Gullivers Travels - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gullivers Travels


B/c science (led by Newton) is systematizing the world, the Enlightenment brings ... applied to works of fiction, including science fiction, that represent a very ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gullivers Travels

Gullivers Travels
  • Fierce Indignation

The trouble with satire
  • One danger of satire is that it is so topical and
    that in a few years, nobody will remember the
    objects of satire.
  • Is GT too topical or is it still relevant? Why
    or why not?

  • Lilliputs are little, literally and morally
  • Schism over which side of an egg to eat
  • Suspicions and rivalries end in the Lilliputs
    spurning Gulliver
  • Government officials gain jobs by creeping and
    leaping (i.e. kissing ass or being opportunistic)

  • Gulliver becomes a Lilliputian in Brogdignag
  • King is wisesees through shallowness of people,
    especially G. and his descriptions of Europe
  • Gunpowder
  • King horrified that G. describes destruction in
    familiar manner insensitively
  • Gunpowder makes it possible to not face your
  • More bang for your buck

The View From a Breast
  • Pp.86-87 G describes what a breast looks like up
    close spots, pimples, frecklesnauseous
  • Humans are terrifying when you look up close
  • G. sees Brobingnags as Lilliputs saw him
  • Eyes are like microscopes
  • Reduce everything to parts

The Watchmaker God
  • B/c science (led by Newton) is systematizing the
    world, the Enlightenment brings with it a new
    conception of God as a watchmaker. He creates
    the world, winds it up like a watch, and sets it
    in motion.
  • Very different than a providential God who
    intercedes in peoples lives
  • Lilliputs are fascinated with Gullivers watch
    and King of Brogdignag wonders if Gulliver is a
    toy-like contraption
  • Are we just mechanisms/wound up clocks?

Swifts answer hopefully not
  • Satire throws a monkey-wrench in the works.
  • Knowledge should be related to moral life, not
    just objective science.
  • This is the crux of Swifts satire in Book III.

Laputa and Lagado philosophical speculation and
practical science
  • Laputians are like astronomer in Rasselas their
    heads are literally in the clouds
  • Flappers are needed to keep them alive b/c they
    ignore the exigencies of the real world
  • Women prefer to be treated poorly than to be

Flying Island
  • Flying islandBalnibarbirulerruled
  • EnglandIreland
  • George IIIAmerica
  • Countrywide (mortgage industry)homebuyers
  • These relationships are defined by haughtiness,
    power, detachment and ruthlessness.

Projectors and their silly projects
  • Pp.188-189 universal machine
  • Satirizes shortcutsthe idea that growth and
    education can come without application
  • i.e. University of Phoenix, mail-order degrees,
    self-help books

On language
  • Thomas Sprat wished to reform language so that it
    would be more empiricalspoke before Royal
    Historical Society
  • p. 190 projectors propose cutting verbs and
    participles, or just abolishing words in favor of
    objects altogether
  • Problem if you reduce language, you reduce
  • Corollary we live in more than one realmin the
    empirical world but also in a world of ideas and
  • Rich language and metaphor are necessary to
    reflect this world

  • utopia designates the class of fictional
    writings that represent an ideal but nonexistent
    political and social way of life. It derives from
    Utopia (1515-1516), a book written in Latin by
    the Renaissance humanist Sir Thomas More which
    describes a perfect commonwealth. It is a
    conflation of the two words, eutopia (good
    place) and outopia (no place)
  • dystopia (bad place) applied to works of
    fiction, including science fiction, that
    represent a very unpleasant imaginary world in
    which ominous tendencies of our present social,
    political, and technological order are projected
    into a disastrous future culmination

Book 3 as Dystopia
  • Scientific and political theme are one future is
    a nightmare
  • No room for individuality (Lord Munodi)
  • Bureaucracies ossify (harden)
  • Science and politics both become detached from
    everyday life and the needs of humans

Mocking the Travel Narrative
  • xviii This volume would have been at least
    twice as large, if I had not made bold to strike
    out innumerable passages relating to the winds
    and tides, as well as to the variations and
    bearings in the several voyages together with
    the minute descriptions of the management of the
    ship in storms, in the style of silors likewise
    the account of the longitudes and latitudes
  • p.148 I thought we were already overstocked
    with books of travels.

Swifts Epitaph
  • Here is laid the body of Jonathan Swift, Doctor
    of Divinity, Dean of this Cathedral Church, where
    fierce indignation can no longer rend the heart.
    Go, traveler, and imitate if you can this earnest
    and dedicated champion of liberty. He died on the
    19th day of October 1745 AD. Aged 78 years.
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