The State of Poverty in Malawi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The State of Poverty in Malawi


The State of Poverty in Malawi ... Deepen our understanding of the living conditions of the poor in Malawi. ... sharply reduce the level of poverty in Malawi. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The State of Poverty in Malawi

The State of Poverty in Malawi
  • Results of the poverty analysis of the 1997-98
    Integrated Household Survey
  • An activity of the Poverty Monitoring
    System,National Economic Council

Programme of presentations - I
  • Institutional context of poverty analysis
  • Dr. H. Ngombe, NEC
  • IHS and poverty analysis methods
  • Mr. C. Machinjili, NSO
  • Poverty measures for Malawi
  • Mr. L. Kachikopa, NEC
  • Poverty profile of Malawi part I
  • Mrs. P. Zimpita, NEC

Programme of presentations - II
  • Poverty profile of Malawi part II
  • Mr. W. Kachaka, NSO
  • Tea break
  • The way forward against poverty in light of the
    IHS poverty analysis
  • Dr. W. Chilowa, CSR
  • General comments

Objectives for this meeting
  • Deepen our understanding of the living conditions
    of the poor in Malawi.
  • Jointly propose and evaluate different strategies
    for reducing poverty in the country.
  • presentation will review possible poverty policy
  • group discussions will work on details.

Poverty Alleviation Programme (PAP) of the
Government of Malawi
  • Commitment made in 1994 to sharply reduce the
    level of poverty in Malawi.
  • The PAP is the key policy framework to guide
    government development planning.

Poverty Monitoring System (PMS)
  • Established to provide monitoring and evaluation
    function for PAP.
  • Monitoring the progress of poverty oriented
    policies, programmes, and projects.
  • Evaluating them in terms of their impact,
    effectiveness, and efficiency.

Poverty Monitoring System organization
Activities of the core PMS institutions
  • National Statistical Office
  • Integrated Household Survey (IHS) 1997-98
  • Participant in poverty analysis of IHS 2000
  • National Economic Council
  • Poverty analysis of the IHS 2000
  • Qualitative Impact Monitoring Surveys (QUIM)
  • Small Policy Studies
  • Centre for Social Research
  • Complementary Panel Survey 2000-2002
  • repeated visits to 800 IHS households

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The 1997-98 MalawiIntegrated Household Survey
  • The key socio-economic data set for the analysis
    of how Malawians lived in the late-1990s.
  • Successfully conducted by the National
    Statistical Office.

The 1997-98 MalawiIntegrated Household Survey
  • Tool for analyzing the well-being of households,
    including their
  • expenditure and consumption patterns,
  • employment,
  • health, fertility, and nutrition,
  • education.
  • Of value beyond poverty analysis.
  • For example, will be used by NSO to develop an
    updated CPI series for monitoring inflation.

IHS, why is it unique?
  • Largest household survey on living conditions
    ever conducted in Malawi.
  • 12,960 households surveyed in all districts from
    November 1997 - October 1998.
  • Funded primarily using government revenue.
  • Provides an assessment of individual welfare down
    to the district level.
  • district-level estimates of aggregate poverty can
    be made from the IHS.

Collaborative poverty analysis of the IHS
  • Three institutions involved
  • National Statistical Office
  • National Economic Council
  • International Food Policy Research Institute
  • IHS data became available in May 2000.
  • Preliminary poverty lines established in June.
  • The analysis is well-documented so that the same
    methods can be used again in the future.

Poverty analysis methodological details
  • Uses per capita total consumption as a measure of
    household welfare.
  • not income.
  • Consumption made up of
  • food.
  • both purchased and that from own-production.
  • non-food consumption.
  • use value of durable goods owned.
  • e.g. furniture, appliances, bicycles, etc.
  • rental value of housing for household.

Poverty analysis methodological details (cont.)
  • Poverty lines are estimates of what it would cost
    to meet the basic needs of an individual.
  • food and non-food basic needs
  • food component based on recommended daily
    requirements for calories.
  • non-food component based on actual non-food
    consumption of poor individuals.

Poverty analysis methodological details (cont.)
  • Poverty lines were calculated for four geographic
  • Southern rural 3. Northern rural
  • Central rural 4. Urban
  • Different poverty line areas reflect different
    baskets of basic needs and regional price
  • No national poverty line, although an average can
    be computed.

Poverty lines(April 1998 prices)
  • Reflects both purchased andnon-purchased
  • 60 of consumption is non-monetized in rural

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IHS poverty headcount - 1998
  • Individuals are less likely to be poor in urban
  • Population of Southern region overall is poorer
    than that of other regions.

District-level poverty headcount
Inequality in consumption levels in Malawi
  • Greater inequality in urban areas than in rural
  • National Gini coefficient of 0.401
  • Note, Gini of 1.00 is total inequality 0.00 is
    total equality.

Where are people in relation to the average
poverty line?
Aggregate poverty gap
  • Value of total additional consumption needed to
    bring all poor up to the poverty line
  • MK 17 billion annually in current prices.
  • US 325 million.
  • about 19 of Malawis GDP.

Poverty reduction strategies
  • In assessing poverty reduction strategies, need
    to consider whether it is a better policy to
  • raise the consumption of the poorest so that they
    are in a less-poor condition, or
  • raise the somewhat poor to a non-poor
  • To reduce poverty, both targeted growth
    strategies and social safety nets should be

Poverty reduction strategies (cont.)
  • In the case of Malawi, eliminating poverty for
    the least-poor 10 of the poor leads to an
    overall poverty gap reduction of less than 2

Poverty reduction strategies (cont.)
  • In contrast, eliminating poverty for the
    most-poor 10 of the poor leads to an overall
    poverty gap reduction of 19 percent.

Poverty reduction strategies (cont.)
  • 29 of pop. are ultra-poor.
  • Raising ultra-poor consumption to above
    ultra-poverty line reduces total poverty gap 22.
  • Ultra-poor still will be poor, but their poverty
    will be less severe.

Poverty reduction strategies (cont.)
  • With limited resources, it is more desirable to
    reduce poverty for a larger number of the
    poorest, rather than to eliminate poverty for a
    smaller number of the poor.
  • Clear that we need to target our efforts among
    the poor.
  • It is also important to look at the depth of
    poverty the location of the poor below the
    poverty line.
  • We need to consider more than simply the poverty

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Looking at poor households
  • How do poor households differ from non-poor
    households in term of their
  • demographic composition,
  • educational level of adults children,
  • health and fertility, and
  • economic activities, including agriculture.

Demography household size
  • Poor families are larger.
  • Poor families have more dependants per worker.
  • Poor 1.05 dependents per worker
  • Non-poor 0.65 dependents per worker

Sex of household head
  • Greater proportion of poor households are headed
    by women than is seen in non-poor households.
  • However, most poor households are male-headed.

Poverty measures by sex of head of household
  • Poverty is deeper and more severe in
    female-headed households.
  • Poorest of the poor are more likely to be living
    in female-headed households.


Education level of adults, by wealth group
  • Standard VIII attainment generally sufficient to
    get above the poverty line, but few attain that

Education levels of household heads - rural
  • Only slightly higher bars for non-poor with
    increasing education.
  • In the countryside, small welfare advantage from
    higher education.
  • There are few economic opportunities in rural
    areas for which lack of education is a barrier.

Education levels of household heads - urban
  • In the cities, clear welfare advantage to
    households heads who have attained higher levels
    of education.
  • As is common globally, it is in the cities that
    Malawians can use their education to their own
    economic advantage.

Childrens education- net enrolment
  • Net enrolment indicates access to schooling.
  • Relatively high access is seen across wealth
    groups, sexes, and rural-urban.
  • Universal free primary education provides quite
    high access to schooling for all.

Childrens education- gross enrolment
  • Gross enrolment rates above 100, as in all cases
    here, indicates poor quality or late enrolment.

Health and fertility
Number of children ever born to women aged 15-45,
by mothers educational level
  • Poor women tend to have more children than the
  • The more education a woman has, the fewer
    children she will have.

Immunization coverage
  • Health services appear to be doing a good job in
    providing immunization to all children,
    regardless of wealth status or location.

Nutrition rural food consumption relative to
recommended daily requirements (RDR) for calories
  • Rural population as a whole gets majority of
    calories consumed from own home production.
  • But not sufficient calories.
  • Rural poor are not consuming sufficient calories
    from all sources to meet recommended calorie
    intake level.

Proportion of total calories consumed, by food
  • Cereals dominate the diet.
  • Pulses important for rural households.
  • Sugar and cooking oil important in urban areas.
  • Fish and meat are more commonly consumed by the
    non-poor, particularly urban.
  • Non-poor have more diverse diets.

Summary on health and nutrition
  • Fertility
  • The higher the education level of the mother, the
    fewer children she has.
  • Immunization
  • Good coverage over all areas wealth groups.
  • Nutrition
  • Subsistence production remains very important for
    good nutrition, but is not sufficient for the
  • Cereals important source of calories, but
    importance declines with increases in income and

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Making a living Agriculture other economic
  • Agriculture
  • Non-farm business
  • Sources of income

Agricultural land use
  • Poor more likely to depend on agricultural land.
  • Land is critical to the well-being of the poor.
  • However, the pattern also demonstrates that
    agriculture is an activity for the poor.
  • The non-poor more likely to derive their welfare
    from other activities than agriculture.

Agricultural landholding size
  • Non-poor have larger per capita land-holdings
    than the poor.
  • Southern region has smallest landholdings overall.

Cropping patterns Food crops
  • Hybrid maize more commonly grown by non-poor,
    while local maize is grown by the poor.
  • With other food crops, no apparent barriers to
  • Find the poor and the non-poor equally likely to
    cultivate them.

Cropping patterns Cash crops
  • Overall, the poor and the non-poor are able to
    engage in cash cropping to the same degree.
  • Only with tobacco cropping do the poor appear

Cropping patterns Benefits from tobacco
  • However, the non-poor derive greater benefits
    from tobacco than do the poor.
  • Why? Poor likely have
  • fewer economies of scale,
  • lack of information on growing marketing the
    crop effectively,
  • credit and cash constraints,
  • poor access to auction floors.

Non-farm businesses
  • Rural Non-poor and Urban Poor most likely to own
    non-farm businesses.

Type of non-farm businesses
  • Trade is the most important non-farm business
    regardless of location.
  • Handicraft production is also important for rural
    individuals, especially the poor.

Industry of main occupation,by rural/urban
  • Contrast in industry of occupation is stronger
    between rural/urban than between poor/non-poor.
  • no surprise that principal rural occupation is
  • However, agricultural employment is more common
    among the rural poor than the rural non-poor.

Sources of income - rural
  • 60 of rural income accounted for in consumption
    of own production.
  • Salaries wages second most important source.
  • higher levels among the rural non-poor.
  • The low proportion of income from net
    agricultural sales is surprising.

Sources of income - urban
  • for the urban poor, salaries and wages are most
  • likewise for the non-poor, but non-farm business
    sales are much more important for the urban
    non-poor than for the poor.

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Options for policy, programs and future research
  • Ways to move forward from the IHS poverty analysis

Key points from presentations
  • Much clearer, detailed picture of poverty has
    been obtained from the IHS.
  • Poverty is as deep and pervasive as found in
    previous estimates.
  • Gloomy poverty situation underlines the
    importance of visionary and quick action.
  • to reduce poverty levels significantly, and
  • within an acceptable time frame.

Major pointers for the way forward
  • The poverty situation calls for
  • Firm national commitment.
  • Commitment to Vision 2020 is important starting
  • We need to get out of our trance and
    immediately take steps to realize this vision.
  • Committed government.
  • PAP is like an architects design it needs to be
    transformed into a physical structure.
  • What is missing is implementation.

Overall strategy for poverty reduction
  • Accelerate rate of economic growth.
  • Poor need jobs and income.
  • Only equitable and broad-based economic growth
    will create jobs and generate income for the
  • Agriculture-centered growth is more equitable.
  • Require higher rate of investment.
  • Incentives should be in place to facilitate such

Overall strategy for poverty reduction (cont.)
  • Develop essential human capital
  • to enable poor to effectively participate in the
    growth process.
  • increase investments in education and health.
  • Design well-targeted safety net programs.
  • targeted to the poor unable to benefit from the
    growth process.
  • development-oriented, rather than
  • develop an in-built exit mechanism, so that the
    system is not over-burdened.

Sectoral PoliciesAgriculture
  • Overwhelming role of agriculture
  • productivity increase in agriculture will be one
    of main engines of income growth in Malawi
  • Poor are doubly-burdened
  • farms are small and soil fertility is poor
  • lack superior technology

Sectoral policiesAgriculture (cont.)
  • Sustainable gains in productivity made only when
    inputs are optimally combined
  • soil fertility
  • irrigation
  • fertilizer
  • seeds
  • Balance between long-term and short term policies
    have to be struck.

Sectoral policiesAgriculture (cont.)
  • Markets that provide adequately remunerative
  • Long term solution hinges on infrastructure
  • In the short-term, increase competitiveness among
    market intermediaries
  • provide better prices and choices for the farmers

Sectoral policiesAgriculture (cont)
  • Livestock sector
  • Considerably underdeveloped now scope for
    growth is large.
  • needs to be integrated in a sustainable way with
    agricultural production.

Sectoral policies Education
  • Primary education matters.
  • Few have attained even this level.
  • More incentives are needed
  • Food for education to encourage children to go to
    and stay at school
  • Adult education programs
  • Introduce compulsory education?

Sectoral policies Education (cont.)
  • Quality at all levels, especially at the primary
    level, should be improved.
  • Without minimum quality, investment will be
  • Girls education is especially lacking.

Sectoral PoliciesHealth
  • Leading causes of morbidity and mortality are
    malaria, diarrhea and malnutrition.
  • Scope for low-cost preventative measures.
  • HIV/AIDS, though pandemic, can be contained.
  • Timely immunization and completion of full course
    should be emphasized.
  • Rather than mere coverage.

Future Research Areas
  • Use the IHS data for deeper sectoral studies.
  • Extending analysis to new areas
  • gender dimensions of poverty.
  • intra-household dimensions of poverty

Future Research Areas (cont.)
  • IHS a good starting point for studying poverty
  • Coupled with smaller complementary surveys and
    new rounds.
  • Important issues remain unresolved in the health
  • Interactions between socio-economic status and
    health outcomes needs to be further investigated.
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