Title: Country Report from Japan 05.9.13
1 Country Report from Japan Principle Act for
GNSS utilization in Japan Space-based PNT
Advisory Board 16-17 October, 2008 at Washington
DC Hiroshi Nishiguchi Japan GPS Council
2 Established Two of the Principle Act To
secure synergistic effectiveness (1) May
2007 The Principle Act on ?Promotion of NSDI ?
?National Spatial Data
Infrastructure? (2) May 2008 The
Principle Act on ?Space Development
Utilization ? Both
was submitted to the National Diet and was
established as the Diet Members
Proposition through the consensus reached among
three major political parties in Japan.
3 Basic Implementation Plan (1) The
Implementation Plan for NSDI Principle Act
Published in April 2008 by the Cabinet
Secretariat through the Cabinet
approval (2) The Implementation
Plan for Space Principle Act
Just under preparation work and will be published
by the end of March 2009,
subject to the Cabinet approval.
Headquarter the Cabinet, led by Prime
Minister Coordination office
was set up within Cabinet Secretariat
Secretariat of Headquarters for
Space Policy Under organizing Steering
Committee and WGs among
industries, academy and governmental agencies
4Space Act
Establishment of a new commanding body which is
organized to promote the measures for the
space exploration in an integrated and planned
manner. Space-based PNT matters are solved as
part of the above measures, including
positioning information system. Space-based
PNT inclusive in the space development and
utilization in Japan will be promoted based
on the Basic Space Plan to be worked out through
Cabinet approval
Promotion of Geo-Spatial Data Infrastructure,
and appropriate measures for GIS and PNT in an
integrated and systematic manner. The
satellite positioning plays an important role for
utilization of NSDI. This Act has stipulated
communication and coordination regarding the
satellite positioning technology and
promotion of RD
5Challenge to change above interpretation since
1969 The Establishment of National Strategies
for Space Exploration and Utilization is Urgently
6Objectives (Article-1)
Challenge to change above interpretation since
1969 The Establishment of National Strategies
for Space Exploration and Utilization is Urgently
6 Basic Concept (Article-27)
7Establishment of Command center
Challenge to change above interpretation since
1969 The Establishment of National Strategies
for Space Exploration and Utilization is Urgently
Establishment etc of related Laws as soon as
8 Themes for Space-based PNT in Japan (1)
Clarification of National Policy for Space-based
PNT issues (2) RD aimed at Practical Use,
not development oriented (3)
Implementation of Infrastructures under
Government Initiative (4) Improvement of
environment for Effective use of PNT
Early implementation of NSDI nationwide
QZSS constellation
(5) Promotion Education for utilization of
space-based PNT (6) International