Attraction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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All human cultures & most primates live in groups. Living ... Miss America 1920-2000. Playboy models. Thought to be a marker for fertility. Matching Hypothesis ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Attraction

  • June 4th, 2007

Todays Agenda
  • Recap
  • Questions from last time?
  • Where do our friends come from?
  • In-class exercise
  • Propinquity
  • Similarity
  • Assorted other attraction issues

  • All human cultures most primates live in groups
  • Living in groups is practical
  • Isolation is terrible for people
  • People are different in groups
  • Deindividuation
  • Group polarization

Questions from last time?
  • Did you enjoy Quiet Rage?
  • Thumbs up
  • Thumbs to side
  • Thumbs down

Where do your friends come from?
  • Where did you meet your friends?
  • Do your friends have similar interests to you?
    Similar opinions?
  • How important is physical attractiveness
  • In romantic relationships?
  • In friendships?

  • Studies of Propinquity and Attraction
  • Westwood West Study (Festinger, Schachter,
    Back, 1950)
  • used a Sociometric Survey a survey that attempts
    to measure the interpersonal relationships in a
    group of people
  • measured Functional Distance - an architectural
    layouts propensity to encourage or inhibit
    certain activities, like contact between people

Who has more friends?
  • 1
  • 2
  • Equal
  • Cant guess

Organizing by Name
  • Correlational study of friendship in MD Police
    Academy (Segal, 1974)
  • Alphabetical assignment of housing seating
  • Who was friends with who at the end?

  • The previous studies were with homogenous
    populations (everyone was similar)
  • MIT after the war
  • MD State police
  • Maybe propinquity only matters when theres
    nothing else to go on?
  • Does propinquity matter with a more diverse

  • Manhattan Housing Project study (Nahemow
    Lawton, 1975)
  • ½ Black
  • 1/3 White
  • 1/6th Puerto Rican
  • Propinquity Similarity had effects on
  • Best friends 85 same building, 50 same floor
  • 70 of friendships across category were on same
    floor vs. 40 within category

Why Propinquity?
  • Availability
  • You need to meet people to befriend them
  • Anticipating interaction
  • People like people more if they expect to meet
    them, all other things equal
  • Motivated to be nice, and being nice gets you
  • Mere exposure effect
  • Demonstrated by our friend Zajonc

Mere Exposure Effect
  • The more you are exposed to something, the more
    you like it.
  • The more you see Bob Zajonc, the more you will
    grow to like him
  • This is a general effect it happens in multiple
    species and across domains

The more you see me, the more you like me!
Mere Exposure
  • Used Novel stimuli
  • Effect same for all
  • Also works subliminally

Audiophile Rats
  • Rats raised on a composer learn to like his
  • IV Music played during early life
  • DV Place preference

Similarity and Attraction
  • Studies of Similarity and Attraction
  • Whyte (1956) study of Chicago suburb layout
  • People who get together tend to share either
    location or interests

Fig. 3.5
Similarity and Attraction
  • Bogus Stranger paradigm
  • Experimental paradigm
  • Participant tries to make inferences about
    stranger based on limited information
  • Given Qs supposedly filled out by someone else
  • These are rigged to be either similar or
  • Make a variety of judgments about this
    (fictional) person, including how likely it is
    they would like them
  • People predict liking those whose answers are
    similar to their own

Similarity and Attraction
  • Opposites attract
  • Are there any Paula Abdul fans in the house?
  • Complementarity
  • Most studies claiming to support complementarity
    have been criticized on methodological grounds
  • Similarity appears to be the rule, and
    complementarity, the exception, in attraction

Similarity and Attraction
  • Why Does Similarity Promote Attraction?
  • Similar Others Validate Our Beliefs and
  • I knew I was right about Bush! Natalie thinks so
  • Similarity Facilitates Smooth Interactions
  • Theres something to talk about
  • We Expect Similar Others to Like Us
  • This makes us behave more positively towards them
  • Similar Others Have Qualities We Like
  • Our qualities are ones we like

First, Id like your opinions
  • What can you tell about someone from a picture?
  • Personality?
  • Intelligence?
  • Kindness?
  • Lets try something

Well talk about that after the break
A Few things about Physical Attractiveness
  • Though we tend to like those people who are
    physically attractive, the reverse is also true
    We find people we like more attractive than those
    we dont like.
  • Happy couples tend to idolize each others
    physical attractiveness
  • Do I think my wife is better-looking than she is?
  • Physical attractiveness is less stable than we
    think some less attractive young people get
    better looking with age, and some great looking
    young people lose their luster with age.
  • Any personal stories here?

Physical Attractiveness
  • Thank God Im pretty!
  • Halo Effect
  • Common belief that attractive individuals possess
    a host of positive qualities beyond their
    physical appearance
  • Do attractive people really have better social
    skills than others?
  • Goldman Lewis, 1977 Ratings over the phone w/
    member of opposite sex of varied attractiveness

Physical Attractiveness
  • The physical attractiveness stereotype may be due
    to a self-fulfilling prophecy - the tendency for
    people to act in ways that elicit confirmation of
    a belief that they hold
  • Snyder, Tanke, Berscheid (1977) gave males bogus
    picture (attractive or unattractive)
  • Phone conversation
  • Listened to only womens half of conversation
  • Attractive warmer, more socially poised

Physical Attractiveness
  • Good lookers have it good from the start!
  • More affectionate playful attention from
  • More friends in nursery school
  • Rated as smarter better behaved by teachers

Physical Attractiveness
  • Even babies like the attractive ones!
  • Babies look at attractive faces longer

Gender and the Impact of Physical Attractiveness
  • It is more important for women to be attractive
    than men
  • Popularity, dating prospects, marriage

Physical Attractiveness
  • But why does P.A. have these effects?
  • Immediacy
  • First impressions really are strong, and whether
    someone is attractive is known immediately
  • Prestige
  • Sigall and Landy (1973) study
  • Female Male confederates
  • Girlfriend or not, pretty or not
  • M.C. rated as more likeable, friendly, confident
    when girl is girlfriend and pretty

Biology of Attractiveness
  • Part of being beautiful is being healthy,
    markers of health
  • Cross-Cultural Agreement on What is Attractive
  • Beauty same in eyes of different beholders
  • Symmetry
  • What is Attractive Changes Over Time
  • Fashions of day

Do Women Men have Different Priorities?
  • Sex Differences in Mate Preferences and Perceived
  • Men seem to want beauty (and lots of mates)
  • Women seem to want resources fewer mates
  • Back to graph

Fig. 3.6 bottom
1600s Supermodel
  • Rubens (1577-1640)
  • What western society considers attractive has
    changed throughout history
  • Different across cultures
  • Varies with availability of food
  • Less food more ample women
  • Hungry men like more substantial women

Mid 20th Icon
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Thinner than before, heavier than current ideal
  • Elizabeth Hurley quote

Ideal woman 2006?
  • Keira Knightly
  • Vogues covergirl this month
  • Skinny accusations of eating disorders

The magic ratio 710
  • Males prefer females w/ a waist-to-hip ratio of
  • This is very unattractive in men
  • Weight declines, ratio doesnt change
  • Miss America 1920-2000
  • Playboy models
  • Thought to be a marker for fertility

Matching Hypothesis
  • People tend to pair up with similarly attractive
  • Strong tendency inromantic relationships
  • Somewhat less so for friends
  • 9 mos. later

What Do Women Find Attractive?
  • Is the masculine ideal more stable?
  • Cycle-dependent attractiveness
  • Sexy Son Hypothesis

Average Faces
  • The Average Face is Attractive (Langlois
    Roggman, 1990)
  • Individual faces vs. composites
  • People judge composites as more attractive
  • http//

Physical Attractiveness
  • Some important conclusions from research on
    physical attractiveness and attraction
  • Though there are some features that are nearly
    universally-regarded as attractive, there is
    considerable variability in what individuals find
  • You might have a type you find attractive
  • Other idiosyncratic somethings you find
    off-putting or intriguing

Questions Comments?
  • Tomorrow, relationships!
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