Title: Minimum Impact Strategies and Tactics
1Minimum Impact Strategies and Tactics
Managing Resources During Unplanned Ignitions
Workshop (Fire Resource Advisors) Ogden, Utah -
January 2009 Prepared by Suzanne Cable Moose
Creek Ranger District - Nez Perce National Forest
2Todays Discussion Includes
- Compilation of existing MIST information thanks
to - resources available on www.Wilderness.net
- Provided by the Arthur Carhart National
Wilderness Training Center
3Todays Discussion Includes
- Hints/suggestions for MIST success some art to
go along with the science - Some discussion of Wilderness specific issues
- Where to go for more information resources
4 Whats in an acronym?
- Minimum Impact Suppression Techniques or Tactics
(MIST) - Minimum Impact Management Tactics (MIMT)
- Minimum Impact Strategies and Tactics
- Same objective, changing name
- Key is Minimum Impact
5What does MIST mean?
- A few definitions from various sources
- To minimize fire suppression impacts on the land
while ensuring the actions taken are safe, timely
and effective - The intent of MIST is to suppress a wildfire with
the least impact to the land
6What does MIST mean?
- MIST is not intended to represent a separate or
distinct classification of firefighting tactics
but rather a mind set of how to suppress a
wildfire while minimizing the long-term effects
of the supression action - Ten years from now, which will be most
noticeable the effects of the fire or the
effects of the firefighter?
7What does MIST mean?
- My definition
- Techniques that will allow you to meet your fire
management objective while using Resource (or
Wilderness) appropriate methods resulting in the
minimum impact necessary
8Resource Benefits of MIST
- Less water quality degradation
- Less habitat destruction aquatic and terrestrial
- Less vegetation impacts
- Less introduction of exotic species
- Less soil compaction
- Less erosion
- Less visual impact stumps, fire line, retardant
9Wilderness Considerations
- 1964 Wilderness Act, Wilderness values
- natural condition
- preservation of their Wilderness character
- untrammeled
- primeval character and influence
- managed so as to preserve its natural conditions
- generally appears to be affected by the forces of
nature - with the impact of mans work substantially
10- Forest Service Manual
- 2324.23 Fire Management Activities. Conduct
all fire management activities within wilderness
in a manner compatible with overall wilderness
management objectives. Give preference to using
methods and equipment that cause the least - Alternation of the wilderness landscape.
- Disturbance to the land surface.
- Disturbance to visitor solitude.
- Reduction of visibility during periods of visitor
use. - Adverse effect on other air quality related
11- 2324.23 Fire Management Activities. continued
- Locate fire camps, helispots, and other temporary
facilities or improvements outside of the
wilderness boundary whenever feasible. -
- Rehabilitate disturbed areas within wilderness to
as natural an appearance as possible.
12What helps MIST succeed?
- Skilled firefighters with the
- right tools,
- good leadership, and
- a willing attitude
13What helps MIST succeed?
- Try to put yourself in the firefighters place
see if from their perspective
14What helps MIST succeed?
- Be a good READ build your credibility, gain
experience on the line, maintain your FFT2
qualifications (if possible)
15When does MIST apply?
- Anytime and anywhere people or tools touch the
ground or are dropped from the air! - It includes all human activities
16What Size Fires Need MIST?
- Type IV small incidents through Type I teams
- Get help if you need it other resource
specialists, READ trainees
17Whats the role of the READ related to MIST?
- Represent your line officer by making sure that
your Resource is protected while a fire event is
being managed - Work with the IC and others fire personnel to
18Whats the role of the READ related to MIST?
- Ask questions and provide options/advice
- Be there and be involved!
- Participate in the AAR
19Wilderness Specific Considerations
- Think long term dont disregard prohibitions on
motorized equipment and mechanical transport, but
see the big picture - When moto/mech is approved, provide specific
definition of what is authorized - Use when needed, but only when needed (chainsaws
for fire suppression vs. firewood at spike camp) - Helicopter for emergency medi-evac vs.
convenience for crew transport - Pumps for practice
- Tracking for INFRA Wild of intrusions
- Lack of skills or tools does not justify
20READ Tool Kit for MIST Success
- The Science Part
- Weather forecasts
- Fire history maps
- Forest fire behavior characteristics
- Minimum Requirements Decision Guide (Wilderness)
- Local requirements for MIST (in writing, signed)
- Plus all the other things in your READ kit
prepared in advance
21READ Tool Kit for MIST Success
- The People Part (or Art)
- A good relationship with your FMO, your Line
Officer, other specialists on your Forest - A patient, but persistent attitude
- Creative thinking
- The ability to think long term
- The ability to help make it happen
22MIST Tactics
- Without compromising firefighter or public
safety, MIST should be used for all fire
activities, including - Line construction or other containment actions
(including escape routes safety zones) - Crew and equipment transport, including heli-spot
construction - Structure Protection and fuel reduction
- Spike and coyote camps
- Mop-up
- Rehab work
23Firefighter and Public Safety
- It is a myth that MIST inherently compromises
safety - MIST and safety are compatible with skilled
firefighters - Support and commit to safety, but dont allow
safety to become an excuse for not using MIST - Know when the safety card is being played to
prevent the use of MIST tactics
24Firefighter and Public Safety
- How to know when its safe?
- Ultimately, its not your call one tactic does
not fit all - But you can
- Offer options
- Help crews obtain the skills they need
- Help fill gaps in skills for next time
25Line ConstructionHand Line
26or Machine Line
27Fire Line
- Work with the IC and others to
- Use natural and existing barriers rather than
line (rocks, roads, trails, rivers) - Locate line in minimal fuels
- Use only the width and depth necessary to halt
fire spread - Limb or fall only when necessary for safety and
to prevent fire spread
28Fire Line
- Consider widening minimal line by burning fuels
between the line and the fire (burn out) - Roll logs rather than buck, or reroute around
logs - Scrape fuels from the base of snags
- When building line, locate away from snags where
possible - Consider explosives
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31As Fuels Increase
- Look for use of natural barriers
- May need more intensive fireline
- Consider use of more intensive burn-out tactics
Burning out can be effective, but requires a
high degree of expertise
33Burn out can look like this
34Or possibly like this
35Burn Out Tactics
- When applied from natural barriers, burn out may
reduce the need to build handline - Burn out can be effective around private
in-holdings and during structure protection - Fire behavior may depend on the time of day
some MIST tactics may be more successful at
night/morning rather than during the day
36Crew and Equipment Transport
37Transport Considerations
- How will crews and equipment get there
- Need for speed
- Location
- Look for options
- Driving to road access
- Hiking on and off trail
- Rappelling
- Smokejumpers
- What are the impacts of each option?
- Long term vs. short term
38Helicopter Operations
- During planning consider the objectives
- If primarily for crew support
- Use paracargo?
- Use longline?
- Or can you use stock?
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40Helicopter Operations
- If primarily used for crew shuttles
- Use natural openings
- Avoid construction in high use areas
- Are there other sites within reasonable walking
distance? - Provide specific instructions for construction
Good heli-spots are found not made
42- Insert slides of Cedar Fire
43Heli-spot Construction
- Flush cut stumps
- Limit bucking and limbing
- Use directional falling so trees will be
crisscrossed in a more naturally appearing
arrangement - Think rehab from the start
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46Structure Protection
47Structure Protection
- MIST considerations
- Have plans in place and equipment cached
- Consult with Heritage specialists on historic
structures - How to not damage structures while protecting
them? - How to best use water?
- Keep track of what is installed and where for
efficient removal
48Structure protection may look like this
49 50 51 52- Try to use water when possible to minimize damage
to buildings - Only wrap whats needed
53- Be prepared for living with protection in place
54Structure Protection
- When vegetation removal is needed, provide clear
direction for - Low stumping
- Slash dispersal
- Type of tools used (W motorized?)
- Consider trade-offs for each unique structure
between use of water, pumps, vegetation removal,
55Precautions Around Water
- Avoid use of retardants and other chemicals near
live streams - (W or at all?)
- Provide spill prevention and containment measures
for all pumps and fuel containers - Use longer draft hoses
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57 58Spike Camp Management
59Crew activities
Eating Sleeping Sanitation Socializing
60Camp Management
- Evaluate coyote camp impacts vs. travel
- Get a camp manager
- Provide specific instructions for camp management
and monitor results - Use existing and impact resistant sites
61Camp Management
- Be involved in site selection
- Be there before the crew shows up
- Flag travel routes from camp to other areas to
minimize user trails - Designate areas for washing, keep pollutants out
of surface water
62- Avoid clearing and trenching and no bough beds
63- Locate latrines at least 200 from water and at
least 8 deep - Use a trench (shallow) or communal pit (deep)
thats filled in and rehabbed
64- Plan ahead and prepare for toilet options
- Have equipment already on your unit and ready for
65- Properly store wildlife (bear) attractants
- Plan for garbage removal
66- Provide instructions for campfires and firewood
67- Look for creative solutions
68Mop Up
69Mop Up Considerations
- Mop-up standards are negotiated
- Strive for the minimum necessary to secure the
line from escape - The standard is a balance between resource values
and mitigation for safety - Minimizing mop-up impacts requires longer
70Mop Up Techniques
- Use cold trailing
- Use water rather than tools
- Minimize soil disturbance
- Cool, remove or burn fuels
- Allow fuels to burn out
- Fire line around problems rather than fall
71Tree Removal
- During mop-up
- Identify hazards with flagging or glow sticks
- Extinguish burning trees with water or dirt
- Prohibit sport felling or practice felling
- Consider blasting
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- Prevent introduction or spread of weeds
- Locate helibases and camps in weed-free areas,
when possible - If camps have weeds, flag off areas and establish
travel routes through weed-free areas - Power wash all equipment used on the fire
(including hose) going in and out - Minimize disturbance areas, including hand line
75Fire Management Impacts Rehab
- The objective is to mitigate or eliminate
resource damage to as natural a condition as
possible - Use locally appropriate methods think long term
consider precipitation, elevation, slope,
aspect, etc. - The standards applied can significantly affect
the cost of a fire include costs on the fires
76Rehab of Fire Line
- Fill in berms and provide drainage, if necessary
- Scatter bone piles
- Flush cut stumps or hand fuzz
- Naturalize
- Be prepared to demonstrate what you mean
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84- Provide instructions for flush cutting and stump
85Hand Fuzzing
86Heli-spot Rehab
- Fuzz stumps and log ends
- Reposition downed logs for distribution across
the site - Use targeted, explosive blasts to create
microhabitat depressions - Pull flagging
- Rehab access trails
87Pulling trees into the cleared landing pad with a
hand-operated grip hoist
88The Landing Pad
89Targeted, explosive blasts to create microhabitat
Rehab after the blast
After the blast
90- Structure protection
- Remove staples from buildings
- Pump sites rehab site impacts
- Hose lays rehab trails along hoses
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92- Spike Camps
- Cover latrine
- Pick up all litter and naturalize
- ICP, Staging Areas and Drop Points
- Rehab as locally appropriate
- Pick up all litter and naturalize
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103How to make MIST work
- Theres more than one way to do almost
everything! - Ask the questions and provide options
- Is this necessary to meet objectives?
- If so, whats the best way to do it with the
least impact?
Firefighters under stress often do what theyve
done before and may not think of better ways to
do a task try to help them find a better way
104How to go from words to actions
- Not only offer suggestions for how, but be
prepared and able to explain why - Be there and everywhere get help if you need it
(READ trainees and technical specialists) - Be prepared to get dirty
105How to go from words to actions
- Know your line officer and stay within their
limits - Help firefighters be successful by doing whats
necessary to make it work - Helicopters vs. Stock Support
- Toilets for proper camps sanitation
- W Cross cut saw training equipment
106Proactive ways help MIST happen
- Check out your areas standard Delegation of
Authority letter is MIST in there? - Provide MIST training to your local ICs and crews
before the season begins - Share the burden challenge
- Remind them that MIST is their responsibility
- Challenge crews to do good work
- Remind ICs that they are responsible for the
actions of their subordinates and that they will
be held accountable for both successes and
107Crossing the Line How is Wilderness Different?
- Your success will be measured not only by your
management of the fire, but also by the impacts
you leave behind. - Following a fire, the effects of the fire may
be evident but the impacts of any management
actions should not be. - You become a Wilderness Manager
108Proactive ways help MIST happen
- Set up an annual meeting with other resource
specialists to review resource concerns (get info
in advance with a signature when appropriate) - Help identify tool and skills gaps and work with
your Fire organization to build the skills and
get the tools - Get on the agenda for Guard School and talk about
MIST fire line tactics are best learned before
firefighters are on the incident - Work with your fire shop to prepare a resource
map (values at risk) for your area
109Final suggestions
- Dont assume that experienced firefighters know
about MIST and will automatically do the right
thing (Smokejumpers and Hot Shots included) - Be especially alert with ICs from different
regions or agencies - Name request specific ICs that you know
understand MIST or your resource
110Final suggestions
- W some will ask for moto/mech approval just
because they can (and make the Line officer say
no) - Keep track of what people and equipment are where
to aid in rehab and monitoring - Start the rehab plan on day one
- On big fires, use all the resources you have
available get help from other specialists, use
their knowledge!
111Other suggestions?or lessons learned?
- www.Wilderness.net Toolboxes, Fire Management
- There you will find
- Handbooks/pocketguides
- Guidelines/briefing papers
- Powerpoint presentations
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