesh,
  • Subjecting reason to the rule of lust.

  • No sooner had I heard my teacher Virgil name
  • The ancient ladies and the knights, than pity
  • Seized me, and I was like a man astray.

Francesca da Rimini and Paolo Malatesta
  • One day to pass the time away, we read
  • Of Lancelothow love had overcome him.
  • We were alone, and we suspected nothing.
  • And time and time again that reading led
  • Our eyes to meet, and made our faces pale,
  • And yet one point alone defeated us.
  • When we had read how the desired smile
  • Was kissed by one who was so true a lover,
  • This one, who never shall be parted from me,
  • While all his body trembled, kissed my mouth.

  • And while one spirit said these words to me,
  • The other wept, so thatbecause of pity
  • I fainted, as if I had met my death.
  • And then I fell as a dead body falls.

  • The will to undo the infliction of pain upon
    sentient beings
  • Jeffrey Burton Russell, The Devil, 11
  • Evil is meaningless, senseless destruction. Evil
    destroys and does not build it rips and does not
    mend it cuts and it does not bind. It strives
    always and everywhere to annihilate, to turn to
    nothing. To take all being and render it nothing
    is the heart of evil. 23

  • Not a single item in our trillion-dollar arsenal
    can compare with the genius of the suicide
    bomberthe breakthrough weapon of our time. Our
    intelligence systems cannot locate him, our
    arsenal cannot deter him, and, all too often, our
    soldiers cannot stop him before it is too late. A
    man of invincible convictioncall it delusion, if
    you willarmed with explosives stolen or
    purchased for a handful of soiled bills can have
    a strategic impact that staggers governments.
    Abetted by the global media, the suicide bomber
    is the wonder weapon of the age.
  • The suicide bombers willingness to discard
    civilizations cherished rules for warfare gives
    him enormous strength. In the Cain-and-Abel
    conflicts of the 21st century, ruthlessness
    trumps technology. We refuse to comprehend the
    suicide bombers souleven though todays wars
    are contests of souls, and belief is our enemys
    ultimate order of battle. We write off the
    suicide bomber as a criminal, a wanton butcher, a
    terrorist. Yet, within his spiritual universe,
    hes more heroic than the American soldier who
    throws himself atop a grenade to spare his
    comrades He isnt merely protecting other men,
    but defending his god. The suicide bomber can
    justify any level of carnage because hes doing
    gods will. We agonize over a prisoners slapped
    face, while our enemies are lauded as heroes for
    killing innocent masses (even of fellow
    believers). We continue to narrow our view of
    warfares acceptable parameters even as our
    enemies amplify the concept of total war.
  • Ralph Peters, The Counterrevolutionaries in
    Military Affairs, The Weekly Standard, 6
    February 2006, 19.
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