Title: Monsanto RT3 Distribution
1Monsanto RT3 Distribution
- Team Members
- Kevin Long, Monsanto
- Jim Most, Monsanto
- David Vail, US Transportation Command
2RT3 Distribution The Project
- Purpose
- Evaluate Terminal Distribution effectiveness
- Delivery costs, inventory carrying costs
- Evaluate rail transload vs fixed storage
- Evaluate stock positioning requirements to meet
peak seasonal demands - Evaluate distribution nodes and propose revisions
(if needed) - Utility
- Reduce distribution costs without corresponding
increase in inventory carrying costs while
ensuring customer delivery timeline targets are
3RT3 Distribution The Product
- What is RT3?
- Glyphosate-based agricultural herbicide
- Used to control annual and perennial weeds
- Manufactured at one plant in Muscatine, IA
- Customers
- Sold primarily in Central Plains and Mountain
states - CO, ID, KS, MN, MT, NE, ND, OK, OR, SD, TX, UT,
4RT3 Manufactured in Muscatine, IA
5RT3 Optimal Distribution Using 4 Terminals
6RT3 Distribution Muscatine, IA
7RT3 Distribution Harrold, SD
8RT3 Distribution McCook, NE
9RT3 Distribution Billings, MT
10RT3 Distribution Pasco, WA
11RT3 Non-Optimal Deliveriesover 1,021K Gallons
- Non-optimal customer deliveries
- 424,000 gallons from Muscatine, IA
- 139,000 gallons from Harrold, SD
- 107,000 gallons from McCook, NE
- 49,000 gallons from Billings, MT
- 13,000 gallons from Pasco, WA
- Non-Optimal Truck to Terminals (vice rail)
- 288,000 gallons (Muscatine to terminals, and
terminal to terminal)
12RT3 Distribution Focused Goals
- The goals of this project became more specific
- 1) reduce non-optimal 1st leg deliveries by
determining required lead times and safety stock.
This would enable the use of railcars from the
Muscatine plant to all regional storage
locations and - 2) reduce the miles for 2nd leg truck deliveries
by identifying appropriate regional storage
locations needed to satisfy expected customer
demand within desired delivery time standards.
13RT3 Distribution Error Analysis
- FMEA / Error Analysis
- 4 areas evaluated
- Forecast
- Pricing
- Terminal Locations
- Inventory / Safety Stock
- Standard Error of the Estimate
- The basic equation.
- Where AActuals, EEstimate and N observations.
14RT3 Model Inputs
NOTE COGS and GP entered into model, but not
shown here
15RT3 Distribution Forecast Variability
16RT3 Distribution Error Analysis - Findings
- Forecast Error 82
- Under-forecasting bias of 70
- Low pricing was contributing factor
- Fixed Storage and Rail Terminal Locations
- No forecasts by regional terminal
- North Dakota had highest sales, but no
prepositioned stock - No Safety Stock, Inadequate Inventory
17RT3 Distribution Recommendations
- Inventory / Safety Stock
- Should be 1.5 times forecast
- Need 30 railcar equivalents
- Terminal Locations
- Position rail storage in North Dakota vice
continued support from Harrold, SD - Rail storage is cheaper than fixed storage and
more flexible - Lease 15 railcars
- Cycle times and transit times factored into 30
railcar equivalents
18US Railway Network
Add Rail Terminal at Bismarck, ND
19RT3 Distribution Bismarck Savings
20RT3 Distribution Projected Recurring Savings
- Elimination of non-optimal BMT deliveries to
customers 250,000 - Elimination of non-optimal BMT deliveries to
terminals 100,000 - Addition of Bismarck rail terminal for ND
deliveries 250,000 - Lease cost of additional 15 railcars (105,000)
- Total Net Annual Savings 495,000
21RT3 Distribution Team Validation
- The RT3 project recommendations have been
presented and accepted by a Monsanto Executive
Team. Additional safety stock is being added per
the future RT3 future forecasts and Bismarck, ND
is being added as the delivery terminal for North