Title: The BIG BANG
- If the universe is expanding, it must have been
smaller in the past - If it was smaller in the past, then at some point
the expansion must have started - The start of the expansion is thought to have
been an explosion called the BIG BANG - The age of the universe is can be found by
distance of the most distant galaxies and their
recessional velocities - Current figures place the age about about 13.7
billion years
2The cosmic microwave background radiation that
fills all space is evidence for the BIG BANG
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5COBE background
Dipole radiation (our motion)
Milky Way radio waves
Lumpiness of cosmic background
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7Aquarius (redshifted)
Leo (blueshifted)
8Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)
- Mapped cosmic background radiation
- Measured age of universe at 13.7 billion years
- Supports open universe (will expand forever)
- Universe is 4 normal matter, 23 dark matter,
73 dark energy
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15The Cosmic Calendar
- What if the age of the universe was compressed to
one year?
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19Life in the Universe
20Requirements for life
- Solvent (water)
- Atom for bonding (carbon)
- Complex molecules
- The right temperature (liquid water)
- Time...
21The Drake equation predicts how many
civilizations are in the Milky Way
Ex 200 billion 50 1 50 20 20 1/1,000,000
- N RfpneflfifcfL
- N Number of solar-type stars in the galaxy
- fp fraction of stars that have planets
- ne number of planets per stay system suitable
for life - fl fraction of those habitable planets on
which life actually arises - fi fraction of those life forms that evolve
into intelligent species - fc fraction of those species that develop
adequate technology and then choose to send
messages out into space - fL fraction of stars lifetime of that
technologically advanced civilization survives
22Life on Mars?
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24Arecibo message sent from Earth in 1974
25Voyager carries a message to the stars
26Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
27Suggested Summer Reading
- A Short History of the Universe by Joseph Silk
(Cosmology) - The First Three Minutes by Steven Weinberg (The
Big Bang) - The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene (String
Theory) - Understanding Relativity by Leo Sartori
- Cosmos by Carl Sagan (Life, the universe and
everything) - Sky Telescope magazine (observational
astronomy) - Red Mars Green Mars Blue Mars by Kim Stanley
Robinson (Science Fiction)